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No More Waiting, She Chooses Love

Chapter 251
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Chapter 251 I had a sinking feeling in my gut.

But, knowing full well the danger, it was like I was willingly walking into the lion's den.

Still, I'm not one to just roll over and play dead. With that thought, I shot Jefferson a text: "Jefferson, I'm off to meet Allen Clark. Keep an eye out for me, will ya?" No reply cthrough. He was probably in the middle of training.

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Yeah, training, not snoozing. Because Jefferson was gearing up for the championship, and that meant, aside from his drills, he was also buried in rigorous physical conditioning.

Sleeping in was not in his book.

I wasn't worried about him missing my message, though. Once he wrapped up his session, he'd definitely check his phone. Plus, I had stbefore my meet with Allen.

Taking a deep breath, I floored the gas pedal, speeding towards Evergreen Wellness Retreat.

By the tI arrived, Allen's imposing Range Rover was already parked out front. Mr. Clark was there, looking like he was exercising. Whether it was genuine practice or just for show, it definitely beat smoking or mindlessly scrolling through a phone in terms of class.

It also signaled tohe'd been waiting a while.

I parked and hurried over, starting off with an apology, "Sorry for making you wait, Mr. Clark." Allen ceased his movements, lowering his hands and catching his breath before turning to me, "Waiting for a charming lady is never a bother." His tone was always a tad playful. I offered a polite smile in response, "Can we go in now?" He frowned slightly, "Just like that?" His question caughtoff guard, then it clicked - he was referring to my empty hands. Quickly realizing my oversight, I scrambled for an excuse, "Sorry, it was too early to find a florist open." He let out a chuckle, clearly amused by my flimsy excuse.

Without with a Snother word, he gestured Sap of his fingers, and | someone approached us, g a bouquet of fresh flowers.

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"I had it covered," Allen said with a grin, handing the bouquet over to me.

I was genuinely embarrassed but accepted it graciously, "Mr. Clark, you're very considerate. Thank you." "I only go the extra mile for a beauty," he quipped, boasting subtly about his thoughtfulness.

Going with it, I said, "Mr. Clark, you really are a thoughtful man." He raised an eyebrow, asking, "You think so too?" "Of course," I replied, internally rolling my eyes at his dallying.

Getting straight to the point, I asked, "Mr. Clark, may we proceed now?"

ther, but, Allen pursed his lips, "You know, I'm not sure how much you know about my father, but he's got his quirks. Especially these past few years, with his health declining, he's becquite... particular."

I couldn't help but twitch at the corner of my mouth, hearing om someone talk about their father in such a manner was new to me. But I wasn't naive; I took it as a hint, "Just letknow how I should prepare, Mr. Clark." He glanced at his watch, saying, "My dad doesn't meet with strangers." "So, it seems I'll be imposing on Mr. Clark today," I said, doing my best to sound polite.

Allen stretched his neck, he said,

"You catch on quick. I like that. No need beat around the bush thenm m, sure, Youcan meet but you'll have to go in as someone else." I was a bit confused and said, "Can you explain a bit more, Mr. Clark?" Ashburn X