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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 531
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Chapter 33 : Ambassador from the East

* Xander*

The inn had a modest restaurant on the first floor, decorated in a similar fashion to the rooms above. I

was sitting at a round table in a far, quiet comer of the restaurant, a huge platter of roast beef with

gravy, sourdough bread, and roasted vegetables laid out between me and the ambassador sent from

the East.

He was a young man. likely only a few years younger than myself, with rich dark hair and slightly tilted

emerald green eyes. He bore the characteristics of the royal eastern family, with his sharp nose and

high cheekbones, and a strong jaw and chin. I eyed him curiously as he forked a piece of roast beef

from the platter and dropped it on his plate, letting out a long sigh as he blinked down at his food.

‘’Long trip?" I asked, sipping from my pint of bitter, dark ale.

George, a great-nephew of the former Alpha King of the East, looked up at me tluough his thick, dark

lashes as a wry smile touched his lips.

‘‘Absolute hell, if I'm being honest. I always forget how long it takes to get anywhere in Finaldi." He took

a bite of the roast and sighed again, shaking his head. “I feel like I haven't eaten in days."

"Same," I said, filling my own plate and stealing a glance toward the foyer.

Lena was in for the shock of her life when she came downstairs to meet us. and I was looking forward

to watching her emotions play over her face.

"My partner will be joining us in a moment. She needs to... ulun, finish drying her hair."

"I didn't know your field partner was a woman," he said with a c**k of his brow.

I shrugged, hoping the heat still gripping my body from what Lena and I had been up to only half an

hour before wasn't evident on my face.

"She's the best botanist Morhan has to offer." I smiled, despite my efforts to remain neutral.

"Well, don't tell my cousin that." George grinned. swiping a piece of meat through the gravy on his

plate. "She's a botanist as well, but her field study is in Red Lakes."

I ran my tongue along my bottom lip, arching my brow and nodding my head in response. Oh, hell. This

was going to be interesting.

"You might know her, actually. Selene Gray."

"I don't think I do. My course of study is in pharmaceuticals."

"She'd be hard to miss," he said with a little chuckle. "But I haven't seen her since this time last year.

The whole damn family still congregates in Avondale every December-"

I was watching him closely as he spoke. I was feeling a little anxious now. wondering when Lena was

going to walk down the stairs. Any minute she'd round the comer of the foyer, and she'd either run or

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come face to face with the truth.

"Did you come here on your own?" I asked.

George shook his head, but then considered my question and shrugged. "Charlie is in Breles meeting

with their Alpha. I'm meant to ran whatever information the warriors have gathered pertaining to the

investigation back to them at the end of my stay." He glanced up at me quickly before settling his gaze

back down on his food. "Prince Charlie, that is."

"I gathered as much," I said lightly, giving him a crooked smile.

Based on George's casual demeanor. I'd already assumed he wasn't in line for any title, but he was still

related to the retired Alpha King of Valoria. Ethan Gray. He would have grown up with the princes, as

well as Alpha King Rowan, and Troy, the Alpha of Poldesse.

I could have asked him about his ties, but I knew it would take an hour for him to go over every branch

on his enormous family tree. He was tied to the West as well, through the marriage of Alpha King

Rowan and Queen Hanna, whose family hailed from Red Lakes and whose father was the Alpha King

of the West, of Finaldi.

Ethan Gray's reign was substantial based on the way he had connected the entirety of the pack lands

tlu ough marriages and offspring, cementing a hereditary monopoly that would rale for generations to

come. It was incredible, really, how much that man had accomplished in just under fifty years of rule.

We ate in silence for a few minutes as I gathered my thoughts. I glanced at George as I reached for my

beer, noticing the thin gold band on his ring finger. He noticed my gaze and smiled, his cheeks going

ruddy as he flexed his hand.

"My wife isn't here with me. unfortunately. She's pregnant, and wasn't feeling up to a month-long boat

ride to the West."

"Congratulations," I said earnestly, giving him a smile.

He smiled in return, his eyes misting for a moment before he brought his beer to his lips. "Thank you, it

was a surprise, to be honest. I'm still coming to terms with it."

"It couldn't be so much of a surprise," I quipped, leaning back in my chair. I was wanned, and

comfortably full, and thankful for the distracting conversation.

"Well, Joy and I were... well, you know. I'd known her all my life. She's from Suntra. and her family

vacationed with mine in Avondale every winter. We were in love, but didn't know we were mates until

she turned twenty-one last year. I married her the day after her birthday."

"Really?" I said with a little laugh.

He nodded, crossing his amis over his chest and chuckling as the memory drifted behind his eyes. "We

eloped. I thought Ethan- the former Alpha King, as you know-I thought he was going to kill us both."

