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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 661
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Chapter 8 : Time to Go


Payne relayed Mila's background to me as we stood huddled around my desk with one lamp on.

“And you're sure there is nothing else?" I asked, frowning when Payne finished his report. I spoke softly so my voice

wouldn't carry through the quiet inn.

Payne shrugged. “Were you expecting something else?"

“It seems strange… there was nothing else to her background?" I asked again for clarification.

“That's all I have," Payne said with a heavy sigh.

“All right, let's go over it again and see if we can find anything else," I ordered, laying my hand flat on the desk.

“There's absolutely nothing remarkable about this young woman. Mila was an orphan and a stray. When she was

five, she strayed into Saboreef Pack and was taken in by a foster mother. Unfortunately, she was nothing more than

a grubby, greedy, gambler," Payne told me again.

“Which doesn't exactly equal a happy, well-adjusted childhood," I muttered.

“I asked around about her and most people had to think hard just to remember her, even when I gave her name. I

think because of her upbringing she was introverted and a loner. No one claimed to be her friend and it sounds like

she mostly kept to herself," he elaborated.

“That sounds about right that she didn't interact with many people," I agreed with a nod. There was no way people

wouldn't have a deep impression about her had they seen her face. The reason why not many remembered her,

had to be because they'd never seen her.

Besides, based on my brief interactions with her, she was independent and preferred keeping to herself, looking out

for herself, and being on her own.

Payne wasn't telling me anything new. We'd already discussed her childhood. It didn't give me any hints to pinpoint

why Lee had been insistent on sending her away as soon as possible.

I knew Lee and he wasn't the type to make a big deal out of these things. Unless it was directly related to him or

could lead to some disaster for all of us, he kept his mouth shut. He'd never say anything outright, but his prodding

was enough to keep me alert for anything in her past that was suspicious.

“Did you think you'd learn something different?" Payne questioned.

“Well, yes. Based on Lee's reaction to her," I admitted, frowning.

“It is sad, but a lot of orphans end up in similar situations to her," Payne reported.

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“What I don't understand is why, if her life is so unremarkable, does it seem like she's in trouble or like she is

running from someone," I pointed out.

“From what I could gather, she was a chronic runaway. Unhappy with her life and trying to find something better.

She had an impressive talent for survival but as a young kid, she could only get so far before the authorities caught

up to her and returned her to her foster mother," Payne said, shrugging nonchalantly.

“Why'd she run away this time? She's an adult now. She can't be trying to escape a foster mother anymore," I

pointed out. Thoughtfully, I stroked my chin.

“For that answer, I had to look at the pack politics, not her individual life history. Saboreef was rounding up their

young, pretty women and selling them to the Norwind Pack," Payne filled in.

“Norwind… that's Alpha Chandler, right?" I asked, arching an eyebrow.

Payne nodded in confirmation.

“It was a surprise to me, too. Alpha Chandler's Luna passed away years ago and everyone says he was very in love

with her and loyal to her. It seems odd he'd look for a new luna," Payne said.

“Perhaps he isn't," I muttered, thinking of the drunken night I'd recently had with Mila. Sometimes, it wasn't about

companionship, it was about loneliness.

“I thought about that too," Payne agreed. “It's been a while. A man has needs, besides physical desires, one of

those needs is an heir. He may be looking to ease his loneliness or he may be looking for breeders. An Alpha like

Chandler has a lot of money and he can buy whatever he wants, including an endless supply of pretty, young


I didn't comment on Payne's explanation of Chandler's purchase. It was none of my business whether he chose to

ease the pain of his loss by jumping into bed with other women.

However, if he truly loved his Luna, what he did wouldn't make him feel better. If anything, he'd feel worse. He

would feel he had betrayed his mate.

That's how I felt about Rosalie.

Though, when Mila showed up in my bed, she'd been a pleasant distraction from my unattainable yearning for

Rosalie for several days…

I scoffed at myself. Afterall, I was just a f*****g hypocrite.

Payne's voice cut into my thoughts.

“When I asked around about the young women being sold, apparently there was one that… refused to be traded

like goods. She fell back on a Saboreef tradition, the Trial of Blackfire."

“What's that?"

