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Star Odyssey

Chapter 622: Mr. Bai And The Scripture Pavilion
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Chapter 622: Mr. Bai And The Scripture Pavilion

“We’re both just people, so why are our lives so different? The Progenitor of Bloodlines placed three bloodlines inside of his sculpture, and if Fat Bro had gotten one of them, then my life would have changed. At that point, Fat Bro would have been able to turn around and suppress even that Autumnfrost Qing. Unfortunately, those three bloodlines have all already been taken. What a pity, what a pity,” the fatty mumbled.

“You better hurry up and search through the rest of the Scripture Pavilion, as more people will be coming since they’re all trying to prepare for The Hunt. Even a freak like Di Fa will come to the Daosource Sect to test his luck, so what do you think Autumnfrost Qing will do if he meets Di Fa? I’m really looking forward to that! I hope that Di Fa will give him a good beating!” The fatty’s imagination began to run wild.

This was not Lu Yin’s first time hearing the name Di Fa, and he seemed to be one of the top-notch powerhouses among the Bloodburn Realm’s younger generation. It sounded like he was a peak existence that truly towered above all others, and Lu Yin hoped that they would not bump into him.

When Lu Yin and Huang San returned to their previous location, they found that Sister Kui and the others were already there, and it was obvious from their expressions that they had not found anything either.

“Fatty, did you find that Pompom Pig bloodline?” one of the men called out teasingly.

The fatty ignored him and glanced around. He quickly realized that Yan Xiaojing was not back yet, and his expression dimmed.

“Oh! It seems our Fat Bro’s bloodline has advanced, and he doesn’t need to care about us anymore,” the man continued mocking.

Lu Yin was speechless. Did these people really like to make fun of others this much? It was quite annoying.

The fatty stood to one side and stayed quiet.

The man continued to mock Huang San a few more times, but he soon lost interest after the fatty refused to respond to anything. Then, he fell silent too.

After a few hours had passed, Autumnfrost Qing returned with Yan Xiaojing, and the fatty’s face changed when he looked over at the two of them.

Yan Xiaojing seemed to be acting a little bit more affectionately towards Autumnfrost Qing, and they were also standing much closer to one another than they had a few days before, to the extent where they were almost stuck together.

Lu Yin looked at the fatty sympathetically, as it was truly difficult to endure such a sight. He hoped that Huang San would not be overwhelmed and charge over to start a fight.

When Yan Xiaojing saw that the fatty had returned, she quickly created a bit more distance between herself and Autumnfrost Qing. Although she did not care about the fatty or even like him, they were still technically engaged.

Autumnfrost Qing did not mind her actions since he knew that Yan Xiaojing absolutely belonged to him. Although the woman could not be considered ravishing, she had a unique personality, and the Yan family’s development in recent years had a rather decent momentum. With Autumnfrost Qing’s status, he could not marry someone from a world Imprinter’s family, so he could only choose someone from an Imprinter’s clan. Thus, the Yan family was a decent choice for him.

Autumnfrost Qing and Yan Xiaojing weren’t the only ones who returned, as there was also another person silently following behind them. It was a man in white clothes.

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Lu Yin’s eyes flickered when he saw the man, as he recognized him. Lu Yin and Huang San had bumped into this person once in the last three days, and it was precisely the person who had noticed Lu Yin’s domain.

“Let me introduce this person to you all. This is Mr. Bai from the War Martial Realm, and he will join us when we explore the Scripture Pavilion later,” Autumnfrost Qing explained.

Mr. Bai stepped forward and greeted everyone with a gentle smile. He had a soft expression, and there was an indescribable charm to his smile that gave off a natural warmth.

Sister Kui and the others hurried to welcome him.

“Sorry to trouble everyone, and thank you, Brother Autumnfrost, for accepting me. I can’t thank you enough,” Mr. Bai said to Autumnfrost Qing.

Autumnfrost Qing smiled. “Brother Bai is too courteous. There’s too much distance between the War Martial Realm and Bloodburn Realm, and we should try to get closer.”

“Brother Autumnfrost is right. The strength of the Bloodburn Realm’s bloodlines is well-known, and Brother Autumnfrost’s Sky Overlord bloodline has a renowned reputation. Even I, from the distant War Martial Realm, have heard of it, and I have always wanted to expand my knowledge. I never thought that my wishes would come true, so thank you, Brother Autumnfrost.” Mr. Bai smiled.

