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Revenge On Love Rats After Rebirth by Olivia Marsh

Chapter 625 Creephia University Has Selena!
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Evening, 9 o'clock.

In capital, inside the Turner family mansion.

Patrick stood in front of the French windows, overlooking the garden from the second floor.

Under the dim yellow light, the man's slender and handsome face resembled a clear moon, shrouded in a faint chilliness.

Although the eye color is still cool and without warmth, there is a hint of weariness that is hard to hide in the eyes.

The phone on the table vibrated.

Patrick turned around and walked over, looking at the number. The cold look in his eyes gained warmth.

Long fingers pressed the answer button.

The excited voice of Jason came through the phone, "Master, Creephia University has produced as many as thirty papers with grades above 90!" A shiver ran across Patrick's pale and indifferent face.

The medical school was forced to admit students this time, and the person behind it had malevolent intentions. He knew it well in his heart.

However, the deviation caused by varying levels of education in different regions makes it impossible for him to prevent this issue from the root, so the only option is to focus on recruiting first and find other solutions in the future.

But he didn't expect Creephia University to give him such a big surprise.

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According to the high level of thinking difficulty of this set of questions, even in capital, it is likely that there are not even ten people who can score above ninety points.

This means that the admission of these thirty students into the medical school has become a foregone conclusion for Creephia University.

However, it seems that we cannot talk about surprise.

After all, Creephia University has... her.

Patrick suppressed the ups and downs of his emotions in his heart, his voice revealing a faint loneliness, "How much did Lady Selena score?" Jason was taken aback and probably didn't expect Patrick to ask about a student out of the blue.

Just as he had heard the news about Selena earlier, he stated the fact, "That student is quite unfortunate. The invigilator said she got injured, handed in her paper early, and also missed some multiple-choice questions, so she got zero." Patrick's eyes grew cold, exuding a hint of danger. "Where is she hurt? How did she get hurt?" he asked.

Jason was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Lady Selena might have a close relationship with the Turner family. His tone became serious and he said, "Sir, please wait for a moment, I'll go and clarify it." After three minutes, Jason called again, "Young master, Lady Selena hurt her knee. She said she accidentally knocked it on the table..." Patrick furrowed his brows deeply and raised a hand to press against his forehead.

Accidentally injuring his knee, he scored zero in the exam, but he managed to recruit thirty students and helped solve the crisis of the medical school.

The girl who is far away thousands of miles should, in theory, know nothing about the situation in capital.

Did that man tell her? He doesn't know that this will only attract more attention and suspicion from those people towards her? Osvaldo probably wouldn't do anything that could put her in danger.

That can only be guessed by Selena herself...

Patrick's eyes changed constantly, and he laughed out loud.

He should say, "No wonder she's the daughter of that man!" Creephia University has released 30 spots, and those people in capital may have already received the same news at this time.

He must take immediate measures to clean up the aftermath.

Patrick's eyes sank with a hint of coldness as he calmly instructed, "To avoid any potential complications, announce the results tomorrow morning. Also... please keep an eye on her and make sure she's happy during her stay in Creephia University." Jason understands that the first requirement is urgent and pressing, but the second sentence seems unclear.

But the Jason knew in their hearts that if Patrick didn't want to talk about it, they couldn't ask. They solemnly replied, "Okay." After hanging up the phone, Patrick was about to go to the medical school to preside over the situation, but he saw the Turner family's butler rushing in from outside the door.

"Young master!" Patrick pressed his forehead, and a faint sharpness showed on his face. "What's wrong?" he asked.

The butler has worked for the Turner family for decades and has experienced all kinds of ups and downs. If something can make him lose his composure and not even care about pushing the door, it must be very serious.

The butler's face couldn't hide his excitement, with tears almost welling up in his eyes. "A guest has arrived outside,” he said, "who claims to have been entrusted to treat the virus in your body!" Patrick's expression changed.

After a few seconds of confusion, Patrick calmed down and a slight fatigue appeared on his face.

He has been carrying this virus since birth, and for so many years, he has controlled the Capital Medical College. Even so many virus experts are helpless. It is not easy to cure him.

He thought of the last time they parted, when Selena asked him to handle a matter involving blood and he wondered who that person was acting under the direction of.

There are too many people in capital who wish for his death. Setting aside whether or not he can cure him, once he recovers, it is likely to bring danger to her and her friends.

Why let the person who has already left come back again? As Patrick was about to refuse, his phone vibrated in his hand.

He lowered his head and took a glance, and then his pupils contracted.

There is a newly received message lying on the screen.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

There is no virus in the world that Black Crow cannot solve. Those people in capital cannot afford to offend him, so there is no need to worry about any consequences.

Creephia University.

Because Selena injured her knee, training had to be temporarily suspended.

At 9 o'clock, she finished washing up slowly, wearing a nightgown and lying on the bed with her long hair spread out. After sending a text message, she placed her phone back on the table.

And then she exhaled a slight breath.

An injured body is really troublesome. She has to be carried by a man even to walk. If Osvaldo keeps spoiling her like this, she will probably end up being disabled.

Too fragile, not gonna work! Selena secretly decided that she wouldn't let Osvaldo carry her into the campus tomorrow, then she pulled up the covers, turned off the light, and closed her eyes to go to sleep obediently.


Osvaldo turned his gaze away from the room where Selena had just left and then picked up the call from Lady Lauren.

"Son, | just received a piece of news related to your wife..." When Lady Lauren spoke these words, her beautiful voice was filled with sorrow.

For her son got married, not only doesn't rely on her for anything, but also doesn't tell her anything.

Regarding the news about Selena, Osvaldo always seems to be one step behind others in knowing.

The man's eyes were dark and his tone was elegant yet cold, "I will protect her." Lady Lauren was stunned for a moment, and then realized what had happened.

Just because Selena didn't tell him, doesn't mean her son can't guess.

Lady Lauren said with a smile, "She is really amazing. She sent thirty students to the medical school, making those families wishful thinking fall through. They must hate her to death..." The latter sentence is obviously the key point.

But this time, she caused such a big disturbance in Creephia University, openly helping the Turner family and injuring their interests, can those people spare her? After all, there have been many rumors circulating before that Selena may be the daughter of the Turner family.