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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 304: Who is he?
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"So, what are you going to about Leo?" Jayden asked suddenly.

Grey looked up. "Where’s he by the way?”

Alfred sighed. "Inside. I haven't been opportune to inform him about the good news. He's probably sick

with dread," he expressed.

Grey looked away as he thought about it for a moment. "Alright, Prepare him for a trial." Grey stood

and made to leave.

Luciano looked at Grey. "You are not going to kill him?"

Grey raised his brows slightly. "No, but he's going to be punished accordingly. I won’t kill him because

I've forgiven him. It’s Giovanni that must suffer anyways," he voiced out.

The elders nodded quickly and a sigh escaped them.

"That's actually pleasant to hear!" Luciano laughed.

Jayden nodded briefly. "Sincerely."

Alfred looked at Grey. "I'm glad you aren’t going to kill him."

Grey nodded once. "I want more men to watch over Charles. Nothing must happen to him. I will be

going home now."

"I will tell the men to go with you. They can always return," Gregory suggested.

Grey shook his head briefly. "No, I will pass."

"No, we can't allow that," Luciano said quickly. "We need to protect you! We can't afford to put you in


"I don't want that. And as you've seen earlier, I can handle myself," Grey finished and walked out of the

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house. He entered the garage and ten men walked after him.

When Grey turned to look at them, they pulled to a stop and bowed to him.

Grey sighed. "I thought I told these people not to try to send anyone.” He released a sigh again. "Ok,


He walked to his car but before he would be able to enter the driver's seat, one of the men got inside.

The others entered the back seat while Grey took the passenger seat. The others took another car

after Grey as the driver pulled out into the street.

Suddenly, it looked like two cars were going after them.

"It looked like we are being tailed," the driver announced.

Grey looked up at him for a moment, before he focused on the rear mirror. He saw the black car

coming after them.

"Take a turn,” he ordered.

The driver complied immediately.

After what seemed like some minutes, the two cars drove right behind


"It looks like they are really after us," the driver expressed.

Who could it be? Grey made a mental calculation. It’s either it was Alex or Giovanni. Well, Giovanni

has started playing chess with him. Though, he didn't expect him to be taking such drastic steps

Grey turned to look at the driver. "You need to outrun them."

"Should I call Mr. Gregory?" One of the men from behind asked suddenly.

Grey thought for a moment. "Pull the car to a stop."

The driver glanced at him. "What boss?"

"Stop the car now!" He ordered in a deep voice.

The driver pulled to a sudden stop.

"Confuse them. Get them to follow you until they corner you. They will definitely pull back when they

realise I'm not with you.”

"But Boss, we need to protect you."

"I can help myself."

The door opened and the three men got down. "We will come with you, Boss. At least till you get to

your house. One of us will place a call to Mr. Gregory. We don't know how many of them are after us."

He explained.

Grey nodded briefly and got out of the car. The three men followed him.

The other car pulled to a stop behind the first driver. He placed a call to them just as he started his car

as well.

"Move it! We are to protect the Boss!" He announced and the other car started the ignition behind him

as well.

They increased the accelerator as the other two black cars followed them from behind.

Grey walked with the men towards his house. It was close by actually and there were a lot of men in

the house waiting for him. And the funniest thing is that he didn't even have any contact with one of the

men in his house.

Though, he wasn’t scared at all. But he knew his elders would be worried to death about him.

Just as they got back on the street, a black car pulled to a stop into sudden stop in front of them.

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The men moved to stand in front of Grey.

The door of the car opened suddenly and a man stepped out. He had a black mask on and he stood

firm on the ground.

Grey noticed his stance and knew that it was neither Giovanni nor Alex.

But wh could it be? Could Alex have sent someone after him as he did to Charles?

The three men rushed towards the man quickly but he was so fast, dodging their punches and giving


Within minutes, the men were on the floor. Truly, the man in the mask was skilled.

He walked closer to Grey. "I’ve heard so much about you,” he boomed, his thick voice sounding

strange to Grey's ears.

"Who are you?”

He laughed and stopped for a moment. His hands went up to the mask and

then, he pulled it down.

Grey stared at his face for a moment as if he could see something that would strike a chord and tell him

where he had seen or met him. Nothing! He was a total stranger.

"I don't know you. I've never seen you.”

"Yes," he muttered, a silly smile sticking out of his mouth. He looks older, probably fifty or sixty, and a

mark stretched across his face, from his left hand to his right cheeks. It only stopped slightly in his eyes

and continued under it.

"But I know you. You must be the popular Hercules," his eyes sparked with excitement.

How did he know? Grey hasn't announced to anyone who he was. There was no way anyone would

know about his identity unless one of his nemeses told him.

Giovanni or Alex must have done that.