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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 593
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Chapter 93 : I Didn’t Look Back


I'd never used my powers before, not like this. That shadow of darkness was a mystery to me still, its

presence life-long, but dormant. I'd heard the stories passed down from generation to generation.

I'd been old enough to witness my uncle, who showed much more of a promise to the powers of the

Dark Lord than I ever had, overcome the soul-sucking darkness in his veins as he laid his heart before

a woman with the blood of the White Queens.

My powers were minuscule, a faint fluttering in my body. But when Lena had marked me, well,

suddenly I could feel those powers itching to get loose, to take over, drawn out by her own.

And when I watched more of those gray, molted creatures come out of the forest, followed by their

handlers who were more human than hybrid beasts but not by much, I felt my powers surge as anger

and betrayal swept over me like a rogue wave.

Lena had planned this. She'd stalled our trek back to the gorge until we'd run out of daylight. She'd cut

her hand open, leaving a trail of blood for the vampires who worked under King Nikolas's rule to find


And now she was trying to send me back to the pack lands while she went on some foolish hero's

journey into the Night Realm, alone.

I think the f**k not.

I screamed at her, throwing the full force of my power forward just as a spray of light erupted around

us, splitting the sky in two.

I wasn't a match for her strength, and I had been just a second too late in casting my shadow of

darkness like a net over her. Her cry of surprise, then terror, cut through me like a knife as a winged

hybrid landed behind her, its oddly human hands outstretched and closing in on her.

“Close it!" I screamed, drawing one of the wooden-bodied blades from my belt as several vampires

surrounded me, their eyes burning crimson beneath their black hoods. “Close the f*****g portal!"

I could feel the force of it behind me, invisible save for a magnetic rippling that made the landscape

beyond look somewhat distorted. I could step through and save myself. That's what she had wanted,

after all.

But she was gone in an instant, the clouds above my head breaking apart as the hybrid disappeared

back into the darkening night.

She was my mate–my pregnant mate. I wasn't going to let her sacrifice herself to the f*****g Vampire


I kept my eyes on the vampires, who were inching toward me as the last shred of day waned and night

fell over the forest. Their hybrids waited behind them, varying in shape and color. I could still see the

wolf in them, and I felt a pang of regret as I gazed from hybrid to hybrid, wondering who they had been

before they'd been captured, taken, and turned against their will.

The vampires eyed me, sizing me up. They lipped dry, cracked lips and ran their tongues along their

long, pointed teeth.

None of the vampires in Brune had looked like this. They had been beautiful, kind, and flushed with

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healthy, lively color.

These vampires were gray and shriveled, their eyes red and black orbs against their hollowed, sunken


They were hungry. They were kept starved for the purpose of the hunt–this hunt.

I could shift, but I'd have to fight off the vampires and their hybrids with nothing but my jaw and claws. I

knew about their speed because Costas had been more than happy to show me his own. I couldn't

outrun them. I had to fight. I had to make a stand, even if it was my last.

“You'd better have a f*****g plan, Lena!" I screeched, although it was unlikely she could hear me,

wherever the hell she was now.

My only choice was to kill them all one by one and pray to the Goddess that the winged hybrid hadn't

noticed the rippling vortex behind me before it'd flown off with her.

These vampires couldn't leave this clearing alive, not with the pack lands only inches away.

The first one lunged forward, and I slashed it with my knife. The smell of burning flesh wafted through

the air as it screeched and rolled away. One after another, they tried me, lunging and baring their teeth.

I had the upper hand until they ganged up on me, all while their hybrids watched.

I understood the reasoning for the odd, suffocating armor Costas had supplied us with when the

vampires began to try to sink their teeth into me. The scaled jacket cracked their teeth over and over as

I swung my blade wildly, slashing through whatever was nearby.

But it was six to one, and after half an hour of this dance, I suddenly felt like I was being stabbed

repeatedly in the thigh.

Pain ricocheted through me, and I lost my balance as the vampires attacked my legs. The leather that

covered my pants wasn't thick enough to totally thwart their assault, and once they had me on the

ground I knew, without a doubt, that it was over.

'Adrian!' I screamed through the mind-link, praying the open portal could relay my message. 'I'm dead.

It's over. The portal is open. You must warn the Alphas. You must stop these creatures from breaching

the pack lands. Egoren–'

My mind began to drift, my heart rate slowing. I was losing blood–all of it. Once they'd gotten me on the

ground, it was nothing for them to tear my armor from my body to access my wrists and my neck.

I held on by a thread as I turned to look at the hybrids. I noticed them backing away, bowing their heads

to me as they disappeared into the darkened woods without their vampires.

Why? What was happening?

I didn't close my eyes. I held on, unable to move. The only feeling left inside of me was the steady beat

of my powers being drained away with my blood.

Maybe I was already dead? I couldn't feel anything. I couldn't see anything other than the stars above

my head as I let my eyes flutter against the night sky.

Dying was surprisingly peaceful, I realized. It was alright. Lena would kill that ugly vampire bastard

king. She would; I didn't doubt it. I'd be mad at her for a long time, but I had forever to get over it–

eternity. Where would I go next? What was waiting for me on the other side? Lycaon himself? What

would he be like....

