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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate

Chapter 150
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#Chapter 150 – Selene Learns the Truth

The moment the car door closes and Lila is secured in her carseat, I demand, alright, we’re in the car.

Now tell me what’s going on.”

“Selene.” Donovan sighs, “I’m sorry if we got your hopes up but we haven’t heard from Bastien.”

“But-” I object, replaying our conversation in the hospital over in my head, “Aiden said the orders were

coming directly from him.”

“We didn’t know you’d gone back to Dr. Kane.” Donovan explains gravely. “Bastien told us before he

left that he doesn’t want you anywhere near the man.”

“Now tell her why.” Drake instructs grumpily. “Honestly, how do you expect her to know she’s supposed

to stay away from people if you don’t tell her.”

“Bastien told her when he was here.” Aiden argues.

“Bastien wanted to switch doctors because Thomas helped me hide my first pregnancy from him.” I

remind him, “That was his problem, not mine.”

“That isn’t the reason.” Donovan informs me grimly. “I’m sorry Selene, but there’s a chance that

Thomas is actually the one behind all of our troubles here.”

“What?!” | exclaim, “What are you talking about?”

I listen in horror as they explain all the clues pointing to Dr Kane, glancing at Lila every five seconds to

make sure she’s not listening to our conversation. Luckily my pup is too preoccupied watching the

world fly by out the window to focus on boring grown up talk.

“You‘re saying that Thomas might not be Thomas at all?” I summarize when they’re finished, “You’re

saying he might be Frederic? And every time I’ve thought he’s helping me…” I trail off, unable to finish

such a horrible thought.

“That’s exactly what we’re saying.” Aiden admits, “Which is why the first thing we’re doing when we get

home, is having another doctor come by to check on you. If we’re right I wouldn’t put it past Thomas to

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have been making you sick so that you’d be nearby and at his mercy.”

One more horrible piece clicks into place as I consider this possibility. “Those…” I was about to say

assassins, but I remember Lila just before the word leaves my tongue. “Bastien’s welcoming committee

at the Calypso border,” I say instead, they said Frederic wanted me for himself?”

“Yes.” Donovan and Aiden say in unison.

“Well that would fit.” Drake interjects, clearly on the same page that I am, “Because Dr Kane definitely

has a thing for her.”

“Oh god, and he could have been monitoring the baby in case it’s a boy.” I realize, horror slicing

through me when I realize how easy it would have been for him to induce a miscarriage if that

happened. A thousand tiny clues are falling into place the more I think about it. It was always possible

that Frederic set his sights on me without us ever meeting, but it makes a lot more sense that it

happened after multiple interactions.

“It’s okay, Selene.” Drake assures me, squeezing my hand. “We got you away in time, you’re safe now.”

“I can’t believe Bastien didn’t tell me.” I whisper, feeling a rush of anger towards my mate, followed

immediately by the sorrow of wishing he was here – even if it’s only so I can yell at him. “I’d never have

gone back to him if I’d known.”

“He was trying to protect you.” Drake reminds me, sounding as if he understands only too well. I’m sure

he’s thinking of Sophie now.

As a mother, I know better than anyone how tempting it can be to withhold information to spare the one

you love pain or fear, but now that I’ ve experienced being on the other side of things so completely, I

vow never to do the same to Lila or my new pup – within reason of course.

“Do yourself and your mate a favor.” I advise my friend, “respect Sophie enough to face her problems

head on. It will help you both in the long run.”

“Placebos.” The doctor assesses, studying each of the pills Dr. Kane prescribed me in turn. “All of


My heart sinks. It seems Donovan and Aiden were right. The reason I wasn’t getting any better is

because none of the medicines Thomas gave me were actually capable of helping. I’ve been taking

sugar pills from day one, so it’s not wonder I ended up in such bad shape.

“Who prescribed these to you?” My new physician, a woman named Dr. Lee, inquires.

“Dr Kane.” I share sadly.

Her eyes widen almost imperceptibly. “The chief of medicine?”

“Yes.” Donovan confirms, we’re handling the situation, and I’m afraid we must require that you not

repeat any of this to anyone else, including the medical board.”

“If that’s your preference.” Dr Lee nods with a heavy sigh. “Alright Selene, I think you and I should take

a few minutes alone so you can catch me up on your case history and I can examine you. In the

meantime one of your faithful guardians here can go get a new prescription filled so we can have you

feeling better ASAP.”

She clears the men from the room, and for the first time I appreciate just how much difference a female

doctor can make. Talking to her is so different from talking to Dr. Kane, especially when I tell her that

Bastien is away indefinitely.

“That must be very difficult.” She commiserates, “But have no fear, we’ll take good care of you so that

you’re in tip top shape when he returns.” No judgment, no prying questions, only support.

“Thank you.” I breathe, “I have to admit doing this alone again has been really stressful.”

“I believe it.” Dr. Lee agrees, “but you aren’t alone, Selene. I know it isn’t the same as having your mate

here, but you have a wonderful circle of people here to support you, and now that includes me.”

“Dr. Lee.” My hormones have me on the verge of tears. I’m so grateful for the woman I could hug her.

“Where have you been all my life?”


The bastards took her.

They actually took Selene out of the hospital against my explicit orders.

It can only mean one thing. They’ve finally figured out the truth, and that means I don’t have any reason

to continue pretending. It’s time I come out of hiding. The pack is in complete disarray, especially after

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the news about my mother’s escape broke. One more disaster, and no glowing press conference in the

world will be able to erase the damage.

I won’t mind at all if Selene keeps trying of course, after all, the more the pack loves her, the better it

will be for me when I finally take over. Having the former Alpha’s mate in my corner will defuse any

criticism about a hostile takeover. Of course, I’ll have to make sure she knows she can’t get away with

this kind of disobedience in the future.

I’m sure it never would have happened if it weren’t for that pack of idiots Bastien left guarding her.

Selene is too sweet, too biddable to ever act out on her own. No, the only reason she dared to defy my

orders was because they enabled her, I’m sure she’ll see how wrong that was when I explain it to her.

Of course now that my access to her has been cut off, I’m going to be out of the loop. I’ll have to think

of some other way to get close to her. It would really be best if I can get rid of the betas and Drake

Cavanaugh, maybe my next scheme can kill two birds with one stone. Killing them should be easy

enough, but how can I make sure Selene isn’t also harmed when one of them is almost always with

her? And how can I arrange it so that Selene won’t see me as an enemy once the dust has settled? It

would also be best if I can make Bastien look worse in the process. My assassins may have failed, but

he hasn’t returned home yet either, and the more trouble I can cause while he’s

away – the better.

pace my office as I go through my options, then all at once it hits me. A kidnap. I can hire someone to

take Selene, Lila and Drake’s little mate – in fact she’s the one who’s inspired my plan. Her own failed

kidnapping attempt is exactly what I need, only this time it won’t be the kidnapper who doesn’t survive

the ransom meeting.

I can draw all the betas and Cavanaugh to the meetup – Maybe I can even get Odette to attend as

well, she’s another obstacle I don’t need. They’ll gather like fish in a barrel, perfectly primed for me to

pick off one by one. And Bastien remaining absent when his mate’s kidnapping and a mass murder of

his loved ones is splashed through the headlines – they’ll never forgive him.

Once the others are dead I can swoop in and rescue the girls, winning over Selene and the pack all at


It’s perfect


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