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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 739
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Chapter 84 : We Have an Understanding


I took a half step back from the crystal coffin and shook my head. She was perfectly preserved in there…

When the shock wore off, I approached the coffin again and looked down at the woman inside. Her eyes were

closed and she looked peaceful. She was stunningly beautiful and she'd been dressed in an expensive, silk dress.

Her hair was brushed and it looked like she had makeup on.

She was holding a bouquet of white flowers that were also preserved in the crystal with her.

The way she was preserved and the care taken to keep her looking beautiful. The coffin, the tomb, the eerie

lighting, the magic to preserve her. None of that was cheap at all!

Who was this woman? Chandler clearly cared about her, even loved her. He wouldn't have gone to such lengths to

do this for just anyone.

This wasn't a tomb and she wasn't a corpse. It was a showroom and she was a doll. Someone that he could kneel

down beside and imagine she was still alive and they still had a future together. It was someone he imagined he'd

get to talk to again.

“Beautiful, isn't she?"

I whipped around. The voice was familiar but it wasn't Chandler. When I saw him, I recognized him immediately. He

was still dressed in black and I couldn't see his face but he was tall and imposing.

How had he even gotten in here?

He'd blocked my magic and incapacitated me with his own. Even though he didn't look all that intimidating

compared to Chandler. He wasn't loud or boisterous or aggressive.

As he took a step closer, all the hairs on my body stood up in fear.

Ice slid down my spine. He gave off a cold, chilling vibe that made my bones ache. Instinctively, I knew he was more

dangerous than Chandler. Given the chance, he'd be far more vicious and brutal.

He spoke in a soft, almost friendly tone, and he wasn't being rude or provocative like Chandler was. He stood proud

and tall, almost regal. I could see that even without seeing his face. He was graceful as he strode around the room,

closer to the coffin.

The stranger looked down at the coffin and touched the open glass window over the woman's face. He seemed

somber and respectful. A truly graceful, nearly royal gesture.

I just glared at him.

“She was an innocent soul. One of the few in the world that was truly innocent. Kind, gentle, and beloved.

Unfortunately, she died… as you can see." He chuckled.

I still kept quiet, just watching him. Maybe, if he kept talking, he'd reveal more about himself. I had no idea who he

was or what he wanted from me. As long as he was willing to keep talking, I wasn't going to interrupt him.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“It truly was a tragedy when she died. And more of a tragedy that Chandler lost her. He spent years searching for a

way to resurrect her without success. But you, my dear Mila…" he trailed off with another dark chuckle.

I arched an eyebrow, continuing to stay quiet.

“You give him hope," he said pointing a straight, gloved finger at me.

“I don't know what you're talking about."

“Of course, not."

He touched a finger to his nose. At least, I thought it was his nose. It was hard to tell with how he kept his face


“You seem to know my name. Don't you think it is only fair that I should know your name?" I asked.

“It doesn't matter who I am."

“Maybe it does to me. Seeing as you and Chandler want my help, don't you think I at least deserve the respect of

being told your name and who you are?" I crossed my arms.

“You'll know when the time is right." he shrugged like the conversation was boring him.

Scoffing, I rolled my eyes.

“You know what? I changed my mind. I don't give a flying fig who you are. So, whoever you are, stay the hell out of

my way!"

The man growled. He turned to me and pulled his hood off. His bright, steely eyes glared at me. He was verging on

anger and the dark look in his eyes told me he had no problem killing me.

Biting my lip, I took a half step back. It probably wasn't a smart idea to provoke a man I knew nothing about. One

that had already defeated me so easily and who I knew was more dangerous than Chandler.

The moment passed and he sighed. The hard look in his eyes didn't leave me.

“Do not try my temper," he warned in a gruff voice.

It was the first time I'd heard his tone change and that was enough to put me on edge even more.

“I see the two of you are getting to know each other."

Chandler walked in, a large bouquet of different colored lilies in his hand. He bowed his head to the stranger in the


“My Lord."

That was odd. I'd never seen Chandler show anyone respect like that.

The stranger nodded back showing little interest in Chandler's show of respect.

Chandler was an Alpha. If he was bowing and calling someone “lord," the person he was talking to had to be…


I stared at the unknown man, Helen's warning ringing in my head. I didn't know anything about the royal family,

other than my aunt had warned me that the king was dangerous. This wasn't King Sebastian, was it?

