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See You Never, Mr. Lamont by Coral

Chatper 246
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Chapter 246 The Truth

“Mr. Ferguson, to be honest, we were able to find some clues about Edmond, but this Magnus, we couldn’t find any

information at all.” The detective also had a bitter face. This man was missing, always wearing a mask and

sunglasses, appearing and disappearing

unpredictably. Not to mention them, even the police probably couldn’t find anything.

Horace’s handsome brows slightly raised, his full lips lightly pursed, his face carrying a hint of inscrutability.

The biggest problem was that no trace could be found.

“Young Master,” the butler walked in and said to Horace, “Tristen has arrived.”


Horace smirked, arriving just in time.

“Let him in, and bring up some tea and food.”

“Very well, young master.”


Claudia followed Thomas back to the Johnson family, but only saw Emily who had been reduced to tears.

“Mom…” Claudia’s heart clenched as she quickly walked up to Emily.

Emily wiped away a tear, looking at her with a forced smile, “Elva’s prosthetic is broken, they said we did it.”

“How could Elva’s leg be broken?” Claudia frowned, as it involved Horace’s privacy, she didn’t deliberately check

what Elva had done to Horace yesterday.

“She wasn’t even allowed through the door of the Johnson family’s house. Who knows how her leg got broken,”

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Emily said calmly, but there was a hint of suppressed anger in her voice.

To say how much Thomas valued Elva, she wouldn’t believe it. Elva had done so much, it was impossible for Thomas

not to care.

Thomas came knocking, most likely using it as an excuse to vent out the frustration from being beaten up


“Fortunately, you found out about Elva contacting her parents. After your dad knew about this, he finally stopped

making a fuss at home.”

If Thomas continued to make a scene and was seen by others, she would have no face to stay here.

Hearing Emily’s words, Claudia roughly guessed what Thomas had


Despite her earnest advice, Thomas ultimately did not take it to heart.

“Didn’t you say you had an appointment this afternoon? You go ahead, don’t worry about me. No one can bully me

in Vencumfield.” Seeing her worried look, Emily’s tone lightened.

Seeing her like this, Claudia finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In Vencumfield, indeed, no one could bully her.

Thinking of Elva, Claudia still sent a message to Waldron, asking him to go to the hospital to check on Elva, to see

how she was doing.


The Johnson family had been so good to them. If Elva really shifted the blame onto the Johnson family, she would

definitely not stand by and do nothing.

Claudia had packed everything, planning to set off for the base in Vencumfield organized by the group, when Yvette


“Claudia, Tristen has gone mad! He actually held a press conference live, claiming that the reason, he’s been hiding

in XZ all these years is because Edmond wanted to kill him!”

Yvette’s voice was filled with anger.

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Upon hearing this, Claudia’s heart ski pped a beat, and she quickly opened her phone to search for the live

streaming platform.

Tristen was live streaming, and the number of online viewers had already exceeded tens of millions.

The screen was filled with phrases like “Shocking!” and “Dark Secrets of the Rich and Famous,” and most of them

were cursing Edmond.

Tristen pulled out something like a document, laughing heartily, “Abel and I have already done a paternity test, I am

his biological father. I, Tristen, am not dead. As the saying goes, ‘what goes around comes around’, it’s Edmond, the

man of many evils, who should die!”


Upon hearing Tristen’s words, Claudia’s fingers tightened and her heart clenched painfully.


The scene of Edmond shielding her from the bomb surfaced again in Claudia’s mind.

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Tristen said again, “During that initial fire, Edmond told everyone that I had risked my life to save him. In reality, he

took the gas mask and left me to fend for myself!”

“If it weren’t for my friend saving me, I would have already gone to meet the King of Hell.”

“Edmond was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He was willing to kill me, his own brother, just to get everything from the

Lamont family. Over the years, my face was ruined and I had to hide from XZ, fearing that he would try to kill me

again. I lived under a false identity for many years, using all the money I earned for plastic surgery, all for this day!

G od is fair, he is actually dead, hahaha!”

Tristen laughed, his laughter h oa rse, tears shimmering in his eyes.

Tristen’s words, one by one, pierced everyone’s hearts like needles.

In everyone’s impression, although Edmond was dead, he had always been a heroic figure. Unexpectedly, the

appearance of Tristen tore all of this apart.

It turned out that Edmond was not a self-sacrificing hero, but a murderer who didn’t even spare his own brother.

In an instant, all the winds started to change direction, and countless people turned to curse Edmond.

“If the law did not severely punish such a person, then he should be left to divine retribution.”

“No wonder the death was so tragic, it turns out this is karma!”

“I can’t believe I was moved to tears when I heard of his death, so this is the kind of person Edmond really was!”


Seeing the message on the barrage, Claudia felt a chill run through her body.

In Tristen’s description, Edmond was an utterly wicked villain.

Ironically, Edmond had died, with no evidence to prove it.

Although her relationship with Edmond had broken down, in her memory, Edmond was not this kind of person at all!

She logged onto her Twitter and posted a message:

Tristen, you lied!