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Spoiled by Eight Uncles (Lily)

Chapter 1391 Am I Truly Insignificant?
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Upon entering the evil eye, Blake embarked on an extensive search.

The space beneath the spring was vast, almost comparable to a city in terms of horizontal width.

However, the depth remained a mystery.

The evil eye's pond was divided into two layers, with the upper layer being blood-red and the lower layer pitch-black like the night.

As Blake descended, the churning red pool water, resembling billions of ghostly hands, tugged at his soul. It felt as if he had fallen into a ghost cave.

The catch was that these ethereal entities could penetrate one's mind, causing dizziness and headaches.

Despite his efforts, Blake struggled to locate Cloud due to the constant churning of the red pond. It was like searching for a needle in a boiling haystack.

If the pond had remained still, he could have pinpointed where Cloud fell. However, now Cloud might have rolled through the entire bottom of the pond.

Blake tirelessly searched, moving downward while scanning the surroundings. He had already reached the depth of the black pond.

His mood had plummeted to the extreme. If Cloud had fallen to the depth of the black pond, there was almost no hope of rescue.

The black pond could devour time and space, let alone Cloud. Blake dared not descend further without caution.

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After checking his equipment and utilizing all the defensive weapons at his disposal, he proceeded with great care to sink deeper.

Despite diligent searching and going back and forth twice, he found nothing.

The deeper he went, the more chaotic the time and space under the water seemed. Blake saw a ghostly beast rushing toward him at a rapid pace, roughly the size of a whale.

However, just as it approached not far from him, a dark current suddenly flowed by. The head of the ghostly beast disappeared, leaving only the middle portion of its body.

The chaotic time and space were like an unforgiving meat grinder, utterly silent and without a trace.

The ghostly beast didn't even have a chance to howl. It was silently torn apart, dead beyond death.

Blake remained on high alert, wary of any movement around him. He descended a few more meters, searching for Cloud within that range.

The pond water at the bottom of the pond continued to churn. It seemed like the time and space grinder, popping up like the Grim Reaper without any regularity, held potential unknown dangers.

Any slight negligence could result in death.

Blake searched around twice more, but Cloud was nowhere in sight.

He knew the chances of Cloud returning were slim, and he didn't know how to explain this to Jean and Lilly.

They would surely be heartbroken.

An immense weight sat on Blake's heart. He was unwilling to give up until he reached the bottom of the pond.

Suddenly, something at the bottom of the pond moved.

Blake sensed a terrifying oppression and fixed his gaze on the bottom of the pond...

Abruptly, the water around him rippled and shook violently, and the bottom of the pond suddenly illuminated with a dark glow, casting long "glass-like" reflections due to the Tyndall effect.

Alarm bells rang loudly in Blake's mind.

He focused intently on the bottom of the pond, but it remained too distant to discern clearly. However, he caught a glimpse of palaces and buildings. Something was rapidly rushing out...

Just as he thought he might get a clearer view, the light and shadows at the bottom rolled into a massive wheel shape and charged toward him.

Blake's pupils contracted, and he swiftly turned back and raced to ascend.

Wherever the light wheel passed, it sucked in many hidden ghostly beasts. The unfortunate ones emitted agonizing cries before vanishing without a trace. They were crushed into oblivion by the uncontrollable wheel.

His hair stood on end as the light wheel approached. It felt like he was about to be sucked in.

Fortunately, at that critical moment, he caught sight of the blood-red pond water above and was on the verge of breaking free.

Yet, in that instant, the colossal light wheel suddenly vanished, and everything returned to calm. The churning pond instantly became dead still.

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Blake inwardly exclaimed in dismay as he pushed himself harder to rush out. Just as he was about to break free from the water, a tremendous suction force surged from below. He exerted all his remaining strength to break the water's surface, and the suction force abruptly dissipated.

He had escaped.

Blake looked back in horror.

In a mere second, he saw all the pond water being sucked in. The pupil part of the evil eye seemed to lose control and collapse.

All the pond water collapsed downward, but soon, the blood-red pond water surged up again, rolling as if nothing had happened.

Blake reached the shore, stumbling as he collapsed onto the ground.

He stared blankly at the evil eye, feeling utterly powerless.

In such a dire situation, if Cloud managed to survive, it would be nothing short of a miracle.

Blake suddenly thought of the golden light on his body, the Perfect Merit...

That being said, it was still uncertain. Even if he survived, he should be at the deepest part of the pond at this moment.

Underneath the "glass-like" light and shadow, how could he be found? Blake smiled bitterly, realizing that Jean and Lilly must be incredibly anxious. He decided to find them first and explain the situation later.

Five minutes later...

Blake stood at the border between the grassland and the woods, watching his family enjoy a cheerful picnic.

Wait, where's the anxiety and sadness | anticipated? In his imagination, Jean would be wearing a worried expression, discreetly wiping away tears while holding Lilly, saying, "Is your dad going to be okay? Why isn't he coming up yet?" The reality he saw was Jean exclaiming, "Hahaha, dang it! Why didn't you hurry over there? Look at those eight-pack abs! You missed the chance!" Blake was speechless.

What on earth? Am | truly insignificant after all?