Chandler ignored me. He went to the crystal coffin and knelt down. He placed the big bouquet of flowers on the


“My love, be patient with me. We're almost there. Soon, you will be in my arms again."

Seeing Chandler so soft and gentle was strange. Every time he'd interacted with me he was cruel and hard, mean

and nasty. But he did have a gentle side. For some reason, that didn't make me feel any better.

If anything, it made me feel worse. Something was coming and I didn't like being in a room with the two of them.

Slowly, I backed away from the two of them.

“Alright, Mila!"

Chandler stood up and glared at me. His tenderness was gone now. He looked like a completely different person,

like he'd put a mask on.

The hairs on my arms and neck stood on end.

He sneered at me. “For what Helen and your parents did, you deserve to be killed slowly and painfully, a hundred

times over."

A shudder ran down my spine. This was the Chandler I was used to. If the stranger wasn't there, I wouldn't be so

nervous, but I wouldn't be able to protect myself with magic while he was there.

“Do you know why you're still alive?

I glared at Chandler and bit back the remark that rose to my lips.

“You're here because you need to make up for what the bitches of your family did. Helen, Jessica, they were

nothing but selfish sluts! And Kaleb… He let them get away with everything. That asshole had his balls in a vice,

Jessica's hand. An Alpha that's a slave to his Luna is weak," he accused vehemently.

Swallowing hard, I braced against the insults he slung at me. He wanted me to react and I wasn't going to give him

the satisfaction.

The other man just stood there watching.

“And now, you're going to resurrect my Luna."

“What!?" I gasped, too stunned to hold back. I stared at Chandler. “Are you crazy? There is nothing in the world that

can resurrect someone who's been dead for years."

“Don't play coy with me. I know what it is you dug up from around the pack territories."

“If you really believe there's something that can bring her back from the dead, you're losing your mind!"

Chandler growled.

“Do not challenge me!"

“I'm sorry, but you're asking the wrong person. Only the Moon Goddess has the power to bring someone back from

the dead, and you'll have to beg her for it."

“Well, the Moon Goddess must have heard my prayer because she sent me you," he said, chuckling darkly.

“She didn't send me to you. You forced me to come here against my will."

Chandler clenched his fists. He growled and shook from head to toe, his cheeks turning red.

“You have a death wish, don't you!?" he snapped.

Quick as a flash, he grabbed my throat and squeezed.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

My breath caught and I coughed. I tried to claw at his hand so I could get more air into my lungs. Gasping, I

struggled against him but he was too strong.

My mind raced with thoughts of my parents and my pack, how Chandler had been the one who killed them all for a

power that didn't exist!

After a moment of panic, my mind stopped racing and I stopped struggling. When I wasn't panicking, I could

breathe a little more, despite his tight grip.

I glared right at Chandler.

“f**k off! I don't have what you want."

“Don't toy with me, witch! I will force you to help if I have to. And if you don't, I'll kill you. But if you help, you'll live,"

he hissed.

“I'm not the first person you asked to do this. You asked my aunt and my mom. Both turned you down, didn't they?

What makes you think that even if I had a way, I'd help you? I'd rather die!"

“You b***h!"

Chandler struck me across the face. I grunted, my head snapping to the side.

“Give me the Blade of Souls!" he demanded.

I shook my head. Even if I was willing to help, it wouldn't do any good. Chandler had grabbed me before I got all the

pieces of the blade. I thought of the two pieces in my backpack. They were useless to me and Chandler on their


I wasn't about to tell him that.

“What are you talking about? I don't know what that is!" I snapped. It was better to play dumb right now.

“Where is the artifact!? I know you have it. Your mother left it to you," he insisted.

“Artifact? How can I be any clearer? I have no idea what you're talking about!"

Chandler growled. He tightened his grip on my throat and shook me hard.

My skull rattled around in my head and my vision blurred. My head whipped back and forth and I thought my neck

would snap.

“Chandler, that's enough!"

Chandler glared at me, his fingers so tight I could barely breathe.

“My Lord… but…"

“I can persuade her. I believe that Mila and I have a better understanding," he said.

Chandler huffed but he released me. He turned his back to us as the stranger walked over to me.

“What understanding?" I snarled.

“Even if you don't mind dying, I'm willing to bet that the life inside of you would prefer a chance at living," he said in

a smooth, sly voice. He smirked.

“What?" I asked, dumbfounded.

Suddenly, he broke out laughing. “You don't know? Oh… how delicious. Why, Miss Mila, you're pregnant."