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No More Waiting, She Chooses Love

Chapter 340
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Chapter 340 "Licia, you're such a clingy one," Susie's words threwoff for a second, but she quickly followed up with a playful, "But I kinda like it." "Little miss troublemaker," I teased back, giving her a mock stern look, which only made Susie burst into giggles.

Stepping out of the hospital room, I checked the corridor which was empty on both sides. Susie mentioned Ernest was on a call, probably looking for a quieter spot. Thinking it over for a moment, I decided to head towards the emergency stairs.

As I got closer, I could hear Ernest's voice, "...the old garage is gone, but the mechanics should still be around. We need to track them down... Yes, it's necessary. I owe it to Licia to clear this up, and to prove my father's innocence." Hearing this tightened something in my chest.

Deep down, I had been wrestling with the thought of investigating the car accident's brake failure further. Turns out, Ernest was already on it.

Just as I was about to go in and find him, his phone rang again, stoppingin my tracks.

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The door to the emergency stairs was slightly ajar, and I could see Ernest pinching a cigarette between his fingers, answering the call, "Back already... Yeah, ctogether... What, can't keep the show running without us?... I know, no need for you to cover, that'd be too obvious... Won't delay things, still working on those codes..." His words were all too familiar; they were about the company. So, the caller was Grant Smith? And there was Ernest, talking like he was Grant's boss or something.

The rich guy named Mr. Collins...

Looks like I've been duped.

But Ernest said he wouldn't lie to me. Could it be he had his reasons? After hanging up, Ernest foundon the other side of the corridor. Standing next to me, he asked softly, "Why are you standing here?" "Looking for you, couldn't find you," I lied.

"I was on a call," Ernest said, gazing into my eyes, "How are things with Mr. Wagner?" "Lung, cancer!" I pronounced each word with gravity.

The significance of this diagnosis was all too clear, a reality that money couldn't alter.

Back when I was with Wagner Group, a colleague, only thirty-three, was struck by the sillness and passed away in less than a hundred days from diagnosis.

Though Herschel and I didn't share blood, his affection over the past decade, treatingas if I were his own daughter, maderegard him as my father.

The thought of losing him too was unbearable.

Ernest seemed to grasp my turmoil, wrapping his arms gently around me, "Medical science has advanced significantly. There might be a way, even though cancer remains incurable, it varies by type I leaned on Ernest's shoulder, "What I fear most now is loss, yet it seems I'm constantly facing it." "Life is like that, losing and welcoming anew," Ernest soothed, stroking my hair.

"Ernest, I now understand why you've been hesitant about Susie's surgery.

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paused, V'm starting to regret and fear." I didn't specify my fear, but Ernest understood.

He kissed my hair and comforted me, "It's okay, she's wonderful, and we love her so much. Susie will be fine." I hope so. I silently prayed, eyes closed.

As Ernest and I were embracing, a cough sounded from not too far away. I opened my eyes slightly to see Fanny.

She gavea knowing wink before saying, "Mr. Collins, Yates is looking for you."

Ernest let go of me, but I tightened my grip on his hand, knowing Yates' call was likely about finalizing surgery details. Though I remained silent, Ernest read my concern, givinga reassuring look before he left.

I expected Fanny to tease me, but instead, she like Susie'sprisingly said Looks surgery might be off the table." Ashburn > X