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Shattered Girl (Emmy)

Chapter 113
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Chapter 116 The blaring alarm that wokebefore seven did not makehappy. Tears stong the back of my eyes When I realized it was because we had to take Mike and Drew to the airport. Getting up, I dragged myself into the bathroom and started the shower, stripping down and climbing in; I shrieked when the water was still cold. Oh well, at least I was awake now. Drew stuck his head in the bathroom just as I finished rinsing off.

"Hey, sweetheart, just leave the water on; I need to hop in quickly, Drew said, stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind him. He dropped his boxers, and I took a moment to appreciate the view. Then, I blushed when he stepped closer toand tilted my chin until I saw him in the yes. "Like what you see, baby?" He chuckled.

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"Always," I promised before wrapping my arms around his waist." I'm going to miss you two so much," I whispered, my voice cracking with a sob "I know, sweetheart. We will miss you too, but the sooner we go, the sooner we can cback," Drew remindedbefore givinga nudge toward my bedroom and climbing into the shower. I retreated to my bedroom, pulling on scomfortable clothes that were still nice enough to wear out, and when the smell of coffee made it into my room, I made a beeline for the kitchen. I knew I would only make it through the next few hours with coffee and cuddles I was sitting on a stool at the kitchen island when I felt a pair of arms wrap aroundfrom behind Patrick rumbled a good morning into my neck before kissing the top of my head. Lettinggo, he began making his cup of coffee, then sat down next to me, linking his free hand with mine and squeezing it. My other guys started to cin, each stopping to givegood morning kisses. They each made their coffee. After dropping their packs by the garage door, Mike and Drew were the last to cinto the kitchen. They made their coffee and leaned against the counter across from me. God. they look yummy in the uniforms; I hope they get to keep them when they retire; my brain was coming up with many intriguing ideas about my men dressed in their uniform, and I squirmed in my seat, drawing the guy's attention to me.

"You ok, baby girl?" Josh asked "Yep, I have just been sitting still too long; I'm fine, I promised, hoping he would believe me. I did not want to voice all the dirty images my mind had cup with right now. When Drew and Mike finished their coffee, they rinsed their cups and clapped their hands, startlingfrom my daydreaming- "Let's get going, Whos driving?" he asked, looking between the twins and Patrick, Patrick stood, pulled the keys out of his pocket, and led the way into the garage, pushing the button to open the garage door as he walked to the SUV. Mike stopped next to me, then sweptup in his arms, carryingbridal style into the garage before settingdown and climbing into the back of the SUV.

I followed him into the back with Drew behind me. I wanted to sit with them and spend as much twith them. Once everyone was buckled in, Patrick backed the car out, and we were off. I linked one hand with Drew and one with Mike and rested my head against Mike's shoulder.

All too soon, Patrick was pulling into the parking lot by the airport, and we were all climbing out. Once Drew and Mike had their packs, I clung to each of their hands as we walked them inside. Stopping in front of the security checkpoint, I was openly crying when Deer sweptinto his arms, and I wrapped my legs around his waist to hold on. Mike stepped up behind me, and we stayed in our group hug for several minutes before Drew putdown Once they had said goodbye to their brothers and Patrick, they returned to me, Mike reachingfirst. He wiped the tears from my face before kissingdeeply, promising to call as soon as they could and tellinghow much he loved me. Drew did the same, tellinghe lovedand promising to call before leavingwith one last kiss.

I stepped back and let the twins surround me, with Patrick behind me. We watched our two soldiers pull out their IDs as they walked through security. Stopping, they turned and gave us one last wave before turning and disappearing into the crowd. I continued to sniffle as we walked back to the SUV, Patrick said he would drive, and Jake helpedinto the back, climbing in after me, while lush got shotgun. Once 1 buckled my seat belt, lake wrapped an arm aroundand pulledagainst his chest, handinga tissue to dry my face. Patrick drove us from the airport as I rested my head against Jake's chest. A few minutes later, I felt the car slowing down, and I opened my eyes to see Patrick had pulled into a shopping center. Glanting atin the rearview mirror, we made eye contact. Coffee love?" Patrick asked. I sat up when I saw my favorite drive-thru coffee place.

"Yes, please. Thank you for stopping. Patrick," I pulled out my phone and opened the coffeebefore handing it to him.

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Here, use my app; I'm only a few points away from a free coffee, I told Patrick. When I saw all of them staring at me, I shrugged.

What? I like coffer."

"Baby girl, we need to cut down in your suffer intake," yosh said,O M shaking his head. The content is on e; novelenglish.net! Chapter 116

"No way, I gasped in shock. I don't drink that much coffee. Besides, you don't want to seewithout coffee.

I have been told I get crabby.9 M warned all of then Iof them, hoping that would be the end of this cutting down on my coffee talk. When we pulled to the window, I ordered my drink with only one shot instead of my normal three to four and smirked. That would keep them quiet. No

one can complain about a single shot of coffee. The content is on coffee.