"You're alive, so I'm guessing the family accepted your decision eventually?"

"Yes," he grinned, leaning back in a similar fashion to myself. "They act tough, but when it came down

to it, all they wanted was our happiness. It was my great aunt who silenced any complaints, actually."

He could only be talking about one person. Rosalie, the White Queen.

I felt a glimmer of hope settle in my stomach.

“This will be my last errand as a royal ambassador, actually. Joy and I are moving with her parents and

their pack to the southern jungle-"

I almost spit out my beer, but swallowed it. giving him a quizzical eye. "The southern jungle?"

"Joy's mother was from Dianny. if you can believe it. Her parents raised the kids that survived, and now

what was left of the people in Dianny have outgrown the island of Suntra. They've been building a new

settlement on the shore of the southern jungle for a few' years now; It'll be ready for the pack this

coming spring."

Dianny. Lycenna. I closed my eyes for a brief moment, trying to stabilize my thundering heart.

"You've heard the tales. I assume?" George shrugged, catching on to my discomfort.

Oh, if he only knew...


I turned to Lena's voice, seeing her standing in the foyer, her eyes narrow'ed at me. I stood abruptly,

biting the inside of my cheek as her gaze turned to George.

There it w'as-panic. She confirmed with her expression what I’d already known for a long time. George

opened his mouth, a surprised but genuine smile playing over his face, but then he stilled, his brow

knitted in marked confusion. She was staring right at him, her face twisted in a scowl.

“This is Lena," I said, clearing my throat as I motioned for her to come join us at our table.

"Oh," George said, narrowing his eyes at her as she sheepishly walked foivvard. her cheeks flaming

with a deep, frustrated blush.

She sat down, pulling a plate in front of her and began piling it with roast beef. I w'atched her for a

moment, trying not to laugh as she did everything but make eye contact with George. I wanted to ask

what her deal w'as, but I knew' it'd be fruitless. She wasn't going to tell me the truth, no matter the


"Crimson Creek, huh?" George said, giving Lena a stem look that made my skin prickle with

adrenaline. "A far cry from-"

"What news from the Alpha of Breles?" she interrupted sharply, forking a piece of roast into her mouth.

George sucked on his lower lip, Iris eyes fixed firmly on hers for a moment before he surrendered to

whatever game they were playing via the mind-link, I assumed, and turned Iris attention back to me

with a resigned sigh.

"The woman you sent w'ord of? Jen? She's missing. But based on the evidence gathered from those in

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the village and the estate, she is the prime suspect of the murder of the woman named Gretta and is

wanted for information pertaining to the disappearance of the groundskeeper and farmhand." George

sipped Iris beer, his gaze flicking to Lena before he met my eye again. "Something unusual was

discovered, however. The w'arriors went out into the hills outside of the estate and found the remains of

an old settlement in a nearby valley. It should have been long abandoned, but there were signs of

activity in the area."

I'd been there. I'd gone with Elaine that day she went with me to collect samples of blood root.

Lena turned her gaze to me, her eyes shining in the dim light of the restaurant’s chandelier.

"I know of that place. I didn't get close enough to investigate," I replied.

"Probably a good thing. There were signs of it being some kind of... sacrificial altar, of sorts. I have the

report, and will be taking it back to Breles when I leave Crimson Creek in a few days."

"Do you have samples of the blood root?" Lena asked, dumping an obscene amount of gravy on her


"Of what?"

"Blood root," she repeated, looking annoyed.

"It's a plant that grows around the village." I sighed, glaring at Lena. “We have samples of it. Slides,

ready for the microscope."

"If you feel it would aid in the investigation, I will take it with me," George said, glancing between us, his

brow furrowing with suspicion. "Are you two together?"

“No!" Lena and I said, a little too loudly.

A smile touched the comer of Iris mouth, but he hid it well.

After we finished eating, George said, “Well. I'm sure you've given your own reports to the w'arriors,"

leaning back in his chair. "Is there anything else you'd like to add?"

Lena stood from the table, looking flushed. She shook her head, and then turned on her heel and

walked briskly away and out of sight as she rounded the foyer.

"She's in a horrible mood," George huffed, toying with the remains of the food on his plate.

"Is she alw'ays like this?" I asked, meeting his eyes.

Understanding passed between us, and he nodded, pursing his lips.

Silence blanketed the table for a moment, but then I leaned foivvard.

"Listen, I have something I need to tell you, that the royal family needs to know. But... it needs to be off

the record."

"Why?" George asked, looking intrigued.

I let out my breath, still gazing directly at him.

"I think the pack lands are in danger. There's someone I need you to meet-a family, here in town. But

you have to promise me their identity won't be involved in the report."

George narrow'ed his eyes at me as I took a breath.

"They're not like us," I said. “They're not from this realm."