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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 704
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Chapter 50 : An Unexpected Turn

Soren's question blindsided me. I stared at the bracelet on my wrist as he played with the Blackfire flower charm.

“You're asking me to stay in a pack with you?" I repeated the question, thinking I might have misheard him.

“Yes, that is what I'm asking," Soren said, chuckling and smirking. “Stay with me." He fiddled with the flower charm


He wanted me to stay with him? He wanted a pack?

Was this his way of acknowledging what I said to him in the throws of passion last night?

No, I told him I didn't remember that. He wouldn't respond to that now, especially since he hadn't had anything to

say about it last night.

It was still an unexpected turn.

I thought Soren chose to be a rogue to avoid responsibility. He hadn't told me much about himself or his past but I

knew enough to know that he had the makings of an alpha.

And yet, he chose to be a rogue. That's as much as I could piece together. I'd thought for a while that there was a

woman in his past who contributed to his decision. He said he hadn't found his mate but I doubted someone like him

had never had relationships before.

What made him change his mind?

I couldn't think of how to answer. I was safe with Soren, he'd made that clear. But I still had so many questions I

needed answered and too many things I had to get done before I could think about settling down in a pack.

Not to mention, I'd just escaped the last pack.

Soren might have been ready to give up rogue life for a pack but I'd only just got my freedom.

Danger could come at me again at any moment. Especially if others wanted to use the artifact.

“I can protect you, Mila, whatever danger comes your way," Soren said, as if he was reading my mind.

“I know you can," I said. I cupped his cheek and smiled. “But there's Helen and it was more than just that one-eyed

creep that destroyed my pack."

“And I promised to help you with those. I will continue to do so but it is going to take time. In the meantime, you

could have some stability," he suggested.

“And the artifact? We haven't found the pieces yet," I reminded him.

“But we have the map and it has been hidden for over a decade. There's no rush to go after it. I'd rather find a way

to destroy it first to make sure no one ever uses it again, if you don't want it," he told me.

My heart melted and I creased my brow. It was such a tempting offer. To have a real pack, a real home, and to be

surrounded by pack members that were supportive and kind. I'd always dreamed of that kind of life when I was a

child because things at Saboreef had been so horrible.

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It would be nice to stay with Soren and build a stable life for myself.

Still, in my bones, I could feel that Helen was important to me. She knew about my parents' deaths and she could

answer my questions. I had a feeling Helen knew about the artifact and the rest of the trouble I was dealing with,


I had to find her!

Shaking my head, I pulled away from Soren slightly.

“I can't stay with anyone or set down roots in one place until I get all my answers," I told him. “I'm sorry, but that's

the way it has to be."

Soren sighed and nodded. He didn't seem surprised or disappointed.

“I thought you'd say that," he admitted.

I felt a little dejected. Had he asked knowing I would refuse? If he wasn't disappointed in my refusal, did he even

want me to stay? Why ask at all if he thought I would refuse?

“You know that I will stay with you until we figure all of this out," he promised.

“I know," I said, nodding.

One day, I could think about settling down. Maybe it would even be with Soren.

At the thought, my heart fluttered and my cheeks reddened.

Quickly, I looked away from him. I didn't want him to ask what was on my mind because I wasn't sure I'd be able to

come up with some story.

Knock. Knock.

I sighed with relief and looked to the door. It could have been Ashley barging in to yell at me again but it was still a

relief to have that conversation ended.

At least, Soren was still keeping his end of the deal to help me, even though I had turned down his request.

Soren jumped out of bed and threw his pants on.

I looked around for my dress but couldn't find it anywhere. Had someone made off with it in the night? I shifted the

blankets around and looked around Soren's clothes but my dress was just gone.

Before Soren opened the door, I hastily tucked the sheet around myself.

What was I going to wear if I couldn't find that dress? I hadn't brought anything else to wear…

Soren pulled the door open a crack. I immediately recognized Madam Scarlet, even though I could only see half her


She reached a red, silk gloved hand through the crack in the door and ran a forefinger along Soren's jaw, smiling


“Soren, you know the rules about using one of my rooms without permission," she teased, shaking her head.

“I don't believe your guests would have appreciated it if we didn't use a room," Soren said.

My cheeks burned hot and I slapped my palm into my forehead. That was not the response I was expecting from


Madam Scarlett chuckled. “Really? You don't know my guests at all."

