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Shackled (The Lord Series) by Amy T

Chapter 101
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Shackled (The Lord Series).
101. Stefan
The sight of Angel beneath me makes my demon hum with happiness. I share his feelings. Her face is flustered, her eyes are full
of anger but they still betray her desire for me. She may deny that she wants me, but I know she needs me. She needs to feel
loved and taken care of. And I am more than ready to show her she is safe with my blood- brothers and me. It took me a long
time to see how wrong I was about her and pushing her away is something I will regret my entire life.
only was
Reyes’s being on the verge of madness was the only thing stopping Alekos from breaking the bond that ties us together as
blood–brothers. I must prove that I am committed to Angel and our child. It’s more than commitment, for what I feel for Angel is
so primal and feral, my body and soul scream in agony to be united with her.
I push her tank top up to see her stomach without clothes. Shit. I am going to be a father. The baby bump is barely noticeable,
and my fingers itch to touch it again. I place my right hand on her belly. My heart feels like bursting out with happiness. How
much longer until I can feel the baby move inside her?
Angel narrows her eyes. “What are you doing?”
“I never cared about being a father or not, but once I learned about the baby....” My gaze rushes to her face. “Do you really think
it’s a girl?”
A daughter who looks just like her mother–that is my blood–brothers and I wish. Maybe it will come true.
She pushes me on my chest, but I refuse to move. My body trembles with the need to be inside her and fuck her until she no
longer doubts my intentions.
While Reyes, Alekos, and I were looking for her, there were many moments when I thought we would never find her. For months,
we searched every corner of the city and had Lords do the same all over the States, but there was no trace of her. It was like she

disappeared from the face of the earth. During those dark times, when we weren’t looking for her, Reyes kept himself busy by
killing those who participated in Angel’s torture, while Alekos spent his time either in his office or at the Blood Lodge. They
refused to speak to me unless I found Angel. I was desperate, drowning in alcohol while looking for any clue as to where she
could be. And then, one week ago, I received an email that contained one photo of Angel in front of a bar. At that time, I didn’t

know it was in Tazacorta, but a quick search on the internet revealed its location. After I showed it to Alekos, he took the first
plane to La Palma. After he found her
and knew she was well, he called Reyes–who left immediately for Spain. They forbade me to come, but I had to see her, and
only agreed when I told them Rin would join me. They have more trust for Rin, then they do for me.
“You are not the baby’s father,” Angel huffs. “And get off of me!”
“I might not be her biological father, but she is still mine,” I say. “Just like you are mine.”
I rock my hips, my cock rubbing against her pussy, her heat and wetness driving me crazy.
“Fuck off!” she snarls.
Angel’s nails claw at my chest, digging into my scars, causing me pain. It will be a long time before they stop hurting.
I grab her wrists and pin her hands above her head. She tries to kick me, but my body on top of her limits her
101. Stefan
“Stop,” she says when the tip of my cock slips between her folds.
“You want this,” I attempt to reason with her as I enter her. A gasp leaves her lips.
Fuck! Fuck!

Reyes was right. Her pussy is pure perfection. I want to punch myself in the nuts for not fucking her before now.
When I am balls deep inside her, I stop, not wanting this to ever end, but the urge to move is overwhelming.

What the fuck is this sensation?
I have never felt like this before. It’s not only our bodies that are connected but our hearts and souls as well. I can feel her pain
from the broken bond and how we treated her. No wonder Reyes and Alekos are so protective of her.
“Go ahead and rape me!” she yells as I start to move.
“I am not raping you, and you know it.” 1
I grab her left leg and put it in the crook of my elbow, the new angle allowing me fuck her deeper and faster. Will her ass feel as
amazing as her pussy? How sore will she be if I refuse to let her out of bed until Reyes and Alekos return, fucking all her holes
until she agrees to take us back?
“I never agreed to be fucked by you!”
“If you dislike it so much, why do your hips rise to meet mine?”
Her eyes dart to where our bodies join, her ass up in the air, her hips kissing mine, a blush flushes her cheeks, staining them red.
“Just because it feels good doesn’t mean I like it.”
“Liar,” I call her out on her bullshit and press my mouth to hers. My lip is still sore from how hard she bit.

when our tongues meet, I can only focus on how amazing she feels.
I never understood why people liked kissing. Sure, I kissed women before Angel, mostly out of curiosity, but I didn’t enjoy it. Not
even with Emily, but I kept doing it because she liked it. I kissed Angel because I saw it was something she often did with Reyes
and Alekos, and I figured she liked it. To my shock, I fucking love kissing Angel. Maybe because she is my hellstar? Whatever
the case might be, I want to keep enjoying every part of her body for the rest of my life.
I let go of her wrists and put my hand between us, my thumb rubbing her clit, wanting to make her come and hear her scream my
name. Her pussy clamps on my cock, her breath becoming ragged. It won’t be long now.
I press my forehead to hers. “Moan for me,” I order her. She shakes her head. “Don’t make me stop you from cumming and edge
you until you do as I ask.” And to prove my point, I slow my movement and stop rubbing her clit, despite her being seconds away
from coming.
“No matter what you do, I won’t moan for you.”
101. Stefan
I chuckle. “Alekos warned me about you being stubborn. Get ready because I am very good at edging.” Good thing I convinced
Rin to make himself scarce until tomorrow. I have a lot of time to play with Angel.
She presses her lips together, letting me know she is done talking.