Autumnfrost Qing laughed and chatted with Mr. Bai in a very animated manner.

Lu Yin watched their interactions strangely, as this Autumnfrost Qing probably had not realized what Mr. Bai’s true strength was. Otherwise, he definitely would not be able to smile so carefreely around this person, given his personality.

Also, this person’s surname was Bai, so did he have a primeval surname? Or was it just a coincidence?

“Eh, isn’t that rascal the person who we met from the Martial Progenitor Realm? What’s he doing here?” The fatty had only just discovered Mr. Bai’s existence as his attention had been entirely focused on Yan Xiaojing since she had arrived.

At that moment, Yan Xiaojing walked over and spoke quietly to the fatty. “It would be best for you if you head back. The Scripture Pavilion is too dangerous. Even Brother Autumnfrost isn’t fully confident, and it’s rumored that there are people from the Fifth Mainland in there. Many people have already died in the Scripture Pavilion.”

Huang San gazed passionately at Yan Xiaojing. “Xiaojing, you do care about me?”

Lu Yin rolled his eyes.

Yan Xiaojing helplessly responded, “I only want what’s best for you. You’re the only son that the Huang family has left, and if you die, I don’t know how I will answer to your family. Hurry up and go back.”

“I won’t. A man must follow through with what he has said, and since I’ve already said that we’ll explore the Scripture Pavilion, I’ll definitely go in.” The fatty was determined.

Yan Xiaojing sighed. “That’s up to you. I’ve already spoken with Brother Autumnfrost. If you run into danger there, he will try his best to save you, so just don’t go about courting disaster.” She then left after giving this warning.

One of the most tragic things that could happen to a person was for them to be looked down upon by someone they fancied.

“Seventh Bro, this fatty is pretty pathetic. Help him, as this monkey can’t watch this go on any further,” the Ghost Monkey said.

Cracks appeared in the sky from time to time. There was no one fighting, but there was still a strange strength that caused the sky to tear and the ground to fracture.

Before the group set off, Autumnfrost Qing warned everyone that although the Daosource Sect’s ancient battle had ended long ago, there were still some aftershocks from that event that continued to echo in this place. The safest places in the entire Daosource Sect were the four mountain gates and the Budding Terrace, and there was nowhere else that could be considered safe.

This was also without mentioning that their current destination was the Scripture Pavilion, which was known as an extremely dangerous area.

It was not very easy to move from the Budding Terrace to the Scripture Pavilion, as many of the paths had been broken, and there were even a few where the void was unstable. While traveling, the group witnessed someone being torn into shreds by an unstable part of the void. Fresh blood splattered across the area, making for an exceptionally horrifying scene.

“Anyone who can obtain a futon and come to the Daosource Sect is not a simple cultivator. Either their family background is illustrious, they are an innately gifted genius, or they have enjoyed continuous lucky breaks. Regardless, each one is an elite among elites, but many such people still die in this place every year.” Mr. Bai sighed, and it sounded as if he considered the fate of mankind to be rather pitiful.

Autumnfrost Qing replied, “Brother Bai doesn’t need to feel sorry for such people. The path of cultivation is naturally fraught with danger, and anyone who is afraid of death will never be able to reach the higher peaks.”

Mr. Bai smiled. “That’s true. Brother Autumnfrost attained such a status and power, and it’s not just due to your family’s background. I’ve heard that Brother Autumnfrost has roamed through the Daosource Sect multiple times, and that you’re more experienced with this place than even the Bloodburn Realm’s Realmling, Di Fa, which is quite impressive.”

Autumnfrost Qing was pleased with the praise. “Brother Bai, that’s a bit much. How could I compare to the Realmling?”

Mr. Bai shook his head and smiled. “The position of the Realmling is not fixed, and from my perspective, with Brother Autumnfrost’s ability, you’ll be able to take over that position sooner or later.”

“Haha, Mr. Bai will definitely become the Realmling of the War Martial Realm in future as well.”

“I’ll be indebted towards Brother Autumnfrost’s care.”


The fatty rolled his eyes. “They’re both complete brown-nosers! How disgusting.”

It was indeed rather nauseating, and even Lu Yin agreed.

“Unfortunately, Di Fa won’t be able to hear this conversation. Otherwise, he’d definitely teach Autumnfrost Qing how to be a person,” the fatty mumbled.

