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No More Waiting, She Chooses Love

Chapter 378
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Chapter 377 "Ouch!" At that moment, I saw Grant twist his head to one side, shielding his eyes with his hand.

Ernest stood up straight, his voice cool and detached, "Has Mr. Smith lived under a rock? Never seen people in love before?" Grant lowered his hand, "Seen it, sure, but never anything quite this... intense." He then glanced at me, "Our very own Felicia from Marketing, always innovating." I was speechless.

"Tired of standing? We're all tired here," Ernest quipped, effectively shutting Grant up. Grant slapped his forehead, "Look at me, all flustered and forgetting the guest of honor." He stepped aside, gesturing grandly, "After you, boss." Boss?! I was taken aback, only to see a man, resembling a pumpkin more than anything, with a belly that screamed "seven months pregnant," walk in.

I had no idea who this man was, instinctively turning to Ernest for clues.

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He had already taken his seat, casually touching his lips where my lipstick mark lingered on his finger.

"Boss, right this way!" Grant hurried over, pulling out a chair at the head of the table with exaggerated courtesy.

It then hit me. This was the person Grant had gone out to meet, the one he said I wanted to see.

By the tI realized, Grant was already doing introductions, "Boss, meet the new dynamic duo of the company. This is our Technical Director Ernest, and this is Felicia, our Head of Marketing." He then looked at Ernest and me, "Mr. Collins, Director Hudson, meet our big boss, Mr. Collins." This is the big boss?! The mysterious CEO I'd been so curious about?! The person beforedidn't match up at all.

And this man's last nis Collins? Was he the investor behind Grant's company? Not Ernest?! "Mr. Collins," Ernest had already greeted the boss.

While I was still dazed, feeling like I'd been slapped into confusion.

Until Grant nudged me, "Director Hudson, don't just get lost in our boss' charm, con, say hello." Snapping back to reality, I stood up, nodding politely at the man who looked thirty in the face but the figure, "Mr. Collins, I'm nét Wx in "I know who you are, have a seat!" The man smiled, exuding warmth.

That did match the vibe of someone who'd always giventhe green light.

Still, I struggled to accept it. Ever since I knew Grant's investor was a 'Collins,' I'd somehow pictured Ernest in that role.

Reality had shattered my assumptions, and I was feeling pretty shaken.

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Something still felt off, though.

I didn't sit but instead excused myself, "Sorry, need to make a call." As I passed Grant, I lowered my voice, "Mr. Smith, can you step out for a moment?"

"Of course, when a lady asks, I'm always available," Grant said, looking at Ernest, "Mr. Collins, "Mr.

Why don't you keep Mr. Collins company? Share sfamily history - who knows, you might find out you're related." Standing by the door, I waited for smileoin me, his expression a "What's up, Director Hudson? Digging for dirt on our boss?" "Yes!"

Grant's smile grew wider, "What do you wanna know? Is it whether he's el married or has a girlfriend?" I didn't beat around the bush, asking directly, "Is he really the big boss?"

Grant laughed, the sound rich with amusement, "What, he doesn't look the part to you?" Ashburn > X