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Night of Destiny (Anastasia Tillman)

Chapter 2780
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Harmony paused for a moment, contemplating if there was anything she had left unsaid. Eventually, she remembered something

and said, “Oh, right! The jewelry and watch you gavebefore, | will return them to you. These are all valuable items, and | don’t

want to keep them.”

Ezekiel felt a pang in his chest. How wonderful! This girl has already planned to leave! How considerate of you to think about

returning the gifts | gave you.

“I've seen many assistants having that kind of relationship with their bosses, | understand. After all, you had needs before you met

me,” Harmony sympathetically explained.

Ezekiel sighed and asked again, “Is there anything else you want to say? I'll wait for you to finish.”

Seeing that he neither denied nor admitted, Harmony was certain she was right. She suppressed her sadness and said, “No, that’s

all. Oh! | will also inform the director that we won't be borrowing your car anymore, as | don’t want to inconvenience you.”

Ezekiel was on the verge of exploding with anger, unable to believe that Harmony was so efficient in severing their ties, not even

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giving him a chance to explain.

“Are you also packing up and moving out of my room tonight?” Ezekiel couldn't help but ask. Harmony nodded. “Yes, | should

leave. | won't disturb you and your beautiful assistant, lest I'm labeled inconsiderate.”

“How considerate of you.” Ezekiel huffed. Harmony couldn't help but give a bitter smile. “You're my benefactor! Of course, | have

to be considerate.”

Ezekiel was so angry that he could feel his blood boiling. Are all my efforts in this past month meaningless to you?! Do you have no

trust in me?!

“Harmony Mayo, listen to me. |, Ezekiel Weiss, only want you in this lifetime. If you dare leave me, | will search for you relentlessly.”

Ezekiel lightly slapped the table, expressing his opinion.

Harmony was taking a sip of her coffee when she was startled by his words and burned her mouth. She hissed in pain.

The man across the table immediately got up and leaned over to check on her. “What's wrong? Letsee.”

Harmony looked up into his concerned eyes. She forgot about the pain in her mouth, blinked, and looked at him with a pitiful

expression. “What did you just say? You will search for me?”

Ezekiel quickly squatted down to comfort her, “No, no, what | meant was, any rumors aboutbeing with other women are false. |

want you and only you.”

Harmony set down her coffee, threw herself into his arms, and sobbed into his chest. “I knew it! | knew you wouldn't abandon me!”

Ezekiel gently patted her shoulder. “How could | possibly not want you? Others may doubt me, but you must believe me.”

“If | believe you, will you letdown?” Harmony blinked, cupping his face and asking.

Ezekiel shook his head with certainty. “No! | will ensure your success.”

Harmony chuckled. She had just used a popular phrase, but she didn’t think he would understand it. She wrapped her arms around

him and said, “I believe you, then. But | want to make a pact with you. | don’t want to be unhappy in the future.”

Ezekiel naturally prioritized her feelings at this moment. He nodded. “I'll go get spaper and a pen. You dictate, and I'll write.”

Ezekiel actually got up to ask the server for paper and a pen. When he returned with them, Harmony looked at him with pursed red

lips and said, “You're not actually writing it down, are you?!”

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“I'll write it down, sign it, and give it to you for safekeeping,” Ezekiel said. He was serious. After hearing Harmony’s words, he

becanxious. Harmony was a woman of her word. If she said she would do something, she would do it.

“Go ahead! Whatever conditions you have, just tell me. I'll agree to them.”

“First, if you find someone you like, please informproactively. That way, | can prepare myself to move on.”

Ezekiel was taken aback, then immediately retorted, “We don’t need to write this one down. That will never happen.”





