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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 571
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Chapter 71 : I Need Your Help


“What do you mean?" I sneered as Adrian slammed the door shut behind him. His blue eyes narrowed

on mine for a split second before peering around the room. “He's not here! I thought he went back to


“He didn't. I haven't heard from him in two weeks."

My heart dropped into my stomach as I searched Adrian's eyes for understanding. His gaze lingered on

mine, furious and intense, but then he glanced at the dying embers in the hearth and bared his teeth.

“It's f*****g freezing," he sneered through chattering teeth as he shrugged off his sodden coat and let it

drop to his ankles. He began striping down while I stood there, shellshocked. “Do you have a blanket,

or a towel?"

He was standing in only a wet undershirt and his boxers now, the fabric clining wetly to his skin.


“Yeah, I–I'm sorry."

I walked around one of the couches and tossed him a thick wool blanket before kneeling by the hearth

and stoking the embers until they began to glow. I heard him slump into the armchair closest to the fire,

his teeth chattering violently as I added a handful of kindling and bark to the embers. My fingers felt

numb as I worked to stoke the fire into a hot blaze. The heat of the fresh flames so close to my hands

did nothing for the chill that ran through me, and it wasn't from the cold.

“He hasn't contacted you?"

“Not at all," I replied, glancing over my shoulder at him before tossing a log on the fire and closing the


His cheeks were pink with cold, and his wet hair was dripping onto the blanket, little puddles of

moisture casting shadows over his shoulders.

“How did you find me?"

“Do you realize the chaos you caused in Avondale? Your family is in an absolute f*****g fit, Lena.

Abigail told me where to find you," he bit out, his eyes reflecting from the flames like a mirror as he

looked at me. “And don't worry. No one else knows where you are. That's what you wanted, right?

Leaving behind only a note telling your parents you were sorry.... Your father is threatening war against

Egoren. He thinks Xander ran off with you."

“He's what?" I rose onto my knees, my stomach clenching painfully as I wrung my hands together.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Adrian shook his head, his mouth tightening into a smirk. “Yeah. You heard me correctly. I almost got

arrested by your uncle's warriors just for showing up at the palace. The only reason they let me go is

because I explained that I was there for Xander regarding Crimson Creek, and your grandfather

stepped in–"

“Crimson Creek?" I interrupted, rising to my feet. “What about it?"

“What do you mean, what about it?"

I blinked down at him. I prayed he could see the confusion and panic behind my eyes.

“Xander hasn't told you s**t, has he?"

I shook my head, and Adrian groaned dramatically as he leaned his head back against the armchair

and closed his eyes.

“You two are a mess, you know that? I've never met two people so dead set on self-sabotage–"

“Excuse me?" I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest. “What the hell do you want, Adrian? I don't

know where Xander is. He left, for all I know. We fought, and then he was just… gone. I had my back

turned to him for a second and when I turned back around he was gone. I haven't seen him or heard

from since that day, and I left Avondale a few days later. I have a job now. I have a home, and a new

pack. I have no plans to go to Avondale, or Valoria, or anywhere for that matter. Whatever mess

Xander created that he's running from is not my problem–"

“Something is wrong, Lena. That's why I came here, to find you. Xander wouldn't just disappear–"

“He's disappeared on me multiple times!" I cried, my pain and heartbreak spilling over the edge of my

calculated grip on my composure. Tears rolled off my eyelashes and streamed down my cheeks,

trailing along my jaw as I gripped my arms, hugging myself. “I loved him, Adrian. He broke my heart

over and over and lied to me. He hasn't told me anything about Crimson Creek, you're right. He

wouldn't. He couldn't even give me the peace of mind of knowing the warriors for Breles were still there

looking for signs of Elaine and Henry. I don't know how Bethany is doing, or what Gideon and his family

are up to. Xander is a liar, a manipulator, and I hope I never, ever see him again."

Adrian pressed his tongue against the inside of his lower lip, shaking his head slowly from side to side.

“You're wrong about him–"

“Am I? If I was wrong, he'd be here right now. He would've chased me here and tried to make things

right, but he's not that kind of man–"

“You don't realize what he's done for you, to keep you safe."

“I don't need saving!"

