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Revenge of the Hideous Lady by Moonlight

Chapter 262
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“Why wouldn’t there be? Don’t you have tons of them around you? What’s so good about a married

woman like me?” said Xyla, maintaining her kind and polite smile the entire time.

The passion in Josh’s eyes grew deeper. “Then, why don’t I see them? I think you’re the best. Since

you’ve already planned to get a divorce, why not leave me a spot? Once you’re divorced, I can fill it.”

“I always thought of you as a business partner, a friend.”

“Then, you can stop thinking of me as a friend. Treating me as a backup works too.”

It was hard to imagine that this person who was worshipped by countless people like a precious star

would actually say something like wanting to become a backup option. This man was Josh Batton. The

unattainable star in many young girls’ hearts.

However, Xyla did not waver. “I don’t have a habit of keeping backups. Josh Batton, you’re a great and

excellent person. Listen to me and look ahead. Keep your options open.”

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“I will wait for you.” Josh was reluctant to just give up. “I will keep this honor of being my first love open

to you.”

First love? These two words bewildered Xyla. Such a brilliant and dazzling person had never dated

anyone before?

Before deciding to sign him, Xyla had asked Georgie to check his details. He had a clean background

without a history of romance. However, back then, Xyla simply assumed that he had hidden it well. It

was impossible for him to have no experience in dating. To her surprise, the information had been true,

and he was much more innocent than she expected.

“There’s really no need to. Go on and give such a nice opportunity to someone else,” said Xyla.

“I’ve said that I’ll wait for you.” Josh was stubborn, still reluctant to give up. “You’re the first person I’ve

ever liked. Before meeting you, no one has moved my heart like you did, so I won’t give up. Did you

know? The first moment I saw you, I was fond of you. Back then, that fondness never evolved into love,

but after my eyes kept chasing after you, I began to like you even more and now, it has simply turned

into love.”

“Xyla, you’re brilliant. You’re the type of girl I want the most,” Josh continued to confess with all his


His choice of words were touching. Xyla instantly felt a surge of warmth in her heart. However, it was

only that and nothing more.

“Don’t be silly, Josh Batton.”

“I’ll wait for you. I’ve said that I’ll wait for you…”

“Josh, can you not be like this?” asked Xyla, knowing that his persistence would only pressure her.

“You’re free to reject me, but I’m also free to continue loving you. Once affection has been projected,

how can it be casually retrieved? If it was possible, there wouldn’t be so many beautiful and tragic love

stories in the world.”

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For a moment, Xyla didn’t know what else to say. Meanwhile, Josh continued to speak. Each sentence

was just as melodious as the other, moving its listener’s heart.

“You don’t have to feel pressured. You just need to know that l love you. No matter when, as long as

you need me, I’ll be by your side at once. You also don’t have to worry about upsetting me with your

rejection. I’m not upset. I also won’t leave X Entertainment because of this. As long as you’re there, I’ll


It was undeniable that he was a really, really good man. Some people were just gentle to the core, like

Josh Batton.

“Josh, can you not be like this…” said Xyla.

Knock, knock, knock…

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Without waiting for Josh to react, a large group of men in

black clothing immediately barged in.