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Spoiled by Eight Uncles Summary pdf

Chapter 360
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Chapter 360 I Can Fly

The nurse’s hands were trembling as she administered the shots as she tried to hold back her laughter,

Hannah tearfully covered her arms. The pain was excruciating!

Why do injections hurt so much?

It hurt even more than the previous ones!

Bettany, Blake, and Lilly raced out and fled home once everything had been settled. All of them felt the second-

hand embarrassment set in.

Back in the car. Lilly muttered, “That was so embarrassing!”

She shouldn’t have told Hannah to scream “I can do it

“Oh, Granny. I want to get the kitty a collar as a present for it!”


“Of course,” Bettany said dotingly.

Blake then drove them to Central Mall.

Hannah was still caught in a daze and had yet to come to her senses after experiencing the worst pain of

her life.

She would usually take off on her own when they went shopping but this time she remained by Lilly’s side.

They found a pet store and selected a red collar with a bow on the front and a bell-shaped ornament made of pure

gold that hung from it.

The price came up to eighty-eight thousand. The female clerk, afraid they would back out of the deal, began a

long-winded explanation about the lambskin collar, the several grams of gold, and it being a handmade design

produced by a famous designer… Bettany didn’t blink an eye as she handed the woman

her card.

The clerk was dumbfounded. The “treasure of the store hadn’t been sold in over two years. Many gave up on it

after learning the price. To think it would finally find an owner today.

The tabby cat took a tentative approach when Lilly returned to the Crawford home. It peeked out from behind the

bushes to observe them in secret.

Lilly waved. “Come here, kitty! Look, I got you a presen!”

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The cat bounded over.

She slung the collar around its neck but failed to secure it in place.

“Daddy…” She gave her father a pleading look.

Blake plucked the cat up by the back of its neck and seled it on his lap.

The tabby cat was confused. It was the most ferocious beast in existence. Why was this man overpowering



He fitted the collar on the cat and deposited it back in front of Lilly. “There.”

The cat poked out his tongue, rolled its eyes to the back of its head, and fell to the floor in a heap.

Lilly was taken aback. “Is the collar too tight, Daddy?”

Blake checked the cat over again to see that it was inddell the case.

The collar was choking it but it didn’t change how dramatic the cat was being.

He got it fixed. “Done.”

This time, it scampered under the magnolia tree Polly frequented out of fear for Blake.

Polly, who was still in the pet carrier, was ready to wage war. “It’s on!”

That’s my spot!

I refuse to give it up!

Cats had the natural tendency for attacking birds. Polly was going to beat some sense into it and show it

who’s boss!

Round 1.

Everyone gathered to name the cat after dinner.

“The adults shouldn’t get involved in this. Have the young ones think of something.” Bettany said.

She turned to the aloof Drake and silent Zachary. “You two should offer suggestions too.”

“Hah.” Drake snorted.

Who wants to name a cat?

Hannah, who was flopped weakly against a chair, said weakly, “Let’s call it a poison walker…”

Josh barked a laugh. “Why don’t we just call it ‘Injection?”

She glared at him.

Polly squawked at the top of her lungs. “Rookie! Rookie”

My name is Polly. The newbie should be named Rookie. I ran above it!

The tabby cat let out a throaty snarl at the green parrot

Everyone couldn’t help but laugh at that. It was a terrible name that even the cat didn’t like.

Lilly tilted her head. “What about Mimi?”

Hannah shook her head. “No.”

“Let’s go with Wolverine!” Josh said.

Hannah agreed. “Sounds good!”


It did look like Wolverine when it brandished its claws,

Drake scoffed. “Vulgar. Superficial.”

Josh rolled his eyes. “What do you think it should be called then?”

He picked up a glass of water and answered placidly, “Bellflower.”

Bellflower for the cat wearing a bell collar. It was both elegant and introspective.

As the name implied, it was a flower with a hidden meaning. Bellflower in the flower language meant. “quick-


It was a poetic, pleasant, and unique name.

Drake was satisfied with what he had come up with. It took much reading for him to settle on it…

It was unfortunate Hannah, Lilly, and Josh did not understand the connotations.

“That’s way too simple, Drake. You want to call it Bellflower because it wears a bell collar?” Hannah said.

“It’s Bellflower. Not Bell.”

“Sounds the same.”

That riled Drake up.

“That’s so boring. It’s way too gentle! It doesn’t fit its personality at all,” Josh said.

Drake couldn’t stand how shallow his brother was.

“I think it sounds perfect!” Lilly said.

That collar cost eighty-eight thousand!

It has to be called Bellflower.

The more she thought about it, the more certain she was. “Bellflower it is!”

Drake’s eyes lit up.

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Only Lilly knows me best.

He felt relieved.

The cat expressed no objection. Anything was better than the parrot’s suggestion.

Polly lost Round 1.

The next day, Blake brought the freshly-washed cat home. Bellflower was now cleaned and dewormed.

Lilly happily played with the creature for a while until Bellflower lay on her lap to sleep.

Polly, who was perched on Lilly’s shoulder, was angry.

There was now a challenger for Lilly’s favor that showed no respect for Mr. Tortoise.



That was when Gilbert received an emergency phone call. “What?” He exclaimed in surprise and raced out

the door.

Bettany also received her own phone call from the hospital after he left. There were beds available at the hospital.

She packed up Zachary’s belongings and left with him.

Summer break was nearly over. The children, wanting to cherish the remaining days of freedom, trailed

after Bettany.

No pets were allowed. Lilly locked Polly up in her tropical rainforest room.

Polly watched them leave through the window…

“Squawk squawk… You’re dead, Rookie!”

Polly skillfully bit open the window latch and flew out!

Bellflower was dozing under the shade of the tree when a sudden gust of wind disturbed the peace.

It was that damn parrot grabbing onto its head!


Bellflower rolled over and stared intently at the parrot

The parrot’s feathers were even more glossy under the sunlight.

Polly aggressively poked her head out at it. “Come at me!”

“Come at me!”

Bellflower leaped forward at the speed of light!

Polly flew into the air and let out an arrogant laugh.

“Hahaha! Didn’t expect it, did you? I can fly!”
