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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 680
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Chapter 27 : I’ll Tell the bounty Hunters Where You Are


Mila hesitated. Her eyes darted away from me for a moment as if she was trying to think of something to say.

Most likely, she was trying to come up with something clever or evasive.

I figured that because she'd just opened up about her past, she was too emotionally conflicted to think fast. I

honestly hadn't expected her to be so open with me. There was a moment when I thought she'd shut down and

make an excuse about not talking to me. But she surprised me and let me in.

It was a rare moment and I was waiting for the fallout.

She sighed heavily and brought her eyes back to mine. There was something deep in her eyes, something

vulnerable and trusting.

Was she finally starting to trust me?

“I don't know who Helen is. She was not one of the witches I met as a child," she said clearly and without any

attempts to hide the truth.

“Then how do you know her?" I pressed.

“About three years ago she started appearing in my dreams. Always the same, but I didn't pay attention before.

She kept urging me to come here, to Miltern," she said, holding her arms out.

“And you followed a dream vision?" I asked, creasing my brow.

Mila sniffed and crossed her arms. “Well, after I left Saboreef, I didn't have anywhere else to go. It seemed as good

an idea as any."

“I suppose so," I agreed. “And so, you followed a dream vision, knowing it was somehow real, but didn't think you

were a witch?"

Mila swallowed audibly and her tense, walled-off posture softened slightly.

“I blocked it out. Maybe I thought Helen was a witch, but I didn't think that had anything to do with me. Or… I didn't

want to believe that," she admitted somberly.


I paced back and forth in front of her, mulling over everything that had happened. Helen had lured Mila here in

dreams, but she had thus far not shown her face or revealed her intentions.

It didn't sound like Mila had had any repeat dreams of Helen since arriving in Miltern. Had Helen communicated with

her in some other way?

“Do you think it is possible that Helen is the woman who delivered those flowers to you?" I asked, motioning to

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where the vase stood, before Mila had blasted it apart.

Mila shook her head. “I'm not sure. I didn't even know…"

She narrowed her eyes on me. Standing up Mila puffed herself up like she was about to attack me.

“You saw the person who delivered those flowers?" she asked, pointing accusingly at me.

“Yes. But only through a keyhole. I didn't get a good look," I said, smirking.

I realized that she hadn't known I was watching her. With the cat out of the bag, there was no point in denying it.

After our interaction at the temple, I had assumed she knew I'd been keeping a close watch on her.

“You've been spying on me and following me around!?" she cried, throwing her arms up in the air.

I found her attempt at intimidation adorable. Like a mouse squeaking at a cat.

“I assumed a smart girl like you would have figured that out by now," I challenged, giving her a wolfish grin.

Mila scoffed and rolled her eyes.

I thought she might start ranting and raving, given that she was still in an emotionally vulnerable state. Opening up

to me hadn't been easy. She was just as likely to become defensive and angry in an attempt to push me away


Now that we'd come this far, I wasn't going to let her do that.

Sighing, Mila flopped back down on the couch. She pinched the bridge of her nose, apparently recovered from her

emotional outburst.

I sat beside her again and put my arm around her shoulders, half expecting her to pull away or punch me again.

She didn't.

Mila rested her head on my shoulder and deflated slightly. She must have been exhausted after reliving all those


But she wasn't emotionally out of control now. She was steady. Her breaths were even and she wasn't leaning on

me or clinging to me for support and comfort this time.

“You didn't catch up with her, did you?" she asked in a soft whisper.

I had to strain to hear her words. They were filled with disappointment and sadness.

“Otherwise, you wouldn't be asking me if it was Helen that delivered the flowers," she clarified.

“No. Payne went after her but he lost her in the fog around the forest. Whoever she is, she knows this area well and

can come and go almost invisibly," I explained.

Her ability to fill in the blanks was astounding. I knew it had to do with her upbringing. She'd been raised in a high-

risk, dangerous environment. Growing up, she'd had to rely on her instincts and constantly be aware of everything

around her.

I'd met others like her before and it was always the same.

With Mila, it had evolved into a keen intelligence and strong survival skills. I was impressed to see that in someone

so young and with such limited experience in the world outside her dangerous upbringing.