“For f**k's sake, Lena. You do. You do need saving because you refuse to save yourself. You refuse to

use your powers. You refuse to learn. You're stuck in this fantasy world you created based on your own

fear of who you really are, and Xander has stuck his neck out for you time and time again!" Adrian

rose, the wool blanket cocooned around him the only thing to soften the look of pure hatred lining his

features. His stance and expression sent a shock through my system. He looked terrifying, and for the

first time, I noticed the faint scars that rippled over his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, the patches of

white skin highlighted by the fire that was now roaring in the hearth.

“He loves you, and he's a fool for it in my opinion. He came to this realm to find a wife with White

Queen blood that wouldn't die bearing his heir, and he chose you. He loved you, against his better


“You're a f*****g bastard!"

“YOU," he said hotly, narrowing his eyes on me, “haven't given him any credit for what he's done to

protect you. And unless you help me find him, you won't have the chance."

“Xander and I are nothing!" I cried. “He didn't even have the decency to reject our bond so I could move

on. Adrian, for the love of the Goddess, you don't understand–"

“Xander and I have killed together. Did you know that? Has he ever mentioned his time fighting the

wars in our homeland, the bloodshed he tried to end? He saved my life more than once, and those acts

bound me to him for life. I am his Beta, but I'm also his friend, and I know him. I know him, okay? And I

know that something is wrong–"

“What do you want me to do, Adrian?"

“Help me find him. Despite what you think of him, he wouldn't abandon you. I've never seen him like he

was around you. He told me, that day he ran into you and Slate on campus.... He said he'd found her.

He found 'the one.' He was f*****g giddy, if you can believe it. I thought that meant we were packing up

to go home, but he refused to just… just take you back to Egoren. He said you were his mate. I

believed him. And I believe him now."

I didn't have the words to convey my feelings. I felt like I was being ripped to shreds, and rightfully so.

Adrian hadn't been wrong at all about his description of me. No matter how badly it hurt to admit, he

was right. I was a coward. I ran when things get tough. I hid when I get scared. I'd been hiding, and

running, my entire life.

Xander had been one of the only people in my life who embraced me for my faults. He was also the

only person who had ever pushed me to be better, to learn… and most importantly, he'd done so

without putting me into a box and forcing me to go somewhere, and be something that I didn't want to


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

But his omission of an incredibly painful truth had hit me like a freight train as I looked up at Adrian,

tears clouding my vision.

“He was going to propose to me. He'd asked for my parents' blessing. He had a ring and everything.

We were arguing about how this all could possibly work. And then he told me… he told me I couldn't

have children, because of what happened–"

“When you killed that hybrid monster?"


“I wouldn't put much stock into anything those people in Crimson Creek told him," Adrian said with a

drawn-out sigh as he sank back into the armchair. His shoulders relaxed, and he c****d his head

toward the couch.

I sat down, and whatever strength I had left within me vanished as I slumped into the cushions. “Why?"

“Xander will explain when we find him. It's not for me to say. He made me promise. He ordered me, as

his Beta and subject, to let him be the one to explain what happened. But we're running out of time

now, and I'm worried, Lena, that everything is going to go to s**t and we're never going to see him


“You have to tell me–"

“There's going to be a war, that's all I know. Your grandfather knows, and is acting on it."


“Xander told him about everything that happened in Crimson Creek, from the moment you two arrived

in the village to the day you left."

The blood drained from my face as Adrian went on, telling me about how Xander had traveled straight

to Winter Forest and pleaded his case for assistance to my grandfather in a realm that was not his own.

He'd left the same day we'd parted ways at the train station in Morhan.

My heart began to shatter as Adrian went on, and on, about how Xander was sounding a rallying cry for

forces to defend the west against an enemy no one knew about.

“The Alpha of Crimson Creek can't have an army that large," I protested, gripping the couch's armrest.

Adrian looked into my eyes and flexed his jaw, then gravely shook his head.

Through the flames reflecting in his deep, sea blue eyes came a vision from my fevered nightmares.

The man dressed in black, his face swallowed by a gruesome shadow as night surrounded us, choking

us with its embrace, his teeth long and yellowed in the light of a full moon. And when his eyes met


I'd seen nothing but death.

“We need to find Xander. You bare his mark, Lena. I need your help," Adrian whispered in surrender.

I nodded, then rose to my feet.