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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

chapter 1761-1765
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Chapter 1761

Apart from that, the Nine Armies looked like one big force on the outside but there was certainly some

personal agenda among each fortress. If they were to really start a battle, members of certain

fortresses would not give their all as they were afraid that many of their people would die.

Hence, those who wanted to stay alive had to try their best in increasing their fighting prowess and

raising everybody’s combat power. In that case, they would be able to react to sudden situations.

It had to be mentioned that the martial art technique Jackie obtained this time was an exceptionally

good one. Even when he was not training during the daytime, the swirl in his body could continue

rotating. This helped him to proactively absorb the Chi from the atmosphere which in turn slowly

increased and stabilized his fighting prowess. If he sat down to train at night according to the martial art

technique, the effect would definitely be better.

‘According to the current situation, my level would completely stabilize after two more days. By then, I

can try refining the third-grade intermediate pill and I will not need to be afraid of the usual masters at

the ultimate god-level.’ Jackie secretly thought about it and was slightly expectant toward it. If he could

not increase his strength speedily, he would not be able to fight back when he comes face to face with

true masters.

However, two badly wounded disciples from the Bloodshed Clan returned to their sect in an extremely

embarrassed manner.

“Elder, elder! Something bad has happened!” Both disciples directly rushed into the room of the

Bloodshed Clan’s First Elder and started yelling loudly.


The First Elder was getting ready to rest. He asked impatiently when he saw the two disciples. “What’s

going on with the two of you? Don’t you guys possess quite a high fighting prowess? How can you

guys get hurt when both of you are in the first-stage ultimate god-level? Did you guys meet some

strong monster beasts while searching for treasures in the forest?”

One of them said, “There were too many of them and several of them are in the first stage ultimate

god-level and peak stage of the true god-level. Two out of our four people died and we escaped with

much difficulty.”

The First Elder frowned and said, “Who are they? Could they be members of the Nine Armies? D*mn it!

The members of the Nine Armies dare take action against us? This doesn’t sound right. Even members

of the Nine Armies would not act so shamelessly? How would so many of them surround and attack the

four of you guys? How many people were there?!”

“There were several thousands of them and they mentioned that they were members of the Hall of

Divine Royal. We realized later on that these people were not members of the Nine Armies, they are

people from the abandoned world!” Another man had an excited expression on his face. “During our

journey back, we met members from some other families. We secretly listened to their conversation

and it turns out, quite a number of forces came in with them. There were a total of 400 to 500 thousand



“Oh my god, are these all true? This is a huge issue and you guys cannot lie. If I find out that any of

you are lying to us, the same day next year would be the anniversary of your death!” The First Elder of

the Bloodshed Clan stood up from his chair in excitement after he heard this. He could not believe what

he had just heard.

“It’s true, First Elder. Look at the embarrassing state we are in, do we look like we need to lie to you?

Elder, you should have a discussion with the sect master about this as this is a really important matter!”

Both disciples looked at the First Elder anxiously as they were afraid that the First Elder would not

believe them.

Chapter 1762

The First Elder did not hesitate for long. Soon, he gathered the other elders and the sect master.

The sect master of the Bloodshed Clan and the elders had puzzled expressions on their faces. Some

of them were busy training while some were prepared to go to sleep. They could not understand why

the First Elder would gather them so late in the evening.

“First Elder, what’s going on? It’s late at night and everybody is prepared to rest. Why did you wake us

up?” The sect master looked at the First Elder and asked puzzlingly.

He understood well that the First Elder was a person who acted extremely cautiously.

Something huge must have happened if he suddenly gathered them so late at night. If not, based on

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the First Elder’s characteristics, he would not have done


The First Elder smiled bitterly before he explained to the group of people there. “Pavilion master, I

would not have gathered everybody here if it wasn’t a serious matter. The issue this time is really

shocking. I’m sure that everybody has heard about the legend of the abandoned world, right?”


The Second Elder directly said with a smile, “Definitely! Around six months ago, didn’t several people

from the abandoned world enter this area? It all happened because the elder of the Pavilion Billow

Cloud from the Anti-Alliance Guard got into the mood and wanted to make a trip outside. He happened

to meet those people at the entrance and led those people in. Due to this matter, we, the members of

the Alliance Guard, even condemned them for their actions.”

The Second Elder paused here before he said with a lament expression on his face, “However, this

matter was silently dismissed as those people who came in were young and did not have a high

fighting prowess. Certainly, we agreed because those people agreed that they aren’t returning to the

abandoned world!”

The Third Elder frowned and thought about it before he said, “First Elder, why are you bringing this

matter forward? Could it be that those people are masters and have improved speedily? However,

those people used to train at places without much Chi and it is natural for them to feel like they’ve

entered a new world when they suddenly arrive here. It is normal for their fighting prowess to have a

sudden increase! There’s no need for you to make a huge fuss over it!”

The Fourth Elder immediately shook his head and guessed. “This is impossible. If it’s only such a minor

issue, the First Elder would not make such a huge commotion and gather all of us here. On top of that,

it’s late at night. He could have just informed us about it during the meeting tomorrow. I think some

other people from the abandoned world must have made their way into this area!”

