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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate

Chapter 143
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#Chapter 143 – Go Fish


“Go fish!” Lila giggles, holding a fan of cards close to her body.

“Hmm,” I grumble, narrowing my eyes at the mischievous pup, “Are you sure you don’t have any fives,

Lila bean?” “I’m sure!” She exclaims, nodding vigorously. Halfway through my draw, her expression

changes, “Mommy, I have to potty.”

“I’ll take her.” Sophie offers, sliding off my lap and helping Lila to her feet. I’m momentarily distracted

watching my stunning mate walk away, but once the bathroom door closes at her back I turn back to

Selene. We’re seated around a small table in her VIP hospital suite, with Selene herself situated in an

oversized armchair fitted with an IV hook and a call button. She’s wearing a thick robe and a worried

expression, but her complexion is decidedly less green today than it was yesterday.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

She glances at me somewhat sheepishly, as if uncertain she wants to share her thoughts. “Dr. Kane is

up to something.”

“What makes you say that?” I question, not that I doubt her for one moment. That man had been so

openly aggressive towards me anytime I got near Selene that I was already convinced he was in love

with her. I plan on speaking to Bastien about it the next time we talk, but if he’s making Selene

uncomfortable then maybe we can get rid of him sooner.

“He’s really been criticizing Bastien for not being here, and right to my face.” She begins, gnawing on

her lower lip. “But the other day! overheard him telling one of the nurses that I don’t know, he made it

sound like Bastien has me completely under his thumb and is out there screwing everything in a skirt

while I’m oblivious. He made it sound like Bastien not being here was proof he’d left me.”

“That’s absurd.” I growl. “Bastien’s not just any wolf, he’s the Alpha. He can’t escape his responsibilities

by running away even if he wanted to, and he never would.”

“I know that.” Selene agrees.

“You do? I confirm. I’ve spent enough time with mistreated she-wolf’s to know how easy it is to believe

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the worst, even when it defies logic. It wouldn’t be her fault if the physician’s words swayed her, not

when she’d been told she was worthless her entire life.

“Yes.” Selene insists, with more strength than I expected. “That’s why I think Thomas is up to

something.” She pauses, glancing at me with a plea for understanding. “I was really wrong not to have

faith in Bastien when we were married the first time. I’m not going to make that mistake again. I know

he loves me, I know he lives for Lila.”

“Good.” I nod approvingly. “I’m not sure what game the doctor is playing, but I have my suspicions and I

expect he wanted you to hear his slander.”

“You think he’s interested in me.” Selene guesses.

“I suspected it when he jumped down my throat for joking with you the other day, and I’ve been

watching the way he looks at you. It’s not how I would expect an objective medical practitioner to look

at their patient. Besides, you said he’s been staying overtime to care for you.

She stares at her lap. ” I feel like I never get any better at reading people. I really thought he was my

friend. He helped me so much when I was pregnant with Lila.”

“Love makes people do crazy things.” I proclaim. glancing at the bathroom door, where I can hear

Sophie chattering with Lila to give us time to talk in private. Such a clever little lamb. My wolf thinks,

making my thoughts take a particularly inappropriate turn. Down Boy. I caution him, turning my

attention back to the matter at hand, “having feelings for you doesn’t make him a villain.”

“You never would have tried to manipulate me that way.” She counters, perhaps giving me more credit

than I deserve. I don’t know many shifters who wouldn’t go to the ends of the earth to win the object of

their heart’s desire.

“Maybe not.” I agree, offering her a wolfish grin, “but not all men can be of my high caliber.”

Selene tosses a pillow at me, and I catch it deftly before gently tossing it back to her. Anyway, listen. I

wanted to talk to you about your training.”

Her head whips up, excitement filling her eyes, “Have you found me a teacher.”

“Yes and no.” I sigh, not really wanting to deliver this news.

“What does that mean?” She asks suspiciously.

“It means I’ve found someone who agreed to work with you.” I explain, delivering the good news first.

“but I don’t think you’re in any state to begin working with her.”


#Chapter 143 – Go Fish

“Oh come on!” Selene cries, throwing up her hands in exasperation. “i’m not made of glass. Everyone

is treating me like I’m going to fall apart at any moment.”

“Sweetheart, three days ago you were telling Aiden he had a megaphone head and collapsing in front

of your pup.” I recall, adopting an admonishing tone. “I hate to say it, but kid gloves are probably

necessary for the foreseeable future. Using your powers will require a lot of energy and you have

dangerously little to spare.”

“But I’ll never get stronger if I don’t practice!” She complains.

“I know.” I agree, “but you have to get strong enough to practice before you can hope to improve. It

won’t do anyone any good if you knock yourself out on day one, especially not the baby.” She looks

down at the small hand resting on her flat belly, a look of pure guilt taking over her features. Assuming

she feels badly for not considering its wellbeing I say, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply you were being


“No.” Selene says flushing scarlet, “It’s not that.” She admits, “I was thinking about the baby, I just can I

say something horrible?”

“Of course.” I promise, “No judgment.”

“I’m really happy about this baby.” Selene promises, seeming so sincere it makes my heart ache. “I’m

so excited to grow our family, to give Lila a sibling, and to have another little monster in the house. I’m

thrilled that I might be giving Bastien an heir…” She trails off, as if too afraid to finish her thought.

“But the timing?” I guess.

“The timing is absolutely horrible!” She bursts, obviously grateful for my prompting, “I legitimately

cannot think of a worse set of circumstances to be in when bringing a new life into the world. I know

Bastien was just following his instincts, and my wolf didn’t exactly help matters but Goddess to I wish

this could have happened a few months down the line – after all of this was sorted.”

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“That’s fair.” I concede, reaching over to squeeze her hand. “And it’s perfectly valid to feel that way, but

pups are always chaos. There’s never a good time to bring chaos into your life.”

“Maybe not,” Selene remarks sardonically, “but there are certainly better times… like when you aren’t

facing certain doom.”

Laughing softly, I reply. “Regardless, it’s already done. Selene.” A few months ago the pout on her full

lips would have put all sorts of dirty thoughts in my mind, but now it doesn’t absolutely nothing. I

suppose it helps that she looks like hell, but I know the truth – and it’s currently hiding on the other side

of the bathroom door. How strange it seems that I can miss my mate so much, when she’s only a few

feet away.

Pulling my distracted brain back to the present, I return my gaze to Selene. “You can’t turn back the

clock, this baby is coming whether it’s convenient or not. Pretending you have control here is only

going to make things more difficult, you’ve got to slow down, and you’ve got to make the most of the

hand you’ve been dealt.”

“Cute.” She snorts, brandishing her fanned cards.

“I thought so.” I smile.

“Alright.” My friend surrenders, patting her stomach. “No training until things calm down, and until this

little one is big and healthy enough to withstand a bit of excitement.”

“That’s my girl.” I praise.

Just then the bathroom door swings open, revealing my scowling mate, “That’s your who, now?”

As Lila runs back over to us, I stand and approach Sophie, “She’s my girl.” I explain, pulling her close.

“You’re my little lamb, my mate, my delectable little.”

“There are pups present!” Selene calls from her chair, humor and admonishment thick in her voice.

“I’ll remind you exactly what you are to me later.” i inform Sophie, claiming her lips.

“You promise?” She requests, batting her long lashes,

“You can count on it.” I confirm, sliding my hand over her perfectly rounded backside.

“Ahem!” Selene pointedly clears her throat, and Sophie and I laugh as we return to our seats.

When we’re settled again, Lila shoots me a cheeky grin before turning to Sophie, “Do you have any
