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She Became Rich After Divorce by Georgina Lane

Chapter 360
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Chapter 360: The Thirteenth Eye Fortune Mansion was located in another affluent neighborhood to the north of Akloit. This area had once been a Briyran concession, boasting a strong Enofonean architectural influence. Many of the houses featured Gothic- style pointed roofs, and the most famous among them was the red mansion located at a crossroads.

This mansion, owned by Akloit's wealthiest family, the Foleys, was lavishly decorated from design to furnishings, reflecting the opulence and grandeur of the wealthy.

Passersby would only see the grandeur and luxury of the house, but they couldn't perceive the emptiness and solitude within its walls. Local residents often heard an elegant and retro piano melody emanating from the mansion in the early morning, though no one knew who was playing. The music was melodic, pure, and rivalled that of professional pianists.

The mansion featured opulent Enofonean-style decor, with antique chandeliers that resembled bellflowers, and floral patterned fabric sofas where books were haphazardly stacked.

In the center of the first-floor hall stood a black and white grand piano. A woman sat there, gracefully clad in a dark red velvet gown with a vintage square collar that cinched at the waist. She played the piano with elegance, her fingers moving gracefully across the black and white keys.

Her fingers danced nimbly across the piano keys, producing a series of enchanting and haunting melodies that disrupted the morning's tranquility.

The melancholic melody repeated, creating an eerie atmosphere that sent shivers down one's spine. It was like the gaze of the devil itself, unrelentingly fixating on you.

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The Devil's Invitation - the 'Thirteenth Pair of Eyes' - originated from a primitive tribe. It began circulating in the mid-20th century, and it was rumored that everyone in that tribe had committed suicide after hearing this piece. The melody felt like the unblinking eyes of death itself.

Because of its eerie and dark nature, the piece was later banned from performance, and the musical score gradually disappeared.

On the staircase at this moment, a young man in his early thirties, wearing a well-tailored black suit and gold- rimmed glasses, was holding a deep brown briefcase. His fair and handsface was marked by a pair of meticulously groomed eyebrows, and he wore an expression of impatience. He glanced briefly at the woman playing the piano.

'Again, so early in the morning? What madness has possessed you?' he asked, furrowing his brows.

Bang! The woman's hands pressed down on the final high note of the piano, producing a deafening, ear-piercing sound, as if tearing through fabric.

The melody abruptly ceased, and she turned slowly.

Her beauty was beyond words, her features perfectly balanced, as if painted by a divine hand. Her enchanting face radiated a pure and gentle light.

Yet, it was this very woman who had just played the eerie and dark 'The Thirteenth Eye.' 'Corey, are you on a business trip?' Corey nodded with a detached tone and hurriedly walked down the stairs towards the door, carrying his briefcase. 'Yes, I have a business trip. If you need anything, just tell Joe.' He didn't even look back as he left.

The woman watched his departing figure and noticed a small section of fabric peeking out of his briefcase. She sighed bitterly. It seemed like he would be gone for a very long tagain.

Just as she turned her head, she saw a young boy standing on the second-floor corridor. He appeared to be around six or seven years old, still wearing a black cotton pajama set and adorable cartoon duck slippers on his feet.

The boy's face was a spitting image of the man who had just left, as if they had been carved from the smold. He had finely chiseled features and tightly pursed lips, all resembling his father. Even their expressions were uncannily similar.

The boy glanced at his father's departing figure and then at his mother, who was standing downstairs lost in thought. He turned and headed back to his bedroom.

Without needing any help from the maid, Rachel, he changed into his school uniform, washed up, shouldered his backpack, and picked up the prepared breakfast. He walked downstairs and greeted his mothe with a calm and serene face. 'Mommy, I'm going to school now.' It was only then that the woman reacted, gently stroking the boy's head with her beautiful, skillful hands that seemed perfect for playing any musical instrument. 'Kelvin, be a good boy at school, and listen to your teacher.' 'Okay.' 'Off you go. I will be painting, and I'll cpick you up after school.' Upon hsearing her promise, a faint anticipation appeared on his fair face. He reached for the doorknob, opened the door, and let the snowflakes outside drift onto him in the brisk wind.

He kept a tight, polite smile and, before leaving, glanced back at his mother, who was heading upstairs. Today was December 27th, and the weather forecast had predicted heavy snowfall.

A middle-aged maid with an ordinary appearance and a slightly plump figure approached, carrying a black umbrella. She affectionately patted the boy's hair. 'Master Kelvin, the snow outside is getting heavier. You should take an umbrella.' He looked at Rachel with his dark, gem-like eyes and replied solemnly, 'No need,' before shouldering his backpack and heading off.

Rachel stood there, staring at the small figure walking alone on the wide, desolate road, and sighed.

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In the morning, Corey had to leave, and the driver had gone to drop him off. Normally, it would be the lady who would personally send the young master to school, but today...

Today, she had allowed a seven-year-old child to take the bus by himself. Rachel couldn'thelp But worry about whether the young master would be able to manage taking the bus, especially since it was his first time. As the young boy boarded the bus for the first time, he didn't know where to sit and had to ask several passersby for directions.

It was late December, and the snow fell heavily, with large flakes gently drifting from the sky.

The green bus stop was covered in a thick layer of white snow, and only a few people were waiting, wrapped in heavy coats and scarves, each with their own unique style.

As the boy stood there, waiting for the bus, other people around him were chatting with each other, their breath forming white puffs in the cold air.

They were all momentarily stunned by the sudden appearance of the when they handsyoung boy, and noticed he was wearing the uniform of a prestigious private school, their surprise was unanimous. One passerby couldn't help but ask him, 'Hey, kid, where are your parents? Are you going to school all alone in this heavy snow?' The young boy continued to stare ahead at the snow-covered road, waiting in silence for the bus without answering.

The man muttered to himself, 'Such bad manners. Are kids from wealthy families always this arrogant?'

His companion patted him on the shoulder and said, 'Con, Robin, you should keep quiet This young boy probably comes from a family where he's not given much attention, or else why would he be taking the bus with us on such a cold day?' The man laughed, 'You're right. Kids with no manners like him are probably not liked by their parents.' The young boy clenched his fists.