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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 659
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Chapter 6: I Know You’re Awake

I held my breath, waiting for Ashely to say something or react. When nothing happened, I started thinking about

how I could fight them off and escape.

It was just Ashley and Soren, from what I could tell. I might not be stronger than the two of them but I was fast. My

desire to survive was strong. If I could get to a window, I'd be able to flee before they detained me… I just didn't

know where any of the windows in this room were!

“Huh," Ashley muttered.

This was it. Time for me to escape.

“Her wounds haven't healed yet. I don't understand why," Ashley said with a sigh.

I started breathing again, lightly so she wouldn't see that I'd been holding my breath. I guess I fooled her after all.

Ashley went back to applying the pain relief cream and I stayed still this time. Warmth and relief swept through me

as my pain lessened. By the time she was done, I might be well enough to pick myself up and escape… at least,

until the painkillers wore off.

It was hard not to relax and enjoy the soft, gentle touch Ashley applied, along with that remarkable painkiller.

My mind started to wander and I thought about everything they'd done for me. They'd rescued me from the

sandstorm, given me a place to stay, tended to my wounds, and continued to take care of me.

Were they such bad people if they'd do that for a stranger?

Perhaps I was overreacting earlier, but either way, I needed to find out more about them before I let them know I

was awake. Lying there and listening seemed to be my best option.

Ashley finished with the cream and she quickly swapped out the bandages on my blistered hands and feet. There

was cooling gel on the fresh bandages and I nearly moaned with satisfaction.

“Thank you, Ashley," Soren's deep, delicious voice rumbled. “You've been a big help. I'll watch her for now, you can

take this rotation off."

“Alright, get out of jail free card. I'll be back in a few hours to check on her and give more medicine if needed,"

Ashley said.

I heard her footsteps getting softer as she left the room. Soren didn't move, though. I was laying there in bed,

pretending to sleep, and he was hovering around like a big creep.

I understood why they wanted someone to watch me, in case I woke up or took a turn for the worse. But did it have

to be Soren? From the sounds of it, he was some kind of leader. That meant, he'd be the hardest to fool and sneak


There were some rustling sounds. Soren must have shifted his position from where he was.

Suddenly, a soft breeze washed over me. My nostrils tingled with a familiar, tempting scent. I had to fight the urge

to inhale deeper as my mind swam with the smell of warm cedar and amber, which reminded me of the forest.

I'd been in the desert so long, I barely remembered the forest but that scent was too much. Saliva built in the back

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of my mouth and I swallowed as inconspicuously as possible.

Heat from his body told me that he was really close. Close enough to touch if I just reached out.

What was I thinking!?

His smell might be tempting and delicious, but I wasn't about to compromise myself, or my escape, by acting on

some crazy impulse to touch him!

Something soft brushed my face. Soft, warm, and light. I did my best not to react as I realized it was his breath. He

had to be right next to my face for me to feel his breath.

I breathed as lightly as possible and held perfectly still, willing my body not to betray me. He was so close… If I so

much as twitched, he'd know I was faking.

My nerves shuddered when he spoke again.

“How long do you plan to just lie there?" he asked.

When I didn't move or answer, he let out a short chuckle. “It's alright, you can open your eyes. I know you're

awake," he added.

Still, I kept perfectly still. I didn't want to alert him that I was awake and aware. For all I knew, he was just testing me

or trying to trick me. He might not know I was awake and be faking it to try and get a reaction out of me.

I had to be smart about this. I still knew nothing about this guy, why he'd helped me, or what he wanted from me.

His dark, low laugh resonated through my body. My bones trembled and my skin crawled.

“I am a patient man but you are coming dangerously close to the edge of it. However, if you are really asleep, I can

think of one very interesting way to help you wake up," he said in a quiet, threatening voice.

I shuddered inwardly, hoping he didn't notice.

Suddenly, his scent washed over me again. My mind swam and I felt like I was drowning in him. All I could smell and

taste was that delectable scent.

And his breath was on my face again. He was close to me, so close. A ghost of something passed over my lips.

What the hell was he doing?

My skin heated and I clenched my thighs unconsciously. My insides squirmed in all kinds of pleasant ways. Part of

me wanted him to take the next step and kiss me.

But I resisted the urge to inhale his scent and lick my lips. This was not the kind of man I wanted to have anything to

do with, especially not what he was implying!

I snapped my eyes open.

Soren was leaning over me, his face inches away from mine.

Our eyes locked together and for an agonizingly long moment, I was transfixed. I couldn't look away and he

seemed just as unable to either.

Shaking my head, I sat up quickly and pushed him back.

“Mind your distance," I warned, sitting straight with my spine stiff against the headboard and glared at him.

Soren smirked but obliged and backed away.

