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Rebirth of the Wife in Despair by Tess Munoz

Chapter 82
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Chapter 82 Misunderstanding

The morning consisted of two math classes, but Eileen, feeling the onset of a cold and fever. left for the


Vera, intending to collect the test paper from her, found that she had already left before he could reach

her desk.

Vera noticed the untouched cup of water he had fetched for her and decided to exchange it for a fresh,

hot one. While observing the test paper still spread out, he noticed discrepancies. in two of Eileen’s

multiple-choice answers compared to his own. While Vera had chosen the second and third options for

the final two questions, Eileen had consistently chosen A.

Doubt lingered in Vera’s mind had she made an error?

Vera encountered Yvonne, the second-ranked student and class monitor, who had consistently held the

top position before Eileen’s rise to second place.

Despite Yvonne’s wealth and her family’s ownership of a conglomerate, her grades, with over a sixty-

point difference from Eileen’s, made her dream of entering Class One increasingly improbable.

To secure that coveted spot, she needed a significant improvement during the upcoming final exams.

The prospect of being surpassed by a girl from the countryside with no notable background left her

feeling uneasy.

Vera approached Yvonne and inquired, “Yvonne, may I ask what you chose for the last two multiple-

choice questions?”

Yvonne adjusted her thick glasses on her nose. “The exams are over; discussing the answers now

won’t make any difference. Aren’t you the class representative for math? Why are you. asking me?”

Despite Yvonne’s distant and slightly disgusted tone, Vera maintained a smile and responded, “I’m not

sure either. My last score wasn’t as good as yours, so I thought I’d ask. If you don’t want to talk about it,

that’s fine too.”

Yvonne stored her pen in her pencil case. “I’ve recalculated the fourth question several times, and I

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

believe the answer should be A. As for the fifth question, I wasn’t sure, so I chose the one closest,

which is B.”

Vera responded, “Is that so? It seems the answers are somewhat different. No worries… I’m heading to

the office now.”


Yvonne noticed the test paper in Vera & Ba

who cheats to get first place in an exam, I don’t see much of a future for them.”

Vera stood

1. for Eileen. “Eileen has always been diligent at home. As the class monitor. I hope you don’t speak

ill of her if you don’t have evidence to prove that she cheated”

Yvonne’s tone was full of disdain. “If you don’t believe me, show me her test paper. I guarantee, not a

single answer is correct.”

Quite a few people overheard their conversation and, like bees to a hive, many came over.

“Yeah, let’s have a look. I’m curious too, to see what kind of masterpiece Eileen can produce on her

test paper.”

“Who knows, she might have just scribbled nonsense. As if she could cheat her way into the top five of

the entire grade, I simply don’t believe it.”

“I wonder how she managed to get the answers. If I had her grades, my dad would have been over the

moon. He’d throw a feast in Primas Plaza, celebrating for three days and three nights.”

Vera, finding it difficult, said, “No, this is Eileen’s test paper. Without her permission, we can’t just look

at it.”

Before the words had fully left his mouth, someone snatched the test paper from Vera’s hand and

placed it in front of Yvonne. “We’re just looking at a test paper that belongs to one of the


five students in this whole grade, not yours.”

“Exactly! Yvonne, can you check if Eileen really knows what she’s doing, or if she’s just pretending?”

“Ah, that’s not allowed… Vera reached out to grab it, but someone stopped him.

“Yvonne, take a quick look.”

Yvonne pulled out a piece of draft paper, then took out a pen. “Well, let me take a look then!”

The weather was gloomy, with the snow on the ground still melting. It was damp and cold. A gust of

wind blew droplets of water from the leaves onto her nose, causing Eileen to shiver from the cold.

Eileen tucked her neck and buried half of her face in her scarf. Upon reaching the infirmary. she took

her temperature, which read thirty-seven point eight degrees Celsius.

“You do have a bit of a fever. Are there any other discomforts? Do you have a runny nose?”

Eileen nodded. “A little,”

“Wait a moment, I’ll prescribe some medicine for you. Take it for a few days, and if your temperature

doesn’t go down, remember to go to the hospital.”

“All right, thank you, teacher.”

Eileen, carrying a bag of medicine, had her hands tucked into the pockets of her school uniform, her

head lowered in deep thought. Suddenly, a dark voice interrupted her, accompanied by a pair of Blake

sneakers appearing in her line of sight. “H-Hello…”

Looking up, Eileen saw a rather sturdy boy blocking her path. His hair, sticky and drooping, suggested

it had either not been washed for days or was wet. Standing at around one hundred. and eighty

centimeters, he was on the heavier side.

Eileen, maintaining her composure, inquired, “Is there something you need?”

He stammered, his gaze fixed on Eileen as he chuckled foolishly. “Hehe… You’re so beautiful! Would

you be my girlfriend?”


Laughter erupted from the nearby basketball court. Eileen turned to see a group of students. from an

unfamiliar class causing a ruckus.

She then redirected her attention to the boy, her voice gentle as she offered some advice, “Fellow

student, exams are coming up, shouldn’t you be studying?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“No need, my family owns an oil company, my dad is loaded. Even if I don’t get into college, my dad will

just pay for me to get in. Hehe…. will you be my girlfriend? I’ll give you whatever amount of money you

want, and I’ll bring you snacks every day, and buy you pretty clothes…”

“I’m sorry, but I’m not interested in dating right now,” Eileen calmly turned him down. Her rejection

wasn’t based on his looks or his foolish demeanor; instead, it stemmed from the fact that her current

life stage didn’t allow her to entertain such thoughts.

“Hey kid, there are plenty of beautiful girls in our school. I’m not the right one for you. Please, find

someone else!” she advised.

The boy quickly pleaded, “But I really like you. None of them are as beautiful as you. I’m most attracted

to you; you’re the one I want.”

Eileen took a deep breath. Instead of getting angry, she found it amusing. “I don’t know who sent you to

say these things to me. And you don’t truly like me; you’re just attracted to the idea of me. That’s why

you ‘like’ me!”

“Do you even know what it means to genuinely like someone? Do you even know me? We’re meeting

for the first time, and yet, we’re having this conversation…”


“Some words, once spoken, must be taken seriously!”

The guy looked utterly confused, scratching his head. “I don’t understand what you mean. If I spend

more time with you, get to know you better, does that mean you’ll be with me? Don’t worry, my dad will

definitely agree, you don’t have to worry, we’re very wealthy

Eileen, who already had a headache, now felt it even more intensely.

This school was filled with children from affluent families. They either came from wealthy. households

or their parents held high-ranking positions.

No one would be interested in the Swan family’s wealth. Not to mention, if the authorities. were to

investigate Will’s actions, he would have faced severe consequences multiple times.

In the realm of criminal law, he had committed nearly half of all possible offenses, most of which were

frowned upon. Eileen didn’t fully understand the details of these matters, but she knew that many

powerful and influential people had a mutually beneficial relationship with Will, like grasshoppers tied to

the same string. If Will were to get into trouble, there would be no shortage of people wanting him
