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Spoiled by Eight Uncles (Lily)

Chapter 1412 Protecting His Wife
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Quinnie wore an unpleasant expression on her face.

Aimee became even happier and continued to babble, "Quinnie, you don't think I'm mocking you, do you? Sorry. | really didn't mean it. | genuinely feel worried for you. How about this? | know a supermodel body management specialist. Many celebrities have sought her help to get back in shape after giving birth. Shall | introduce her to you? She can help you get rid of the excess fat on your body." Also, you shouldn't eat anymore... | have a great fasting weight loss method. If | were you, | would immediately start following it. Your commitment to losing weight shouldn't be lacking. Quinnie, oh no! Your flesh almost bumped into me. Alas.

You really need to lose weight..." Quinnie couldn't take it anymore and angrily said, "Shut up!" She slammed the cup onto the cashier counter and retorted, "What does it have to do with you whether | lose weight or not? | can still survive without losing weight and not getting into the entertainment circle. If you don't desperately step on others, you won't be able to get any opportunities, right?" Aimee's expression changed, and she scolded, "What do you mean by that!" This was a sarcastic remark about her relying on stepping on others to climb up the ladder.

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In the early years, she did indeed rely on stepping on Quinnie to increase her popularity and receive job offers. Aimee was more cautious than anyone else when it came to mentioning this disgraceful history.

At this moment, Jonas came out holding the baby and asked, "What's going on?" The VIP maternity room behind had good soundproofing, so Jonas only heard Aimee's provocative words.

Aimee's expression changed again. How could Jonas be here? "Jonas, you... you're here too..." she exclaimed in surprise.

But soon, a look of grievance appeared on her face, and her eyes turned red. "It's... it's nothing... | made Quinnie unhappy. It's right for her to scold me." Even the store manager was shocked.

B*tchy characters like Aimee were seen so often in s and TV shows that they became a cliche, but encountering one in real life was still quite mind-blowing.

She had thought that Jonas would act like the male lead in a by saying a few words like "My wife has a bad temper. Please forgive her." But unexpectedly, Jonas chose to stand up for Quinnie and scold back without knowing what had happened.

He sneered. "Since you know you deserved to be scolded, why are you pretending to be wronged? Just take the scolding!" Aimee's expression froze instantly, and she looked somewhat at a loss as she said, "Jo... Josh, I..." Jonas' facial expression turned ugly. "Don't call me that. We're not that familiar! If | remember correctly, your name is Aimee Harper, right?" Aimee felt wrong, but upon hearing that Jonas remembered her, she immediately said, "Yes, Josh... Mr. Crawford, you still remember me!" Jonas smirked. "Of course | remember..." Aimee was instantly delighted, and when she pretended to be shy and lowered her gaze, she deliberately glanced at Quinnie with a provocative meaning.

To her surprise, Jonas said, "If I'm not mistaken, a few years ago, you often called yourself "Quinnie's alter ego" and sent marketing articles about Quinnie to me." Aimee felt as if she had been struck by lightning and quickly said, "How could that be? You must have misunderstood. Those titles like "Quinnie's alter ego" were given to me by others!" Jonas exposed her mercilessly. "Given by others? You may not know, but | am the President of Taylor Entertainment. | have a public relations studio called Star Intelligence Corporation under my group. At that time, your agent didn't take care of you, so you came to Star Intelligence Corporation with your manuscript, and the gimmick was 'Quinnie's alter ego." "Your stage name, Aimee, was inspired by my wife, and even the angles and makeup for your photos were based on my wife as a template." Jonas handed the baby to Quinnie to distract her emotions and embraced her firmly.

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"If I'm not mistaken, you also had plastic surgery to look like my wife, right?" Aimee was scolded to the point of feeling dizzy and retorted instinctively, "I didn't have plastic surgery..." Boohoo!Why are you so harsh? It's not like | did it on purpose.

Jonas remained expressionless. "Because you used marketing articles to constantly compare yourself to my wife, the people from Star Intelligence Corporation brought me documents to sign. If | remember correctly, | had someone reject them. Who did you send them to afterward? It achieved such comprehensive coverage, which doesn't seem like something an unknown person like you could accomplish...” Jonas looked at her scrutinizingly.

Aimee broke out in a cold sweat. If she continued, her secrets would be exposed, and an outsider would still exist! She said hastily, "Mr. Crawford, | won't disturb you and Quinnie anymore. | have something to attend to, so I'll leave first..." Aimee fled in embarrassment.

Quinnie immediately felt relieved, but as she looked up, she caught a glimpse of herself and Jonas in the reflection of the glass...

He still stood tall and handsome, just as he always had. Time seemed to favor him as he had matured and gained a sense of stability. He hardly changed at all.

And she...

She forced a smile and said, "Let's go back. We shouldn't keep Lilly waiting." Jonas paid the bill and patted her shoulder while saying, "You go ahead and wait in the car." Quinnie felt her heart in turmoil and nodded before leaving.

Jonas turned to the store manager and smiled slightly, "Can | have the video you just took?" The store manager panicked. "Mr. Crawford, | didn't mean to invade your privacy. I..." Jonas smiled. "I know. I'm just curious to see what happened earlier... That's all.”