“In Saboreef, if someone can survive the Trial of Blackfire, they are granted their freedom. One of the women

being sold chose to test herself against the Blackfire poison, instead of being sold," Payne explained.

Mila had shown up in bad shape. Poisoned out of her mind and Lee had not been positive about her prognosis until

he learned that she had a natural immunity to it.

“It is a very potent, powerful poison, as you know. Most doses are fatal. However, some have survived it in what

seems like miraculous cases. I guess this young woman thought it was better to take her chances with the poison

than with being sold," Payne continued.

I nodded absently, thinking about Mila's determination. She was stupid, taking her chances with a poison that was

almost guaranteed to be fatal! What was she thinking? With that face of hers, Alpha Chandler would have treated

her well. He would have paid for a luxurious lifestyle for her, taken care of everything she needed, and if she

became a favorite of his, she'd never need to worry about her next meal or a roof over her head.

She was pretty enough to become a favorite of the Norwind Alpha. That was obvious.

And yet, she chose to endure torture, pain, and near death just to win a chance her freedom.

It was insane but…admirable.

“Why'd she come here? Was it on purpose or an accident? What happened on her way here? Were you able to

retrace her steps?" I pressed more.

“I wasn't. It's like, after she left Saboreef, her trail runs cold. No one saw or knew anything. I'm sorry, Soren, but if

you want answers to those questions, we'll have to get them from her," Payne said.

“And she'll be so forthcoming," I said half-jokingly, looking at Payne.

Payne sighed and bowed his head. “If you'd like, I can go back out there now that things have settled down and try

to retrace her steps again. I can start with the areas directly around Saboreef and branch out."

“No," I said, holding up a hand as he went to leave. “I don't need to know those details right now. What we have is


Most likely she wouldn't stay here for long, and what we knew was more than sufficient for the time being. We all

had secrets and there was no need to waste more time and resources on someone who did not belong here.



I listened to the conversation between Soren and Payne. At first, I was only suspecting they were talking about me,

but as soon as I heard the name “Saboreef," I verified my guess.

It was obvious that Payne outlined my childhood and even what I'd put myself through to get out of there.

How had he learned so much about me?

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Apparently, even though I tried to keep to myself, people always noticed me.

Well, now that they knew the truth…

I sighed with relief.

Before, I'd felt guilty because I thought Soren was helping me, nursing me back to health, as a free favor. Nothing

in life came free, which was why I left my valuables.

I could stop feeling guilty for accepting his help because, just like everyone else, he wanted something from me.

Why else would he be investigating my past and who I was?

The last thing I wanted was to feel like I owed him a favor. After all the medical care, the meals, and having a place

to stay, that would have been a very, very expensive favor to pay back.

This was the rogue zone and Soren seemed like the type to collect on his debts. Why wouldn't he? There was no

charity in this world. One must either earn it, or pay for it.

Being in the rogue zone, I could only imagine the cost of that would be even higher than normal. If I couldn't cover

it financially, who knows what he'd want me to do for him!

I smiled to myself, thinking how I no longer had to worry about it. He'd been investigating me from the start which

meant he wasn't doing this out of the goodness of his heart. Most likely, he wanted to see if there was a way he

could use me for personal gain.

Now that he knew who was after me, I was far too vulnerable in this place—he could offer me up to Norwind for

something in return. Or he could threaten to expose me to get something out of me.

Either way, he was no better than the freaks that were chasing me.

Earlier, I felt a little guilty running away without thanking him in person, for I thought Soren really was one of those

few good guys out there, it wasn't enough to pay him back for the help he'd provided.

But now…

Well, now, I didn't have to feel guilty. I took what I needed to survive, I left appropriate compensation, and I'd

discovered that Soren was an enemy. I didn't owe him anything after this point and I certainly didn't need to feel

grateful toward him.

He saved me out of his own greed.

I sighed again, shaking my head. There was no point in hanging around and listening in more. They'd given me

what I needed to get me on my way. Now that I knew the kind of people they were, I didn't need to linger or look


In fact, I had to get out of there as soon as possible. I needed to put as much distance between myself and this

place as possible before they realized I was gone.

I thought of the full moon and how her strength filled me. It was time to go!