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Spoiled by Eight Uncles (Lily)

Chapter 1465 Joint Efforts To Find The Answer
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The green goo continued to drip from the blade.

Ivan gazed ahead, having lost track of time after defeating countless opponents. Initially, he struggled to keep up, but gradually, he found that killing these creatures was as effortless as a chef cutting ingredients in the kitchen.

It seems like | have a natural advantage over them.

There were more giant bugs in the deep valley, but they appeared terrified of him. Instead of advancing, the swarm of bugs retreated. Soon, the area was empty, with only peculiar stones and withered trees scattered around.

He crossed this area and climbed to a higher point. Finally, he could overlook the valley from where he stood. In the distance, there was a cliff. The rest was ‘concealed in darkness, leaving him unaware of what lay beyond it.

Just as he turned to leave, he sensed something approaching him with his spiritual consciousness. He sharpened his gaze and prepared his weapon.

Suddenly, his supposed enemy squeaked, and the sound was strangely familiar.

Squeaky had no idea how it ended up here. It had been three days since it began crossing the land without any guidance.

It remembered that the Black Dragon had promised to return and pick up Lilly after three days.

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He should have kept his promise, right? However, Speedy "would have contacted me if he had returned. What if things didn’t go as planned? What if something happened? What if the Black Dragon didn’t keep his promise? Therefore, Squeaky continued to traverse the expanse, hiding among the dinosaur-like beasts to avoid the flying creatures that watched it from the sky.

It couldn't afford a moment of rest, despite being injured along the way. Its soul shone weakly, and its fur was matted.

After facing numerous challenges, it finally arrived at its destination, only to discover that the Black Dragon wasn't there as expected.

In a moment of despair, it spotted a familiar figure not far away. It immediately burst into tears as it rushed toward the person.

Darkness enveloped Lilly. She didn’t anticipate the severe consequences of shattering her elixir field. She felt as though The Order coursing through her body threatened to collapse along with it.

The pain of being torn apart penetrated her soul, and The Order seemed to flow out of her body uncontrollably.

She gritted her teeth and persisted. Giving up ’is not an option! She believed in her intuition. ’It will work! I just haven't discovered the right method yet! | need to get up! She gave it her all. She imagined the uncontrolled Order that roamed all over the place as flour and herself as a baker ready to knead dough.

She knew well that applying the imaginary flour to the golden substance marked her success. It was a simple concept, yet she struggled to execute it. Something is missing...

Her first thought was that she needed water. | can’t knead dough without water.

Instinctively, she retrieved the ice pond water, spiritual spring water, Golden Thunder Water, and even paint from the jar of souls, but to no avail. She tried every liquid she could think of, but her efforts were in vain.

So, it has nothing to do with that.

Exhausted both mentally and physically, she attempted to gather the Order, but the coverage was limited. Just as she managed to retrieve some of it, the remaining Order continued to flow out of her body.

At this point, she had the fragments of her elixir field surrounding her golden substance, but they wouldn't merge.

What should | do? "What am | missing? When Ivan arrived at the cave with Squeaky, he found Lilly with her eyes closed. Her pale face contorted in pain. He also sensed that she was growing weaker.

He immediately helped her up and placed his palm on her abdomen. As expected, her elixir field was broken. What happened to her? “Where is she injured?” he asked.

Both Speedy and the small ghost beast shook their heads.

Squeaky had shared everything with him on their way here, including the Flame Beasts tribe, the ancient giant, and how Lilly hunted the demonic beasts in detail.

| didn’t see any wounds. She must be injured internally. Was she hurt when the ancient giant reached out to grab her? Ivan closed his eyes and extended his spiritual consciousness toward Lilly, attempting to understand what had happened to her.

Soon, he sensed that something was amiss.

It doesn’t seem like someone injured her. Instead, it feels more like she did it to herself.

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In no time, his discovery confirmed his theory. The Order within her is in complete chaos.

‘Lilly?’ he called, trying to communicate with her through their spiritual consciousness.

On the verge of breaking down, Lilly suddenly felt a familiar sensation in her consciousness. It wasn't a voice but something indescribable, similar to a psychic connection.

It's Ivan! The thought put her mind at ease. That's great! She desperately needed an outsider’s perspective to determine what she was missing for the breakthrough.

Before long, he received her feedback. Due to their exchange of information through their spiritual consciousness, he immediately learned the full story.

So, she caused this situation herself. And she’s attempting to merge her elixir field with her golden substance! The discovery shocked him. Come to think of it, she might be onto something. In theory, this could work.

All the Great Emperors had reached the highest realm possible thousands of years ago. Emperor Eastmount himself was a half- step away from the breakthrough. Yet, none of them succeeded.

Perhaps they never considered that it had to do with their elixir field and golden substance.

Ivan pondered deeply and ended up believing that Lilly’s attempt could work.

Still, she mentioned that something was missing.

Their spiritual consciousness was connected, so they almost instantly understood each other's thoughts. As they brainstormed together, they almost figured out the answer.

It involved delicacy. Ivan racked his brain while Lilly started her deduction From scratch. Finally, both of them were struck by a sudden realization. | see! That's what ‘we've been missing all along!