“Who are you and why did you bring me here? What do you want from me?" I blurted out all the questions at the

forefront of my mind.

Soren stared at me for a long moment. His brow furrowed ever so slightly.

Why did he look confused?

“You don't remember me…?" he asked slowly and deliberately.

Was I supposed to remember him? Quickly, I racked my brain for the answer. I remembered struggling through the

desert in the sandstorm. I remembered thinking I was going to die out there and feeling all my strength

evaporating. Then, I remembered being in a soft bed with others talking around me and taking care of me.

No, I didn't remember anything about Soren, except his voice and how it had grounded me. Slowly, I shook my

head and gave him a suspicious look.

Soren's eyes widened for a moment and then he smiled lightly. Almost like he was happy I didn't remember him.

That didn't bode well…

“You came here several nights ago wounded, poisoned, and half dead from the sandstorm," he explained.

“I remember that," I muttered. For some reason, I felt exposed in front of him, even though I was fully clothed. I

grabbed the sheet and lifted it around my torso and chest.

Soren's eyes glinted, apparently finding that amusing.

“I saved you, more or less, but… Well, you should know that something happened–"

“I appreciate your help," I cut him off. “In fact, I'm even grateful. But you didn't have to save me."

Again, he just stared at me. I couldn't tell if he was shocked or relieved.

He c****d his head to the side, a slight upturn to the corners of his mouth.

Intrigued. That's how he looked at me.

I shifted my gaze to my lap, ignoring his obvious curiosity about me. All I cared about was getting my stuff and

getting the hell out of there. I needed to put as much distance between myself and my pursuers as possible.

Yet, the way he looked at me was almost soft and friendly. I got the feeling that he wasn't going to hurt me. He was

dangerous but he wasn't a threat to me.

To keep from looking at him, I started scanning the room. I knew that I had a pack on me when I'd gone into the

desert. I'd brought some water, spare clothes, a knife and some other possessions.

It would make me feel a lot better if I could get my knife back. I'd need it for self-defense or to help me escape.

Soren chuckled again and walked to the dresser. He rummaged through one of the drawers and turned around with

my pack in his hands.

“Looking for this?" he asked, arching an eyebrow at me.

I stared at the pack warily. Why was he just offering it back to me? If he'd searched it, then he'd know I had a knife

and some valuables. If he hadn't searched it, then he was an i***t.

Tentatively, I reached out and took my bag.

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“Thank you."

Our hands brushed as he handed the bag to me and I pulled away with a gasp. I avoided looking at Soren again and

peeked inside the bag. All my stuff was still inside. I hugged my pack to my chest and relaxed a little.

Hurried footsteps in the hall made me turn my head to the door. Ashley rushed into the room, her eyes wide when

she saw me sitting up.

“Oh, you're awake," she said, surprised.

Her eyes shifted between me and Soren. He was still standing close to me, our hands just inches apart from when

he'd handed me my pack.

Ashley scoffed and crossed her arms. I could see her dissatisfaction with our proximity. I wondered if Ashely and

Soren were together.

Not that it mattered to me…

“It is good that you're awake. Now that you're up, you can leave," Ashley requested sharply.

“You're right. I really should be on my way. I'm not going to overstay my welcome," I agreed with a nod.

If they weren't going to keep me prisoner and I didn't have to stage an escape, then I was happy to just walk

through the front door.

“Thank you for your help–"

“Ashley, give us a moment alone before our guest is on her way," Soren's voice rang.

Ashley stared at Soren with absolute disbelief, however, she didn't fight with Soren. Turning on her heel, she

stomped away.

I looked at Soren with wariness. Was I too hopeful to think he'd let me go easily?

“Don't worry about Ashley. She is a little spoiled by her brother and is very direct. She doesn't have that filter which

tells her when not to say something," Soren said fondly.

I was starting to think there was something going on between the two of them. Every time I heard them talking, he

was so gentle and kind with her.

“Deep down, she's really a sweet girl," he continued.

I scoffed and shook my head. “I'm not really concerned about the type of person she is. She does have a point,

though. I really should be on my way, now that I'm awake."

Hugging my pack, I tried to stand up.

My knees wobbled and my head swam dizzily. The world tipped sideways and I was falling!

Soren's arms came around me and he held me upright. The room stopped spinning and I slumped against him

slightly. If he hadn't caught me, I would have smashed my head on the headboard.

“Th-thank you," I stuttered.

He kept his arms around me and our eyes locked again. Deep, stormy pools of blue-gray. So restless and endless

like the sea. His dark hair gave him an imposing look but close up, I could see how attractive he was. His angled

features weren't as sharp and he looked almost kind.

What was I thinking? He was the enemy. Everyone was the enemy, as far as I was concerned.

“You're too weak to head off on your own. You should stay until you're stronger," he suggested.