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Save Myself from Desperation by Cara Agnes

Chapter 369
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Chapter 369

The last acupuncture session just ended.

After Leonard finished applying the needles, his expression turned more


Karen’s heart skipped a beat. She hurried to the bedside and saw Ashley still lying there,

unconscious. Tears instantly stung her eyes as she touched her daughter’s cheek with

trembling fingers.

Valentin asked in a strained voice, “Mr. Ferguson, how is Ashley doing now? When will she

wake up?”

Hearing this, Karen and everyone else in the ward looked anxiously towards Leonard.

Leonard sighed and slowly said, “Over these seven days, I’ve been giving Ashley

acupuncture daily. If things were going well, she should have woken up today. But now,

she’s still unconscious, and the situation is a bit troublesome…”

Karen felt dizzy upon hearing this, nearly collapsing.

Brian quickly steadied her.

Karen, with a pale face and tears in her eyes, thought, ‘If things were going well, she

would have woken up by now. So this is what they meant. by deciding in seven days.

And now, it’s troublesome…

George and Lester looked even more upset.

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In the tense atmosphere, Valentin seemed surrounded by cold darknes He turned

mechanically to Leonard, his voice hoarse to the point of breaking. “What’s the next step

in her treatment?”

Leonard sighed softly, “According to the method my master taught me, for this strange

illness, if she hasn’t woken up in the first seven days, we can only proceed slowly. Instead

of daily acupuncture, we can do it only twice a week now, along with medication.”

Lester quickly asked, “So, when can she wake up?”

Leonard replied, “Maybe in ten days to half a month, maybe two to three months, or even

longer. We can’t be sure right now. We have to wait and



Chapter 369.

see how her body responds.”

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Lester’s breath hitched, and he clenched his fists. Did this mean Ashley might wake up

soon, or it might take a very long time?

Joseph, standing nearby, turned pale at this news, his heart sinking. ‘Ashley….

‘She can’t…

‘She’s always been so healthy, and she has to wake up in ten days or half a month!!

In the silent ward, Valentin’s expressionless face showed no emotion. It took a while

before he mechanically moved towards the bedside.

The girl who, just a few days ago, was joking and kissing him affectionately, so bright and

lively, now lay motionless on the hospital bed, eerily still as if devoid of life…

His eyelashes trembled slightly as he stiffly sat down beside the bed, gently holding the

girl’s pale and delicate hand. He knew she couldn’t feel it, but his actions were still

cautious as if handling the world’s most

precious treasure…

Watching this scene, Lester’s expression darkened, and he suddenly turned and walked

out of the ward.

George almost immediately understood what he was supposed to do. He glanced back at

Ashley, who was lying on the hospital bed, clenched b fist, and followed Lester out of the



In a dim, damp storeroom, the air was thick with a strong, stinging sm of blood.

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Tyler, covered in blood and barely alive, lay on the floor. His arms and Tyler, covered in

blood and barely legs were twisted at unnatural angles, clearly broken. Deep wounds on

his body exposed his bones, and broken bones were gruesomely visible. He was hanging

on by a thread.

When Lester and George entered, they saw Tyler looking like a dead rat.

A nail pierced Tyler’s right eye. Seeing the newcomers with his left eye, he became

agitated and started breathing heavily and hoarsely.

Then, with a strange and harsh laugh, Tyler said, “What a surprise! The


Chapter 369

esteemed sons of the Pliskin family have come to see me. It must be because that girl

Ashley is in trouble. I told you, if you want Ashley to wake up, give me the entire Pliskin


Lester’s eyes were cold with hatred, wishing he could send this monster straight to hell.

Leonard had said before that Tyler couldn’t cure Ashley’s illness and was only using it to

threaten them for the Pliskin family’s fortune.

But now, Ashley still hadn’t woken up.

Could Tyler really wake her up?

They had to find out.

If Tyler could cure Ashley, then why not give him the Pliskin family?

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George, experienced in the business world, knew how to negotiate. He knew Tyler

wouldn’t tell the truth if asked directly.

After a moment’s thought, George spoke coldly and indifferently. “Tyler, you’re wrong.

Ashley’s illness is already cured, and she’s awake.”

Tyler was startled and then sneered, “Trying to fool me? No one can cure Ashley’s illness!”

“It was Leonard who cured her,” George said.


A flicker of panic crossed Tyler’s eyes, but he laughed arrogantly. “Leonard could cure her,

but he died years ago. How could he treat Ashley? You’re too naive to try to trick me with


George, standing tall, looked down at him. “You’re wrong again. Leonard just didn’t want

to treat people, so he spread the news that he had died.”

George then showed Tyler a video on his phone of Leonard giving Ashley acupuncture,

saying emotionlessly, “This is Leonard treating Ashley.”

Seeing Leonard alive in the video, Tyler’s eyes widened in shock, and he nearly growled,

“So, Leonard has already cured Ashley?”

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What could he use to threaten Brian and take over the entire Pliskin family now?


Chapter 369

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“Tyler, you have no leverage left.”

George looked at him like he was a dying ant, pressing him with every word. “Leonard

himself said that with your medical skills, you couldn’t possibly cure Ashley. You just

wanted to use this as a threat to take over the Pliskin family. We know all about your

plans. Now, what else do you have to say?”

With every word George said, Tyler’s face grew more and more scared.

Since Leonard cured Ashley, Tyler no longer had any leverage over Brian and couldn’t get

control of the Pliskin family.

More importantly, without that leverage, Tyler wondered if he could even keep his life


Did George and Lester come today to deal with him?

Tyler’s forehead veins bulged, his eyes bloodshot, and he cursed. furiously, “That old man

Leonard! He ruined everything for me! So what if I couldn’t cure Ashley? I’ve wanted her

dead for a long time! Including all of you! Everyone in the Pliskin family deserves to die!”

Tyler wasn’t stupid. After using Ashley’s illness to get to the Pliskin family, why would he

treat Ashley and let her wake up? That was a joke. He wanted to destroy them all, to take

revenge on everyone in the Pliskin family!

So, from the start, he never intended actually to wake Ashley up. He wanted her to stay

unconscious forever!

Hearing Tyler admit he couldn’t cure Ashley, Lester’s face turned dark and grim, his gaze

sharp as a blade. “Tyler, this time, you truly have no leverage left…”

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Tyler’s life wasn’t worth anything, even if he died a thousand times!

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