I closed my eyes and accepted death, but only momentarily. Air rushed back into my lungs, choking me

awake. I opened my eyes again and found myself completely, and utterly alone.

I was nearly naked; the shirt and pants I'd been wearing beneath the layers of armor were shredded

and barely hanging from my body. I sat up, my breath catching in my throat as a searing pain radiated

through my body, making my ears ring.

It was full dark, and I could barely see anything. I couldn't even see the rippling portal in the lack of


But the clouds were moving overhead, and soon intense starlight filtered down into the forest, giving

me a muted view of the damage done to my body, and the damage I myself had inflicted on the half

dozen vampires who were sprawled around me, dead where they lay.

Not only were they dead, but they were shriveled. I swallowed hard as I looked down at the vampire

who was sprawled out over my legs, face down and covered by his cloak. I shot backward, scooting as

far as possible away from the scene, panting as adrenaline coursed through my body and ignited a

burning pain in the puncture marks that covered my skin.

The body of the vampire shattered against my swift movements, settling into the cracked ground in a

puff of ash.

All of them were dead. All of them.

I looked down at my hands, at the lines of darkness coursing beneath my skin, and I knew with

certainty what had happened.

I'd killed them with the dark powers that ran through my veins. That soul-sucking force had poisoned

them, turning them into dust, into soot.

I choked a laugh, holding my bare arms up to the light of the stars. These creatures couldn't handle

even a taste of my blood without dying.

I felt a surge of what I could only describe as pure, unadulterated confidence as I jumped to my feet,

but then I swayed violently and fell back to my knees as my vision went black. I was weak, but not

weak enough to lay there in the open. The hybrids had retreated–to where I didn't know. But they were

still out there.

I had a decision to make. I could stay here and guard the portal while Lena did whatever the hell she

was planning on doing. I could go through the portal and not only warn the pack lands about what was

happening but also gather reinforcements to help rescue their princess. I could go back to Brune and

ask for help.

Or, I could go get my mate myself.

I ground my teeth as I gingerly rose to my feet, steadying myself on the trunk of the tree. I looked

around the forest, then up at the sky above, which was starting to turn a pale blue in the distance as

the realm's fleeting daylight returned.

A thought struck me as I watched daylight break overhead.

Henry had told me time worked differently here, that he'd only been in the Night Realm for a week

when almost six weeks had passed in the pack lands. We'd been here for three days, maybe four. How

much time had passed in the pack lands in our absence?

I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to gauge the severity of the situation. I had no idea how far

along Lena was in her pregnancy. It was early, that I knew for sure. But she'd been throwing up all day,

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every day since we'd arrived in the Night Realm.

She was exhausted, and she'd complained about the pants she'd been fitted for only a day ago being

too tight around the waist when we'd suited up for what should have been our journey home. I ran my

hands over my face, going over everything I knew about pregnancy, which in all honesty, wasn't much.

Would her pregnancy progress at a faster pace here? If a week in this realm was six weeks in her

realm, how much time did we have?

My heart and body reacted before my mind could catch up, and I started walking through the forest,

passing the portal and turning my back to it. I didn't have time to go back to the pack lands for help. I

wasn't going to waste a second in Brune putting up with their lavish dinners and social rituals while

Lena was in the clutches of the Vampire King.

The only things I stopped to grab on my way out of the clearing were the wooden, iron-tipped knives,

the belt that held them, and that velvet bag of bloodstones.

I didn't look back.


I walked all through the day in no particular direction. I reached out to Lena through our bond over and

over, trusting that my body knew better than my mind as I let my legs lead the way toward my mate.

I'd come out of the forest an hour ago, walking out onto a wide, rocky bluff overlooking a narrow valley

below. I started, overwhelmed by the jagged landscape and what looked like an abandoned city built

into the curve of the mountains below.

The city was falling in on itself and was too far away to see in detail. But, if there was someone hiding

there who could tell me the way to the Vampire King's lair, well, taking my chances against more blood-

thirsty demons was a risk I had to take.

Night was falling again. The days were so impossibly short here, and I had no way to keep track of how

much time was passing. It felt incredibly rapid, however, and my stomach twisted with anxiety as I

thought of Lena.

I had to get her out of here, and it needed to happen quickly.

I climbed into a tree, going as high as the branches would let me while also holding my weight. I

balanced myself, my stomach aching with hunger and stress.

I just needed to find the Vampire King. That's all I needed to do.

I closed my eyes briefly, not letting myself fall into a deep sleep so I could keep my guard up. A few

hours passed; they must have, because when I opened my eyes again it was full dark.

I looked around, my body going rigid as I tried to stay absolutely silent.

That's when I heard it–a woman's voice. She was arguing with someone, her voice lifted in… fear.

I looked down, squinting into the dark as I made out two figures standing directly below me. Her

companion hissed, his hood falling over his shoulders revealing pale skin and shining amber colored


The woman was not like him, though. She didn't shine like the vampires I'd known in Brune. She wasn't

gray and molted like the vampires that had attacked me in the clearing. Her scent hit me, soft and

delicate and laced with apprehension.

“You're coming with me," the male vampire spat, his voice laced with fury.

“No," she said sharply, but her voice trembled.

He reached out and grabbed her arm, and I launched myself out of the tree on top of him, flattening

him to the ground beneath me.