Lu Yin watched the duo happily chatting away, and his expression flickered. Di Fa, Realmling. Could that title signify the strongest youth in a realm? It seemed very likely.

“Careful!” Suddenly, Autumnfrost Qing raised a hand, and the image of a claw slashed across the sky and yanked Sister Kui away from where she had been walking, at the back of the group. Right where she had just been about to walk to, the void split open as dark cracks appeared all over that place.

Sister Kui’s face paled, as she had almost been torn to shreds.

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“Stay alert! The forces from that ancient battle have already shattered the Daosource Sect. Aside from the mountain gates and the Budding Terrace, nowhere else is safe,” Autumnfrost Qing warned them all again.

Sister Kui immediately expressed her gratitude and looked at Autumnfrost Qing with a fervent expression.

“Brother Autumnfrost, that’s such a great battle technique. It must be the Skyrender Claw that the Autumnfrost family is famous for. Powerful, powerful,” Mr. Bai complimented.

Autumnfrost Qing laughed. “Brother Bai is too full of praise.”

After that, another round of mutual flattery ensued.

The fatty had no intentions of cursing aloud, as it was too dangerous in this place. Additionally, that spatial tear had opened up rather close to him.

Yan Xiaojing tried to persuade Huang San to leave again while the duo was flattering each other, but the fatty refused yet again.

“If you die, your Huang family will disappear,” Yan Xiaojing told him quietly. After that, she just left.

The group walked along in fear for about three hours before they finally came to another light pillar. “The light pillar up ahead leads to the Scripture Pavilion. I have to warn everyone: the Scripture Pavilion contains many ancient characters , and they can assemble themselves in thousands of variations. Those who are destined might be able to comprehend battle techniques or cultivation methods through these characters, but you also can be led astray, trapped, or even deceived by the ancient words. This next place also has the aftershocks of the predecessors’ battle, so do not stray too far away from me. And most importantly…” At this point, Autumnfrost Qing paused as his sharp gaze swept across everyone present. “Everyone has to help each other. We won’t be alone in the Scripture Pavilion, and there will be other experts. Only by sticking together will we have a chance of survival. Got it?”

“Got it, Brother Autumnfrost,” the crowd replied.

Autumnfrost Qing’s gaze streaked over to the fatty, and there was a bit of disdain in his eyes. This disdain wasn’t directed only at the fatty, but rather to everyone present. He did not believe that any of these people could find their destiny here. The Daosource Sect had been in this place for countless years, and many geniuses had explored it in the past, but only a rare few had been able to grasp a destiny. As for why he had brought these people to the Scripture Pavilion, it was simply to demonstrate his broadmindedness and benevolence. In any case, the people in front of him all had decent backgrounds.

“Brother Bai, please.” Autumnfrost Qing remained courteous towards Mr. Bai, as only Mr. Bai was worthy of his attention among all those gathered.

Yan Xiaojing moved close behind Autumnfrost Qing, practically hanging off of his arm. action

The fatty’s face grew even more ugly, and he looked like he was constipated.

Passing through the light pillar, the group arrived at the Scripture Pavilion, which looked completely different from what they imagined.

The normal image that one would have of a scripture pavilion was a place that stored ancient texts, so perhaps an ancient building or a tall tower. Instead, the group could not quite believe their eyes when they saw the scene before them.

The so-called Scripture Pavilion was an area with ancient characters floating about that emitted a faint gold radiance.

There was a mountain range in the background with waterfalls cascading down that split apart into smaller streams, and in front of them, there were ancient characters floating about. Each one was about one square meter in size, and they floated about the sky and even within the white clouds. Some were quite close to each other while others were quite isolated. No one could see the end of this region.

Lu Yin was astonished by this sight; was this the sect’s Scripture Pavilion?

“Everyone, the closer we are to each other, the better we’ll be able to protect each other from anything unexpected,” Autumnfrost Qing reminded them all again. He then brought Yan Xiaojing towards a place in the distance after saying farewell to Mr. Bai.

Mr. Bai ascended into the sky on his own.

The fatty looked around, back at Lu Yin, and then made a gesture.

Lu Yin could not tell what the young man was trying to say, so he just ignored him. Instead, Lu Yin leaped up into the sky and floated there as he looked at the others. He stepped onto an ancient character, and the fatty hurried to follow after him, but each character could only hold one person. Thus, the fatty was forced to step onto a neighboring character.