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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 101
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Chapter 101

Chapter 101.

Nelly’s POV.

The early morning sun streamed through the window, piercing my eyes like tiny daggers. | groaned, burying my

head under the covers. But the light was relentless, and I could feel it burning through the thin fabric. With a huff

of frustration, | threw off the covers and sat up, blinking against the brightness. My eyes searched the room for

Kex, but the space besidewas empty. | frowned, wondering where he had gone.

| turned my gaze to the mirror on the ceiling, and my eyes met my own reflection. A small smile tugged at the

corners of my lips as | recalled the events of the previous night.

| could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, and | remembered Kex's breath against my skin, his fingers tracing

patterns across my body, his lips on my mouth, his tongue on my breast. | closed my eyes taking in deep breaths

as | began to feel aroused. | wondered what possessed him to cup with the idea of inserting a mirror at the

ceiling, and what he had been thinking when he did. Kex was a sex lord, my wolf snared and | chuckled.

| groaned as | stretched, feeling the stiffness in my limbs from the night before. My legs ached as | slowly made

my way to the bathroom, wincing as | walked, a reminder of Kex’s handwork. | pushed open the door and turned

on the light, shielding my eyes against the sudden brightness.

“Uggh,” | mumbled as I filled my cupped hands with water and splashed it on my face, feeling the coolness

against my flushed cheeks. | stood there for a moment, allowing myself a moment of stillness before splashing

myself more water. | turned off the faucet and took the nearest towel and wiped my face, staring at myself in the


As | studied my reflection in the mirror, | realized that | was indeed glowing. | couldn’t believe it. I'd always heard

that people looked different after they'd sex with their mate, but I'd never really believed it. Until now. | was


I ran my fingers over my neck, where | felt a strange tingling sensation. | pulled my hand away, and that’s when |

saw it - the unmistakable mark of a mate. My heart leapt in my chest as the reality of what

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Emergency calls only Mu

Chapter 101

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this meant sank in. | was officially mated. Nelly and Kex are now two souls one heart, | couldn’t help but smile.

| stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash over me. | closed my eyes and let the steam rise,

surroundingin a warm cocoon. As | stepped out, the mirror fogged over, obscuring my reflection.

| dressed quickly, pulling on a pair of jeans and a simple tank top. My hair was damp, falling in loose waves

around my shoulders. | left it to dry naturally, not bothering to brush it out or apply any makeup. My stomach

rumbled, remindingthat | hadn't eaten since the night before.

| stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash over me. | closed my eyes and let the steam rise,

surroundingin a warm cocoon. As | stepped out, the mirror fogged over, obscuring my reflection.

| dressed quickly, pulling on a pair of jeans and a simple tank top. My hair was damp, falling in loose waves

around my shoulders. | left it to dry naturally, not bothering to brush it out or apply any makeup. My stomach

rumbled, remindingthat | hadn't eaten since the night before.

| picked an apple as | stepped out of my room and headed towards the dining table. | was surprised to see that it

was empty. | glanced at the clock - it was eight o clock am, our usual breakfast time. | looked around, but I didn’t

see anyone.

The table was set, but there were no plates or silverware. | sat down at the head of the table, the chair creaking

under my weight. The silence was deafening, and | felt a sense of unease. | couldn't help but wonder if

everything was okay.

| heard footsteps approaching, and | looked up to see Aurora entering the dining room.

“Good morning, My lady.” She bowed her head in greeting, and | gave her a quick smile. “Good morning,” |


She began setting the table with plates and silverware, and | cleared



“Is everything alright, my lady?” she asked. | shook my head.

“No, I'm just wondering where everyone else is.” | took a sip of water, my throat dry. Aurora’s brow furrowed.


Emergency calls only M

Chapter 101



“I haven't seen anyone this morning. They must be busy.”

“Hmmm,” | hummed in response, nodding my head.

Aisha’s absence was hard to believe. She was usually the first one at the table, and | couldn't imagine

her missing breakfast without a good reason. And Harry was always eager to start the day with a big

meal. The situation seemed strange.

“What about Aisha?” | asked Aurora

“She asked for her breakfast to be brought to her room,” she replied. | nodded, trying to process the


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Aisha seemed upset with me, even though it was her fault that she almost ruined my party. Who should

be mad at one,or her? | rolled my eyes and stuffed a pancake into my mouth, trying to take my mind

off of the situation.

Aurora placed a glass of green liquid in front of me, and | couldn't help but stare. | had never seen anything like

it before.

“I made this special juice for you,” she said, her eyes bright with pride. | looked up at her, my face contorted in

confusion. “It’s not what it looks like,” she added, as if reading my mind. | forced a smile, not wanting to hurt her

feelings. “Never judge a book by its cover,” she said with a wink.

| took a deep breath and picked up the glass, raising it to my lips.

| took a sip of the drink and was pleasantly surprised by the sweetness. It was unlike any juice | had ever tasted.

Aurora watchedwith a pleased expression, and | couldn’t help but smile.

“More, please,” | said, and she happily pouredanother glass. | took my tsavoring the drink, and

when | was finished, | felt a sense of contentment.

| decided to go check on Aisha, hoping to clear the air between us. | wanted to tell her how upset | was with her,

but I also wanted to understand why she had been so distant.

| knocked on her door, but there was no response. | tried the door handle, but it was locked. | stood there for

what felt like an eternity, but there was still no answer. Defeated, | turned to leave, but | felt a

burning sensation deep within me. | walked towards the garden as | tried to focus my thoughts, to will myself to

shift into my wolf form. But nothing happened.

| called out, “Aria,” but my voice was weak and shaky. | closed my eyes, willing my body to obey me, but

it was no use.

What's wrong with my wolf?