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Spoiled by Eight Uncles Summary pdf

Chapter 431
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Chapter 431 A Circus Show

Kelly was still lost in her daydream. She wanted Boris to find Blake immediately.

However, no one was paying attention to her.

Boris remembered Blake and frowned, “That’s not someone we can mess with.”

Kelly didn’t tell them about what happened in the hospital, so Boris was only basing his judgment off his own

experience with Blake.

Boris said, “He has a nasty little tyke. She slapped me and wanted to make me her lackey. She event smashed my

teeth with a rock.”

As he said this, he touched his front teeth. Because of Lilly, he had to spend over ten thousand dollars on fillings.

Boris added, “When I demanded compensation from that guy, he even threatened to hit me.”

The assistant said, “That’s great. Since they broke your teeth, we have a reason to go looking for them…”

Boris nodded, “Let me see if I can contact him and get him to work with us. We’ll offer him a hundred. thousand

dollars a month. He won’t need to care for Kelly personally and only show his face every now and then. The rest of

the time we’ll just use a double…”

Initially, they wouldn’t dare make such a plan. But with Kelly in such a state, they were out of options.

The chance to make several million a month was right in front of them. Even if their chances were slim, they

needed to try everything…

Not to mention, a hundred thousand dollars was a big sum. And all Blake needed to do was show his face. from

time to time. He probably wouldn’t resist an offer like this…

“Let’s start the stream!” Having made up his mind, Boris decided to start a stream immediately since Kelly had just

woken up.

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The assistant set up the phone and the tripod to face Kelly, who was lying in bed.

Kelly desperately cried out in refusal!

She didn’t want to stream at a time like this.

She was in such an ugly state. Wouldn’t streaming just expose her bare face to all the viewers?

What if Blake were to see it and be disgusted at her? How would she garner his sympathy then…

However, the more desperate and the more in pain Kelly seemed, the happier Boris was.

“Kelly, don’t you worry. We’ll take good care of you… You don’t have to worry about the future either. From now on,

I’ll treat you like my own little sister…”

The assistant nodded, “That’s right. You’re such a kind soul, always helping stray cats in need. Even when you were

too broke for food, you would still spend money if it meant saving a cat’s life… This time, it’s our turn to take care

of you!”

In the stream, the comments were flooding in as the viewers watched their performance.

“Oh man, I’m so touched. #goodending”


“Thank god she’s okay! This is great!”

“It’s been tough on you and the other two guys as well goodending”

“Please continue making content for us.”

Some viewers even gifted them with subs to celebrate.

Boris wiped his tears and said, “Don’t worry everyone. We’ll persevere on and take good care of Kelly…”

He suck a glance at the number of viewers on stream. It was just shy of five hundred thousand, causing Boris to

almost break character.

Five thousand viewers! How many influencers could do that?!

We’re rich. We’re stinking rich now!

However, there were too many people on the stream, and some of them couldn’t resist laughing in the


“Hahaha. This is hilarious! They’re so good at acting!”

“They’re really putting up quite the performance. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought that the person

on the hospital bed was their own mother. What filial sons these guys are!”

“Guys, go watch the other stream. Damn, these people are the worst!”

The assistant and Boris exchanged glances, wondering why some of the comments seemed a bit strange. They

followed the comments and opened a channel called “Science and Mysticism”…

They were horrified by what they found.

There were only two videos on this channel.

And they were both involving the live stream they had the other day!

All the things they had and done were exposed, including the part where they talked about catching the tabby cat

and draining its blood.

The two of them finally realized they had been putting on a performance for the past two days.

The viewers were watching them intently like clowns this whole time.

Boris expression quickly turned ugly!

However, he still maintained composure, as a superior

He frowned, “I’d like to address the person with the account “Science and Mysticism”. Firstly, I don’t know if we

upset you somehow… but we’ve always been honest with our cat rescue operations. That day, we were discussing

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how to catch the tabby cat because it seemed very aggressive and we were worried it would injure innocent


He added, “I’m not sure how you edited your clips. Did you find someone to voice over-us? I’m sure all our viewers

can tell what’s real and what isn’t. I mean, just think about it. This “Science and Mysticism” person was clearly

recording from some secluded corner. Is it possible for the voices to come off this clearly?”


The assistant also chimed in, “That’s right! We’re being framed here! It’s true that we’re the ones being shown in

the scene… but those are definitely not our voices. I’m sure every one of our viewers can tell how strangely clear

these voices are coming through!”

Boris then said, “At this point, I don’t mind being frank.. The truth is, we’re really tight on funds because a lot of it

goes into our cat rescue operations. That’s why our scenes are a little scripted. We need to seize every opportunity

we have… Because of that, we had Kelly pretend like she fainted. It was all so we can get more funds to save even

more strays.”

The assistant nodded, “Yeah, we never thought that someone would try to frame us because of that, and even

added in fake voices to sully our reputation!”

Boris then zoomed in on Kelly, “Just ask yourselves. Who would jeopardize their entire lives just for the sake of a

script… Kelly is now paralyzed and can’t even speak. I’d like to pose a question to the person behind “Science and

Mysticism”. You’re already a professional streamer with over three million followers, while we’re just a small-time

account. Why are you going out of your way to bully us and sully our reputation? Kelly is already in such a state.

Don’t you feel bad for her?”

Kelly was in tears as she made groaning noises.

This emotionally-charged scene was truly a tear-jerker. Boris was giving a stellar portrayal of the sincere stray

rescue operator being unjustly framed by a professional streamer…

The ghost perched on Boris’ head was utterly despondent, feeling as though he was about to dissipate into the
