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Revenge On Love Rats After Rebirth by Olivia Marsh

Chapter 635 Selena is Too Sassy!
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Taylor was stunned. After understanding the meaning behind Selena's words, her face turned pale, and extreme fear surged in her eyes.

"You-" Without giving her a chance to refute, Selena elegantly leaned back in her chair and looked up at the thirty students beside her.

She curled her lips and said, "Let's show Taylor and all those who came from capital what Creephia University is capable of, understand?" Upon hearing this, all thirty students wore a contemptuous smirk on their faces.

Eduard stood out among the crowd, staring coldly at Taylor. "Lady Selena, don't worry. If | don't make teacher Jason kneel down and admit his mistake, | will never study medicine in my lifetime!" Zachary followed and spoke in a cold tone, "Lady Selena, | promised you that | would make those who doubt you kneel down in the second mock exam. Today, we will use our strength to make the teacher Taylor and those who doubted you earlier bow down and apologize to you on the spot." Subsequently, the other twenty-eight people also walked up, and in each of their eyes burned absolute anger and humiliation.

"Come on, if we lose, we will automatically give up the quota of Capital University medical school, and we will permanently withdraw from the medical field!" The presidents and teachers of the two universities in Creephia also stood up.

These thirty students are the pride of our Creephia University. The ease they gained today is the result of our careful observation of their efforts. We absolutely do not allow anyone to humiliate or trample them. Please, teachers, open your eyes and see if Creephia University has done anything wrong.

Creephia University's students also stood up with red eyes.

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The thirty students on the podium are the top academic achievers in Creephia University. They excel in both character and learning, and we are envious and disappointed. However, no one doubts their integrity, and in terms of academic performance, Creephia University is definitely not inferior! The teachers who came from Capital were all intimidated by this sudden and unexpected show of force.

Especially Taylor, Selena’s words just now made her heart beat faster with fear.

She was very clear that the few masters and misses who had barely squeezed into the top 50 spots at Capital University had all obtained internal information. If there were to be a retake, they would definitely not do well.

After coming to his senses, Jason was ecstatic.

Once there is an on-site retake, those embroidered pillows will definitely be kicked out, and then the Turner family will completely dominate the medical school.

He looked at Selena in surprise, took off his glasses and said, "Well then, let's prepare for it. | believe that the professors will not show favoritism to anyone!" The president of Olnrith University turned around and immediately made a phone call.

Taylor never thought it would end up like this. She glared at Selena and said, "You--" "Taylor suspects us of cheating, so we naturally have to find a way to prove ourselves," Selena said with a smirk. "Is there a better way to prove a student's true ability than retaking the exam in person?" Taylor was angry and frustrated, but couldn't come up with a retort. She could only shout hoarsely, "It was clearly a problem with Creephia University. Why should the students of Capital University have to retake the exam because of you?" If the people from several influential families in capital knew that because of her mistake, those young masters and misses lost the opportunity to enter the medical college, what would be her fate? Taylor felt a chill all over her body.

Selena gave a faint smile and said coldly, "If you can suspect Creephia University, why can't | suspect capital? Didn't Taylor say that we must conduct a strict investigation for the fairness and impartiality of the exams?" "Did Taylor forget about her previous intention to call the police and send me to jail?" "We have been doubted by you. Therefore, we will now use our most hardcore strength to prove that we did not cheat. If even the highly talented students of Capital University are suspected, they will only become more arrogant and use their skills to fight against me." Selena had a serious expression and said, "I'm eagerly awaiting for them to make a stunning performance!” Jason almost could not hold back, and burst out laughing on the spot.

Those have no real strength except for their schemes and family background.

Selena is going to publicly drag them out and teach them a lesson! Taylor was so angry, but she didn't have time to trouble Selena. She turned around and called her own master.

If today's situation really gets out of control, they will not only lose the medical school's quota, but also the face of those families involved.

Selena watched the back of Taylor, a smile curling up on her lips. She held the microphone and began speaking, "Classmates--" As soon as she spoke, all eyes in the room immediately turned to her.

Selena gave a light chuckle and her pleasant voice was heard throughout the audience, "I need media and reporters, the more the better. It would be best if all the reporters in Creephia University could come. Let's make sure that the entire H Country knows that we Creephia University have earned ourselves thirty students through our own efforts, so that there won't be any doubts in the future! Taylor stumbled and almost fell down.

The teachers from capital were holding onto their chest, with an expression of extreme horror.

How dare she...

Even Jason is now horrified by this.

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After re-examination, these students at Creephia University can at best clear their suspicions of cheating and silence Taylor, thus successfully entering the medical school.

The powerful families in capital are large in influence. If they receive news, they will definitely try to find a way to suppress the matter beforehand.

But Selena's action is equivalent to spreading the news and making it known to everyone, and no matter how much pressure the powerful families in capital exert, they may not be able to suppress it now.

My face and reputation, as well as my child's, have all been lost! Creephia University students are eagerly responding one after another.

"I will immediately call my father and ask him to bring all the reporters from his company!" My brother is a journalist, I'll call him right away! "My mother works at the radio station, I will call her right away!" The people in Creephia University are fine, after all, they all know that this little miss is quite mischievous, so they have gotten used to it even when she surprises them.

The people from capital were collectively frightened by Selena's successive actions.

Especially Taylor, her face turned red with anger. She clutched her chest and pointed at Selena, unable to speak properly. "You, you-" The president of Creephia University frowned and advised in a low voice, "Selena, you should think twice about this. The waters in capital are deep, those people are not easy to mess with..." Selena's move is like openly dragging their students and faces out for public execution. It's highly unlikely that they would let her get away with this.

Selena blinked her eyes and said with a very obedient expression, "Principal, you misunderstood. | was following the call of Taylor to ensure the fairness and impartiality of the selection competition. Naturally, the more exposure it has, the better, to avoid any possibility of hiding dirt or harboring stains." Taylor's face twisted with anger.

After Ronin hung up the phone with his father, he turned around to see Selena looking at him. "Ronin, | forgot to bring my phone..." she said.