Everybody inhaled after they heard this as they were obviously shocked by what the Fourth Elder said.

The Third Elder once again shook his head and said in disbelief, “There’s a small possibility for that to

be the case, right? Unless the previous incident re-occurred and the members of the Anti-Alliance

Guard proactively went over to bring people here. The people from the abandoned world would need to

gather all seven stone balls if they want to enter this area or they wouldn’t have such an opportunity!”

“I have no idea how they actually came in!” The First Elder said while smiling bitterly when he saw how

the people were making guesses. “What I know is that when our people went to the forest in front of the

Nine Armies to search for spirited grass in order to complete the sect’s task, they met these people and

started a fight with them.”

“Which people?” The sect master of the Bloodshed Clan had a deep frown on his face after he heard

this. “It looks like a large number of people have entered our place. If it was a small number, isn’t it

extremely easy for our disciples to kill those who are in the true god-level or demi-god level?”

Chapter 1763

The First Elder nodded. “Not only did a large number of them enter, but they’ve also already been in

this area for more than 20 days. Some of them have already broken through into the first-stage ultimate

god level. The most crucial point is that too many of them have entered the area. The situation our

disciple learned about them is that apart from the top forces from the mainland, the forces from the

seas have also made their way in. There are at least 400 to 500 thousand people in total!”

The First Elder paused here before he continued to speak, “They even saw the bodies of some of

those people during their journey back. Some of our people, who are in the second-stage ultimate god-

level, have also died. It’s obvious that our disciples had a huge battle with the other Party!”

“What?!” The sect master of the Bloodshed Clan was shocked when he heard this. “If a member in the

first-stage ultimate god-level was killed, this means that our people were surrounded and attacked by

the other party. It’s normal for our people who are in the true god-level or demi-god level to die. It’s also

normal for Level to die. However, it’s quite abnormal that even disciples in the second-stage ultimate

god-level have died!”

The Second Elder’s eyes immediately lit up as he stood up while saying in an agitated manner. “The

members of the Nine Armies must have taken action! If not, disciples in the second-grade ultimate god-

level would not have died so easily!”

“That’s right! The Nine Armies is just a small force under the protection of the Anti-Alliance Guard.

F*ck, they’ve grown to be too much. How dare they take action against our people!” The Third Elder

slammed the table and tightened his fist in anger. He wanted to immediately carry out an attack on the

Nine Armies’ territory.

“Regarding this, we don’t have any evidence to prove that they helped those people so we should

refrain from saying that. Even though there’s a huge possibility that the people from the Nine Armies

took action!” The sect master of the Bloodshed Clan was silent momentarily before he continued to say,

“How about this, let’s send somebody to inform the Sword King Clan about this matter tomorrow

morning. On top of that, inform them to guard the external area of the forest to prevent those outsiders

from scattering all over the place. Then, we shall send a portion of our people into the forest and kill

those people.”

“That sounds good. F*ck, I’ve hated those people from the Nine Armies since a long time ago. They

don’t have as many members who are in the ultimate god-level as we do. Now that our sect master is

entering the second-grade souls penetrating level, we would have hopes of wiping out the entire Nine

Armies if you manage to kill the First Fortress Master of the Nine Armies, Austin Drago!” The Third

Elder was extremely excited after he heard what the Bloodshed Clan’s sect master, Edward Gray said.

He used to have a female disciple that he was very proud of. That disciple was killed by the members

of the Nine Armies because of an altercation with them. He almost vomited blood due to anger when it


He wanted to wipe out the entire Nine Armies during that time but the Bloodshed Clan was not as

powerful as they were right now. The sect master persuaded him to endure things and he had been

doing so throughout a couple of years.

Unexpectedly, the opportunity had finally arrived today. The opportunity to avenge his beloved female

disciple was finally here.

“Alright, let’s do this since everybody agreed to it. There’s a small possibility that we should be able to

completely wipe out the Nine Armies. However, it is possible to wound them badly and make them run

away from where they are staying right now. By then, we shall make the Nine Armies’ territory one of

our bases. Our disciples shall enter the forest to search for martial enhancement materials on purpose

and send the materials back to us. This is something that I have been looking forward to!” Edward

smiled coldly and an insidious look flashed through his eyes.

Chapter 1764

After one night of training, Jackie’s fighting prowess had increased greatly. His realm of fourth-stage

ultimate god-level had also further stabilized.

The next morning, Jackie and the others bumped into quite a number of disciples from the Divine King

Sect not long after they left the place. The disciples were also delighted after they met Harry and the

others. They told Jackie and the rest about their altercation with the disciples of the Bloodshed Clan.

Jackie thought about it before he spoke to Nash and the others. “Father, we need to find the members

of the White family, Cabello family, and those from the Pavilion of Kings and Gods as soon as possible

within these couple of days. We need to immediately gather those who have a good relationship with

us. We cannot afford to be separated as not only would they be killed by monster beasts or hunted by

the members of the Hall of Divine Royal, they might even be killed by the disciples of the Bloodshed

Clan who enter this forest. We might be divided and conquered by these people!”