“What do I owe you?" Soren asked.

“Ten times the usual rate should cover the inconvenience and the disappointment of my guests who were turned

away because this room was full," Madam Scarlett said.

Embarrassed, I flopped back on the pillows, my cheeks so hot it felt like I had a fever.

“Hmm. No wonder your bottom line is always so much better than mine," Soren said, chuckling.

“Oh, I'm sorry, are you complaining? Ten times the usual rate is a special discount because I like you so much. And

because I'm thrilled you've finally found a woman," Scarlett said.

She waved her gloved hand at me through the door and winked at me.

I groaned and threw my arm over my eyes. It was too early for this and I was far too naked for it!

“No complaints. The money will be in your account by this afternoon," Soren assured.

I peeked out from under my arm to watch them together. Again, I wondered if they had any kind of romantic

relationship. Based on what Madam Scarlett was saying, it didn't sound like it.

She seemed to think he was sexually repressed or something.

I doubted a man like Soren ever lacked for company in his bed. He was too hot for that. But he also seemed like the

kind that kept it on the down low, unless the woman happened to become a fixture in his life, like me.

Which begged the question, why had I become a permanent fixture in his life?

Other than asking me to stay in a pack with him and giving me a bracelet, he hadn't done or said anything to

indicate that he wanted more from me than this friendship and this deal. Actually, he'd never indicated wanting

friendship either.

“You know that I will stay with you until we figure all of this out," he promised.

“Thank you for your business, then," Scarlett said, winking again.

She turned away but Soren grabbed her arm.

“Hang on there, I'm not done with you yet," he grumbled.

“You can't afford me," Scarlett said, pushing Soren's hand off. “And threesomes are top dollar."

I groaned again and wished I could sink into the pillows and disappear.

“I have some questions for you and I believe I can afford that rate," Soren said.

“Hmm. Questions. Well, normally, you wouldn't be able to, but today I am running a special. Just for you. Ten

percent off for today. Think of it as a bundle discount for the room and the questions," she said, grinning.

Soren glanced over his shoulder at me.

“To be more precise, Mila has some questions," he said, nodding to me.

“I do?" I asked, sitting up.

We hadn't talked about that yet.

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Soren nodded discreetly,

Was I supposed to ask Madam Scarlett about Helen and the artifact? As the owner of a brothel, she probably heard

a lot of rumors. The men that came here would tell the girls anything.

I Imagined they would report anything noteworthy back to Madam Scarlett.

Scarlett pushed the door open slightly and looked me right in the eye.

“Oh really? A pretty young lady has something to ask me?" she asked, curiosity in her eyes.

“I guess I do," I said, laughing nervously.

“Well, I charge by the question. It is a good thing your big boss is paying today," she said. She patted Soren on the


“Okay," I replied, still a little confused.

“Come, come, ask away. Don't be shy," Scarlett said, getting a little short.

“Mila hasn't had anything to eat yet. Why don't we talk over breakfast?" Soren asked, jumping in to save me.

Good thing since he was the one that made this mess!

“I'll have breakfast prepared," Madam Scarlett said with a nod.

“Mila, meet us downstairs when you're ready," Soren told me.

Madam Scarlett turned to the door. She glanced over her shoulder and blew a kiss at me.

“Take your time, my dear. Breakfast is on the house today," she said, winking.

“Umm… where is my dress?" I asked before they could leave.

Madam Scarlett looked at Soren and smirked.

He scoffed and looked away from her like they had some private secret.

Part of me thought I should be jealous of the way they interacted. It was obvious to me that they were just friends

and business peers, though. Scarlett was like that with everyone, even me, and she didn't know me at all!

“I'm afraid your dress was… shredded. It appears some males can't control themselves," she said, narrowing her

eyes at Soren.

“Shredded?" I asked.

Sure, Soren and I had been pretty intent on being together last night but I didn't remember him being that rough

with me while he was undressing me. Had I blocked it out? Or maybe I had been drinking a little too much and I lost

a few memories.

Soren shrugged. “I admit to nothing."

“There are spare dresses in the closet. Take whichever one suits you best. Soren will pay for it," Madam Scarlett

said. She waved her hand to the closet door.

“There's no rush, Mila," Soren reiterated, smiling at me.

“Okay, I'll see you downstairs," I said blankly. I stared after them as Soren and Scarlett left the room, the door

shutting closed behind them.

What the hell just happened?