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Night of Destiny Novel by Vanessa K

Chapter 595
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These were also the happiest days of Anastasia’s life, and her complexion became even rosier than


It was true that a woman in love would glow.

A short while later, Rey came and dropped off some cat food. From now on, the little cutie was a

member of the family, and it may never know how lucky. it was to meet its new owner.

During dinner, Jared thought of a name that he thought suited the little kitten’s appearance. ‘Let’s call it


Anastasia checked and saw that it was a

female kitten, so the name seemed apt.

The kitten was now Jared’s precious little Bella.

The next morning.

Jared left for school reluctantly, and Anastasia got Adriana to take the kitten to the vet. It would need to

be given a thorough bath and checked for fleas and worms, as well as get its vaccine shots.

A few hours later, Adriana brought Bella back all clean and groomed. It was not of any particular

pedigree, but it was still adorable.

Bella sat still on the couch while Anastasia continued picking out wedding options beside it. Soon, Bella

crawled onto her lap and curled up for a nap.

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Anastasia chuckled at the sight. She had dreamt about raising a cat when she was young, but she had

not had the right to raise a pet in that house. Now, her son would be the one who fulfilled her dream on

her behalf instead!

This led her to recall her life five years ago. When she first left the country, life was tough for her. The

country she had left to did not allow abortions, and it was one of the darkest periods in her life. This

turned out to be a blessing, as she did keep her son, and when he was born, his existence mended the

holes in her heart.

When she was nineteen, she met a few people who were of great help to her. They were students who

had been

properly enrolled in the design institute, unlike her, who had to fight hard to find a way to get in.

She succeeded because she received help from them, but due to certain reasons, they had to separate

again. However, the times she spent with them were filled with joy and laughter.

They were a pair of twins-Mason

Sullivan, the older brother, and Katrina Sullivan, the younger sister. They spent three years together at


design institute. Anastasia’s mind began

to drift off under the warm afternoon


All of a sudden, her phone started ringing. It was an unknown number calling, but she answered

anyway. “Hello, who is this?”

“Who do you think I am, Miss Anastasia Tillman, the designer at Bourgeois?” It was a breezy male

voice that spoke with a hint of teasing.

A bulb lit up somewhere in the recesses of Anastasia’s mind, and she exclaimed, “Mason Sullivan?

You’re Mason Sullivan, right?”

“Yep! Where do you think I am right now?”

“Where are you? Are you back in the country?” Anastasia asked excitedly. She had just been

reminiscing about the past when she received this call!

What an uncanny coincidence.

“Yeah, I’m back. I’m here at the department of design office at Bourgeois right now, and I found out that

you used to work here.”

“You’re working for Bourgeois?” Anastasia

was surprised at yet another coincidence.

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“Mmhmm! I just joined not too long ago.” Mason was pretty happy too. “I’ve been meaning to look for

you but I couldn’t find you at all.”

“I’m sorry. I’ve changed my numbers quite a few times and we haven’t been in touch for so long.”

“It’s fine! We’ve reconnected now, haven’t

we? Are you free to come and meet up with me today?”

“Now?” Anastasia asked as she checked the time.

“Now works too! It’s about time we sat down for a good talk, old friend.”

“Okay. I’ll let you know when I reach Bourgeois.” Anastasia decided to meet up with him.


After hanging up the call, a thought occurred to Anastasia and she went upstairs to get two spare

invitation cards. She wrote down Mason and Katrina’s names on them.

Since Mason was back in the country, Katrina should be too, so she wanted to invite them both to her


Anastasia headed off with Adriana serving as her driver.

Once they reached Presgrave Group, Anastasia gave Mason a call, and two minutes later, she saw a