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Right Person, Wrong Time

Capítulo 1095
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Chapter 1095 I Do

Seeing that Nicole was napping, Colton couldn't help but chuckle. He wrapped his arms around her to secure her in

place and whispered, "Go on and take a nap. There is still an hour left. I'll wake you up when the ceremony is about

to start."

Hearing his words, Nicole didn't hold back anymore and fell into a deep sleep. Colton supported her head and

smiled. He sat straight as he looked at her sleeping.

At this moment, Anna, who wore a red dress, approached them. Initially, she wanted to have a chat with them.

However, when she saw them snuggling together, she quickly lowered her voice and asked, "Is Nicole feeling

unwell? Should I call a doctor?"

"It's fine." Colton stopped her. "Nicole is just tired since she woke up too early. Please help me keep a lookout on the

preparation, Mom."

Anna nodded. Seeing lovebirds, she said nothing more. "Alright. I'm going to go now. Remember to wake her up

when the ceremony is about to start. It's best to let her get some sleep now since you two will be busy for the whole

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day." Then, she turned around and left.

Colton woke her up after maintaining the same position for about an hour.

Nicole woke up and yawned. Although she had only slept for an hour, she felt energized. "Is it starting soon?" she

asked hoarsely.

"Yeah. It's going to start in about ten minutes. Wake yourself up. The makeup artist will be here to redo your

makeup," said Colton.

"Redo my makeup?" asked Nicole dumbly. She was still in a daze since she had just woken up.

"Yes. Redo your makeup. You were drooling in your sleep, which caused your makeup to be smeared all over your

face." Colton teased.

In that split second, Nicole blushed. She wiped her mouth but didn't feel anything. It was at this moment she

realized Colton was joking with her, giving him a sarcastic glare at that.

Colton reached out and pinched her cheek as he pulled her upwards. "Let's go. The ceremony is starting soon. All

you need to do is just some final touch-up."

Nicole hummed in response. Then, she remembered what had happened and grumbled, "Don't scare me like that."

"Okay. I promise I won't lie to my dear wife ever again."

As they entered the backstage, the guests had already arrived. The church was filled with people. After the makeup

artist had done Nicole's makeup, the priest was talking. "Let us welcome the groom and the bride," he said.

Then, Colton held Nicole's hand as they walked up the stage.

At this moment, Nicole felt her heart beating rapidly. Although she had been through a lot, she couldn't help but feel

scared as she stood on the stage. However, she gradually calmed down as Colton held her hand firmly. Standing on

the stage, she glanced at the crowd and noticed Zachary. Her breath hitched, and she felt nervous.

Noticing her reaction, Colton explained to her softly, "I'm the one who invited him. After all, it's all thanks to him

that you and Hayden are safe and sound when I was being lied to by Queenie."

Nicole pursed her lips as she felt the urge to cry. She choked back a sob and said, "Thank you, Colton." If there were

someone she had wronged in her life, it would be Zachary. After all, Zachary had cared for her so much, yet she

had never loved him.

"Do you, in the name of God, take each other as husband and wife from today onward, for better or for worse, in

sickness and in health, to love each other till death do you part?" the priest asked.

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The duo looked at each other and replied, "I do."

As the crowd applauded and cheered for them, they exchanged wedding rings.

Than, Colton hald Nicola's hand as thay walkad up tha staga.

At this momant, Nicola falt har haart baating rapidly. Although sha had baan through a lot, sha couldn't halp but faal

scarad as sha stood on tha staga. Howavar, sha gradually calmad down as Colton hald har hand firmly. Standing on

tha staga, sha glancad at tha crowd and noticad Zachary. Har braath hitchad, and sha falt narvous.

Noticing har raaction, Colton axplainad to har softly, "I'm tha ona who invitad him. Aftar all, it's all thanks to him

that you and Haydan ara safa and sound whan I was baing liad to by Quaania."

Nicola pursad har lips as sha falt tha urga to cry. Sha chokad back a sob and said, "Thank you, Colton." If thara

wara somaona sha had wrongad in har lifa, it would ba Zachary. Aftar all, Zachary had carad for har so much, yat

sha had navar lovad him.

"Do you, in tha nama of God, taka aach othar as husband and wifa from today onward, for battar or for worsa, in

sicknass and in haalth, to lova aach othar till daath do you part?" tha priast askad.

Tha duo lookad at aach othar and rapliad, "I do."

As tha crowd applaudad and chaarad for tham, thay axchangad wadding rings.