“That's unfortunate. But you should really stop spying on me," she added a little snippily.

“I would if you stopped trying to run off," I countered.

Mila shook her head against me but didn't respond.

I couldn't deny feeling bad for her upbringing. She'd been raised in horrible circumstances. Adopted by a poor

family that only intended to profit off of her and used to lure her own kind into a bounty hunter's trap before she

was able to understand what she was doing.

I seriously doubted that any of the money her foster mother made from those bounties ever benefited Mila at all.

She'd probably gone hungry while her foster mother ate like a queen.

That kind of manipulation on someone so young and no wonder she didn't trust anyone.

I thought about the fights she'd heard and how her foster mother blamed her for their 'guests' leaving without

saying goodbye. She probably had nightmares every night about those bumps in the dark and about constantly

being left alone.

Although, she'd managed to survive her adverse upbringing and I appreciated the skills and attributes she'd gained

from it. If I was putting money on anything, it would be her survival and her determination to get her questions


“Well, now that you've gained my compliance and my help, perhaps you'll actually come to me so I won't have to

spy on you," I told her to lighten the mood.

“What's the fun in that?" Mila asked, giggling.

It was good to see her bouncing back.

“What do you want to do now? You're taking the lead here. Tell me what we do now," I urged.

“Why are you asking me that now?" Mila asked.

She lifted her head from my shoulder and creased her brow. I saw the confusion in her eyes.

“You can figure it out on your own," she huffed.

“I could… but it will be a lot easier if you just tell me. It will save us both trouble."

“I don't see how," she muttered.

“Well, if you tell me, then you won't have to deal with me tracking you down and getting in your way. And I won't

have to deal with putting in the effort to track you down."

“I want to go back to the temple," Mila said, sighing heavily.

I looked her over. She wasn't vulnerable anymore. That was obvious. She had reverted to her usual wary, guarded

expression and posture.

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My sentiment for her rough childhood faded as she put up her defensive walls again. When she hardened herself,

she wouldn't be receptive to any sentiment or comfort.

She wasn't like most people I knew, even from my own dimension. She was strong-minded and didn't need

sympathy or pity. I was used to females that were softer, gentler, and that needed more comfort and


Mila was strong on her own and didn't rely on anyone for that support. I appreciated that because I'd never been

good at the comforting side.

When she was willing to open up, I felt… special. Having her open up at all was rare, but for her to open up to me

was something I couldn't take for granted. My heart softened slightly and for the first time, I wished I was good at

giving comfort and support because when she was vulnerable, I didn't know what to say.

I'd seen in her eyes that she wanted comfort. Never before had I wanted to be that guy for anyone. But there was

this special, strong, unique female and she cracked the defenses around my heart.

“You can leave now," Mila said, breaking into my thoughts.

She pulled away from me slightly.

“Oh, you're giving me permission to leave the hotel room that I pay for?" I asked, arching an eyebrow.

Mila scoffed. “Look, you saw me cry, I told you a story, and now we made a plan for what to do next. I really want

to take a shower."

Smirking, I stood up and stretched until my back popped. My shirt pulled up over my stomach.

Mila, who was at eye level with my stomach, gasped and her eyes widened.

I chuckled and pulled my shirt down.

She huffed and looked away from me.

“I'll pick you up at ten tonight," I told her firmly.

“Well, at least I know what time not to be here," she scoffed.

Growling, I grabbed her chin and forced her to look into my eyes.

“You asked for my help. You're not cutting me out anymore. If you dare leave on your own…"

Mila blinked at me. “You'll what? Hunt me down again?" she asked snarkily.

I sniffed and shook my head. “Oh no. I'll tell all those bounty hunters that are after you exactly where to find you."

Her eyes widened and she sneered at me.

I could practically hear her thoughts, even though she didn't say anything.

She couldn't believe that I was threatening her after I promised to help her. It was obvious in those big, blue eyes of

hers and the way her jaw tensed in my grasp.

I released her face and nodded.

I admired how she kept her silence at that moment. And the startled look she gave me was kind of cute. A deer in

the headlights look, and I was the car barreling toward her. She realized just how trapped she was.

“I'm glad we could come to this agreement. I'll see you at ten," I reminded her.