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Revenge On Love Rats After Rebirth by Olivia Marsh

Chapter 630 Why Are We Being Hanged Up?
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Billy looked at the beaming expression on the face of the Creephia University President, and seemed to realize something. He said to Zachary, "With the President here, no one will sell you out. Go ahead." Zachary walked up, confused, with a group of people watching him, and stood next to Eduard.

The presidents of Creephia University and Olnrith University collectively breathed a sigh of relief.

The next name, without a doubt, is Selena.

As long as Selena makes it onto the list, Creephia University will definitely become popular this year.

While the two principals were happily dreaming, they heard Jason's voice continue, "Creephia University, Medical Department, Class 2 and 3 of sophomore year, Jemima, please come to the stage!" The two principals brushed their eyes and opened them.

And also!! And it's not even Selena we're talking about? Jemima was already looking confused, but when she heard her name, she became even more bewildered. She instinctively looked at Selena, who was sitting next to her, and said, "Lady Selena..." Selena pat her hand and said, "Go ahead.” Encouraged by the goddess, the girl happily stepped onto the stage.

Jason looked at the three students on the presidential stage, smiled slightly, and continued to read, "Olnrith University, Medical Department, Class 5 of the second year, please welcome Hudson to the stage!" The two principals looked at each other and saw their own shocked faces reflected in each other's eyes.

With the first three classmates there, they didn't feel any psychological pressure anymore. When their names were called, they just went up.

As Jason continued reciting, when he reached the fifth, sixth... up to the tenth one...

The expressions of the Creephia University's President and the Olnrith University's president have changed from initial excitement to a blank look. When it was their turn to be called out for the 15th time, the two principals were overstimulated and became somewhat numb instead.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

The president of Creephia University murmured to himself, "This is not right. How come so many names have been called and Selena's name hasn't been called yet?" The president of Olnrith University paused for a moment, then said with a smile, "Usually the ones who perform the best are the ones who finish last!" This argument is very persuasive.

The president of Creephia University breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the group of students on the stage, feeling very excited.

"I finally understand why we needed to make such a big fuss... This is simply a pleasant surprise..." The president of Olnrith University said, "Creephia University accounts for sixteen, so the capital city should perform better in the exams." Before he finished his sentence, he heard that Jason surprisingly had no intention of stopping and was still standing there continuing to speak.



The two principals opened their mouths wide, with an expression of excessive shock on their faces, and could no longer say that Capital would do better than Creephia University in exams.

When Jason reached the thirtieth name, the hearts of both principals began to tremble.

Trembling with panic...

Isn't this a bit... unrealistic? Did their estimated three become thirty? Under the nervous gaze of two principals, Jason finally stopped reading further.

The two principals both breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that he had finally put down the list in his hand.

Out of a total of fifty spots, Creephia University occupies thirty spots, which is a staggering result! The president of Creephia University, who was still catching his breath, remembered something and turned to look at Selena.

At this moment, there was nobody behind Selena except Billy, who had just helped her move the chair.

"Something is not right..." The president of Creephia University asked with a puzzled look on his face, "Why isn't the name of our student Selena on the list?" The president of Olnrith University also came to his senses and looked over to see girls calm eyes, her white face with a smile, looking at the thirty students on the podium as if she was looking at a group of well-trained pups.

This must be an illusion! The president of Olnrith University threw out that strange idea and then said, "It's not right. There's no reason for Selena not to be here." Others may not know, but they are aware.

Throughout Creephia University, others may fail, but Selena is the only one who would not fail.

Strictly speaking, these thirty students on the podium were all trained by her.

The questions she came up with were even harder than those in the second mock exam. There is no reason why they could have passed while she didn't...

The two principals couldn't help but start to indulge in whimsical thoughts.

"Do you think it's possible that all thirty of these little guys failed, and only Selena passed the exam?" This is impossible...

But it's still wrong. Have you ever seen anyone put the ones who didn't pass on the rostrum and the ones who passed below it? Faced with this unexpected situation, both principals felt uncertain and anxious deep in their hearts.

The initial excitement and joy have vanished without a trace.

Become filled with anxiety and doubt.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

They were puzzled, and the students below were even more puzzled.

Looking at the group of academic elites from the Medical Department of the two universities, who were whispering on the podium.

Is this the group of top students from the medical department of Creephia University? Is the school sending them to participate in some event? Recently there haven't been many competitions, or wait, there was one - the "Challenge Cup" wasn't it? But it already finished yesterday. The team sent by Creephia University was composed of graduate students and they apparently won a prize. | thought this so-called big event referred to them winning the prize...." Summer and her group stood in the graduate student line, their faces all embarrassed.

Especially on Summer's face, the ugliness is beyond description.

She thought she would be the protagonist today, but she was unexpectedly upstaged by a group of students who were called to the stage for no apparent reason.

She glanced at Selena sitting alone next to her, comparing her pitiful situation of being "abandoned" by her companions, in order to calm her resentment in her heart.

The students below are not any better than the thirty on the stage.

Zachary glanced at Selena and asked in a low voice, "Why are we the only ones hanging here? Why hasn't Lady Selena come up yet?" Eduard responded lazily, "I don't know." Jemima angrily said, "It's a good thing that Senior Billy stayed there, otherwise that Summer would have been so pleased to see Lady Selena being alone there by herself!" How small can a girl's mind be? "By the way, does anyone know why we were put up here?" In the silence, a weak voice rang out, "Lady Selena knows, right? She just told Senior Billy that it's a good thing, right?" "Since it's a good thing, why wasn't Lady Selena put up?" Another silence fell.

"I see the two principals seem to be excited, it should be a good thing, right?" The student council members were also discussing with a bewildered look on their faces.

What's the point of doing this? It's like hanging up lucky dolls, hanging up three rows of academic champions...

Ronin lowered his eyelashes, and a rare smile appeared on his cold face. "Maybe it's a good thing." Under the eagerly anticipating gaze of the crowd, Jason's eyes heavily glanced over the faces of the thirty people on the podium.

Suddenly, he raised his hand and began to applaud.

He said with a smile -