Nash also nodded. “You are right. We will be in trouble if the Bloodshed Clan sends some members in

the fourth stage ultimate god-level or even higher fighting prowess as they will be able to kill a large

number of our people! We’ve gathered 2000 to 3000 people here but a dozen of their disciples might

easily kill our people and that will be a huge loss for us!”

Alejandro, on the other hand, joined the conversation. “It will not be easy to gather all of them as this is

a huge forest and everyone has been separated. However, there’s one benefit. When we first entered

the area, the fights were scattered and happened all over the place. It’s different right now as once the

sound of a fight was heard, it’s obviously between two groups of people, and the places where these

fights happened have reduced. In that case, everybody has started to gather together and they have

found people from their own forces!”

Jackie spoke with a bitter smile on his face. “There are pros and cons to this matter. If a large group of

people is gathered together and there aren’t many members who are in the ultimate god level, the

entire group of people will be easily killed if they are discovered by the Bloodshed Clan’s formal

disciples. If they are separated, there’s a smaller possibility that the other party is able to kill everybody

as the forest is a huge one!”

“Helena had a frown on her face. “We would be stronger if we gathered together but we are still

incomparable to the Bloodshed Clan. If they are usual or informal disciples, it will be easy to defeat

them. However, we will be easily wiped out if those people are formal disciples or elders. Hence, it will

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not be beneficial for us if we plan to gather the remaining members of the White family or Cabello


On the other hand, Kenneth said, “It might not be beneficial for others to gather their people but it will

be much better for us. After all, there are quite a number of us here who are in the ultimate god-level

and Young Master Jackie is capable of killing those in the seventh-grade ultimate god level. Hence, it

will be the safest for the others to find us!”

Helena nodded and responded, “That is “true. Based on Jackie’s current combat power, we will be

quite safe unless we bump into their elders or sect master. However, we will be a large target and can

be easily discovered if there are too many of us. Sigh, I realized right now that both gathering together

and traveling separately are both not good choices!”

The others also felt a wave of headache and they had no idea how they should handle the situation.

Harry was silent for some time before he said while looking at Jackie, “Jackie has the highest fighting

prowess and the strongest combat power. I don’t care about others, I shall listen to him. Whatever he

says floats with me as I feel that following Young Master Jackie is the safest choice!”

Jackie was speechless. Everybody there was “looking at him as they were obviously waiting for him to

make a decision.

He thought about it and said, “No matter what, let’s find our people or the forces who have a good

relationship with us and those who are willing to follow our lead. Some of the forces might not be willing

to come with us even if we are willing to let them follow us! Let’s find them and let them understand the

situation we are in. Some people might not know what the situation outside is like and have no idea

about the general condition of this area.”

“That’s right. We should at least let the others know that there’s a possibility where we have been

pinpointed by the Bloodshed Clan. Everybody might stop killing one another because of this. If not, our

forces would be weakened due to mutual killing before the enemies arrive!” Nash thought about it and


“Yes. At least the members of the Cabello family look forward to meeting us!”

Chapter 1765

Alejandro said while nodding his head as he was very confident towards the loyalty of “the Cabello

family’s members.

“Let’s go. There are some fighting noises around that area. Let’s go over now to take a look!” Jackie

flew up to take a look. He pointed to his right and said.

The group of people soon flew towards that area.

Soon, they saw that Kevin was leading around 1000 members of the Cabello family in a fight against

2000 members of the Lagorio family and disciples of the Cloud Sky Sect.

Kevin and two other elders of the Cabello family had already broken through into the First-grade

ultimate god-level at this moment. However, the other party had four members in the First-grade

ultimate god level and they had the upper hand in terms of their number of people. This caused Kevin

and the others to be in a completely passive situation. They were obviously suppressed by the other

party in this fight.

“Dmn it! The members of the Lagorio family and Cloud Sky Sect are real bstars as they always pinpoint

against our Cabello family!” Kevin started scolding while he was fighting as he was absolutely unhappy

about the situation.

“Haha… You have to blame the members of the Cabello family for constantly assisting the White

family! Since you people are great friends with the White family, you are the enemies of our Cloud Sky

Sect and Lagorio family!” An old man from the Cloud Sky Sect yelled out loudly. “However, Kevin

Cabello, I know that you are the alchemist of the Cabello family. We can spare your life if you choose to

surrender. However, you have to cultivate pills for our people in the future. Do you understand?”

Kevin was furious. “A*shole! You people are our enemies and you want me to cultivate pills for my

enemies? Are you dreaming?”

“Haha… You should think this true as you’ve just broken through into the ultimate god level with much

difficulty and your lifespan has just been increased. How wasteful would it be if you die here? Once you

choose to surrender to us, we shall not be enemies and you are one of our members.

Isn’t it quite normal for a person to cultivate pills for their members?” The old man from the Cloud Sky

Sect laughed out loudly and he obviously need not look forward to killing Kevin. After all, alchemists

were noble professions, especially second-grade alchemists like Kevin. He might have experienced

some improvement and keeping him alive would be extremely beneficial for these people!

“Blecch! I would rather die than surrender!” Kevin said hatefully.
