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Revenge of the Hideous Lady by Moonlight

Chapter 293
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Sharon Lindt immediately waved at the sales assistant nearby. “Pack all the spring outfits up in your

store. Apart from this windbreaker, I want everything else.”

As soon as Faye White walked into the store, she overheard Sharon’s order. Faye subconsciously

stopped walking and looked at Sharon’s face as she tried to guess who Sharon was.

Her jealousy toward Xyla Quest intensified. Realizing that Xyla would get all the good designs again,

Faye silently walked out of the store and proceeded to shop in other stores.

Once again, Xyla was shocked by Sharon’s gesture. By now, she was feeling a little overwhelmed. This

was the first time someone treated Xyla like that after only having met her a few times.

“No, my aunty is only kidding,” Xyla said while she smiled awkwardly at the sales assistants.

“Listen to me. Hurry up…” Sharon ordered.

Since the others were afraid of disobeying Sharon, they immediately proceeded to pack the clothes up.

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“Aunty, can you please don’t stop doing this? I really don’t want these clothes,” Xyla said with a pained

look on her face.

“If you refuse me, that means you don’t consider me your friend. I will be upset,” Sharon said, suddenly


“Aunty, can we stop this, please?” Xyla pleaded.

Why was the world so magical? Who could tell Xyla why these things were happening to her?

“We’ll stop after buying the clothes here,” Sharon said.

“I can’t possibly wear all of these clothes,” Xyla said helplessly. She was close to tears.

“Sigh. You’re a young lady with a good physique. You should wear more beautiful clothes. Why

wouldn’t you be able to wear all of them? You can wear one outfit in the morning, one in the afternoon,

and another at night. Isn’t that easy?” Sharon asked.

Xyla was instantly speechless. Although Xyla could not understand why Sharon was doing this, she

could sense that Sharon was genuinely nice. At that moment, Xyla felt a warm sensation in her heart.

When the sales assistants overheard the conversation, they were jealous of Xyla and wished they were

in her place instead.

Xyla wanted to bring Sharon to the jewelry store downstairs to give Sharon a piece of jewelry of equal

value to the gifts she received.

But after observing Sharon’s crazy behavior, Xyla had thoroughly given up. Xyla decided she would

buy a piece of jewelry after they went separate ways, and she would find an opportunity to give it to


That was because Xyla was afraid that, if she brought Sharon downstairs, Sharon might think she liked

jewelry and end up buying all the jewelry in the store for her. Although it was an insane thought, Xyla

felt that Sharon might really do just that.

After that, Sharon dragged Xyla around and browsed through a lot of stores that sold luxury items.

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Sharon kept to her promise and did not forcefully buy Xyla anything else. Gradually, Xyla began to drop

her guard as she accompanied Sharon around.

Sharon was a Shopaholic, and she would not hesitate to make any purchases. After browsing through

the female clothing section, Sharon’s bodyguards were holding bags of items she bought. Many people

were looking at the group of people enviously as they walked through the shopping mall.

Sharon held onto Xyla as they shopped together. By noon, they were done shopping for female jewelry

and skincare products.

When Sharon was finally feeling tired, she said she wanted to return home. Only then did Xyla part

ways with her at the main entrance of the shopping mall.

After Sharon got into her car, she blew Xyla a kiss and left with her entourage of cars. Xyla watched

Sharon leave before she stopped smiling and gave Georgie Clementine a call.

Georgie very quickly picked up her call.