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No More Waiting, She Chooses Love

Chapter 173
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Chapter 173 Standing at the door with a rigid expression that mirrored mine was Conrad.

Ever since we broke up, it seemed that every encounter we had was designed to make the other's blood boil. At the moment, I was joking around and laughing with Ernest, while Haley followed closely by his side.

So much for Conrad's claims of having cut ties with Haley. Men's promises can be as flimsy as a house of cards, truly.

I quickly averted my gaze from Conrad, thinking that ssights are better left unseen. Out of sight, out of mind, as they say.

Ernest, acting as if nothing was amiss, took my hand but didn't try to take my phone. Instead, he said, "Let's take a better picture sother day." The suggestion was laden with possibilities.

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It also carried an air of casual intimacy typical of a couple.

Conrad took a few large steps towardsand commanded, "Felicia, coutside with me." His tone was authoritative, the demeanor of someone used to getting their way.

And there was Haley, right by his side, his insistence completely disregarding her presence.

I didn't even look at him as I replied, "I'm busy." And I genuinely was, as I had to accompany Ernest for his injection.

The next thing, Conrad made a move like he was about to snatchup, but Ernest got in there, stopping his hand. Then they were locked in this wordless face-off.

No words were exchanged, just a quiet battle of wills.

But this standstill was no solution, especially since Ernest was in the middle of treatment. Though he could easily take Conrad down, any physical altercation would mean his treatment was for naught.

Knowing I couldn't stop them, as I was the spark that could further inflthe situation, I didn't intervene. It would only worsen things. Haley looked as if she had swallowed a fly, her expression souring by the second. I let out a scoff, "Aren't you going to take him away?" Haley hesitated, but upon locking eyes with me, visibly shuddered.

Without another word, she obediently tugged at Conrad, "Rad, I'm not feeling well. We need to get to the infusion center now." She was here for a treatment too? ? For a pregnant woman, this was unusual. After all, any medication could potentially harm the unborn child.

As I pondered this, a nurse called out, "Who's here for the pregnancy support infusion? Please cthis way." It was late at night, and the infusion center was deserted except for Haley.

Pregnancy support? Was her baby in danger? I instinctively glanced at her belly, and Haley clung tighter to Conrad, feigning weakness, "Rad, the doctor's calling me." Dragging Conrad along, she managed to divert his angry focus from me.

I could tell Conrad was seething, seemingly ready to confrontor perhaps clash with Ernest.

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But in the end, he allowed his rage to subside for Haley, letting himself be led away.

Conrad was the Wagner family's second son, a golden boy accustomed to everyone bending a his will. It was rare to see him acquiescing to anyone, yet withel ned Haley, he seemed almost submissive.

If it weren't for deep love, he wouldn't act this way.

But if it was love, he shouldn't have shown jealousy towards Ernest andin front of Haley. Their relationship puzzleddeeply.

But I wasn't keen on wasting my brainpower on it. Once they left, IM turned to Ernest, "Just focus on your ΕΠ treatment." I didn't want him getting into any trouble with if it cto blows, Conrad would be the one at a Conrad, knowing that t w.content Ernest sat down, and I stayed by his side, the earlier laughter gone.

Nearby, the nurse's questions to Haley and the sound of the needle made it impossible to ignore their EX conversation. Ashburn X