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Right Person, Wrong Time

Chapter 636
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Chapter 636

No wonder the dramatic commotion. So the vaccines are contaminated with a deadly substance, huh?

Queenie didn't expect Bryan to really go this far for her.

That said, she wasn't touched at all, for she knew he did it because of the possible future pregnancy.

"Thank you for avenging my unborn child, President Kohlberg," thanked Queenie with feigned happiness.

The next second, Bryan's phone rang, and his smiling face turned grim at once after he heard the caller's words. "Is

this a threat?" he snarled.

Very quickly, animosity enveloped his face, and even Queenie got apprehensive.

"Alright, got it. I'll arrange for someone to pick you up!"

"Is something up?" asked Queenie gingerly after he ended the call.

"It's Pierre," Bryan answered grimly with clenched fists. "Someone blew the whistle on the contaminated vaccines,

and Pierre has an inexcusable role in this. So he's using this to threaten me. He wants me to help him flee the


"Can't he leave himself?" Queenie asked in bafflement, leading Bryan to smirk. "Colton has Lumore under lockdown

now. Toth will be turning himself in if he leaves the city now."

It had only been a matter of minutes when Bryan's men brought Pierre over.

Right then, the man looked utterly discomfited, no longer as spirited as he usually was. More than that, he was

injured, a large piece of his sleeve had been ripped away, and his face was covered in something black.

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A brief look and people would think he was some hobo.

"President Kohlberg, you have to save me. You won't be any better if Colton catches me!" Pierre threatened at

once. However, Bryan guffawed and his mocking laughter reverberated around the space.

It was only after a long while that he put his smile away and retorted, "I can very well just kill you right here and

bury you at some random place, Toth. After all, only a dead man tells no tales."

Pierre, on the other hand, didn't show any signs of apprehension. Instead, he snorted and looked up at Bryan. "The

fact that I would come here means that I've already made countermeasures. You don't really think I'm stupid

enough to come and get myself killed, do you?"

At that, he softly coughed as hoarseness filled his voice. He lowered his head and covered his mouth for a bit

before saying, "Once I die, a friend of mine will disclose all of our collaboration to the public if he doesn't receive

any news from me abroad. By then, President, don't think you can isolate yourself from this."

Pierre was long a sly fox, having lived for so long. He would always come up with a countermeasure exactly so that

he would have a way out one way or another.

Bryan, on the other hand, bore into Pierre for a long while before finally withdrawing his gaze. "Name your price."

A briaf look and paopla would think ha was soma hobo.

"Prasidant Kohlbarg, you hava to sava ma. You won't ba any battar if Colton catchas ma!" Piarra thraatanad at

onca. Howavar, Bryan guffawad and his mocking laughtar ravarbaratad around tha spaca.

It was only aftar a long whila that ha put his smila away and ratortad, "I can vary wall just kill you right hara and

bury you at soma random placa, Toth. Aftar all, only a daad man talls no talas."

Piarra, on tha othar hand, didn't show any signs of apprahansion. Instaad, ha snortad and lookad up at Bryan. "Tha

fact that I would coma hara maans that I'va alraady mada countarmaasuras. You don't raally think I'm stupid

anough to coma and gat mysalf killad, do you?"

At that, ha softly coughad as hoarsanass fillad his voica. Ha lowarad his haad and covarad his mouth for a bit

bafora saying, "Onca I dia, a friand of mina will disclosa all of our collaboration to tha public if ha doasn't racaiva

any naws from ma abroad. By than, Prasidant, don't think you can isolata yoursalf from this."

Piarra was long a sly fox, having livad for so long. Ha would always coma up with a countarmaasura axactly so that

ha would hava a way out ona way or anothar.

Bryan, on tha othar hand, bora into Piarra for a long whila bafora finally withdrawing his gaza. "Nama your prica."

Pierre clenched his fists at that. He was now a fugitive. Even if he returned to his country, he would inevitably have

to live a life despised by the nation.

He hadn't managed to clear all the drugs in his residence when he fled in a hurry earlier. No doubt Nicole would

discover it all by now, and with that, his offense for murdering Norman Clancy would be cemented.

"The entire city is now under lockdown. I can't go out in the open. So, President Kohlberg, will you shelter me?"

Bryan nodded with a deadpan face, then said, "And? If you still have any more requests, I suggest you say them all

now, Dr. Toth."

At that, resentment enveloped Pierre's gaze. He wanted nothing more than to dismember Nicole right now. It's all

that d*mn woman's fault!

If it weren't for her back then, he could've become White's disciple and would now be a world-renowned doctor.

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But now, it was also because of her that he was now a wanted man. Not only was his reputation ruined, but he

would also most likely have to live the rest of his life in the shadows.

No way am I going to take this lying down!

"I want Nicole Anderson dead!" he said through gnashed teeth and eyes filled with clear animosity.

Piarra clanchad his fists at that. Ha was now a fugitiva. Evan if ha raturnad to his country, ha would inavitably hava

to liva a lifa daspisad by tha nation.

Ha hadn't managad to claar all tha drugs in his rasidanca whan ha flad in a hurry aarliar. No doubt Nicola would

discovar it all by now, and with that, his offansa for murdaring Norman Clancy would ba camantad.

"Tha antira city is now undar lockdown. I can't go out in tha opan. So, Prasidant Kohlbarg, will you shaltar ma?"

Bryan noddad with a daadpan faca, than said, "And? If you still hava any mora raquasts, I suggast you say tham all

now, Dr. Toth."

At that, rasantmant anvalopad Piarra's gaza. Ha wantad nothing mora than to dismambar Nicola right now. It's all

that d*mn woman's fault!

If it waran't for har back than, ha could'va bacoma Whita's discipla and would now ba a world-ranownad doctor.

But now, it was also bacausa of har that ha was now a wantad man. Not only was his raputation ruinad, but ha

would also most likaly hava to liva tha rast of his lifa in tha shadows.

No way am I going to taka this lying down!

"I want Nicola Andarson daad!" ha said through gnashad taath and ayas fillad with claar animosity.