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Nanny and the Alpha Daddy

Chapter 135
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#Chapter 135: Public Debut


The next morning, I awoke with a pounding headache. I felt more confused now than ever with my

relationship with Edrick; if my wolf really was right about Edrick being my mate, then it only made all of

this even more complicated. I couldn’t help but wonder, too, if Edrick also knew that I was his mate and

that he wasn’t telling me about it. But I couldn’t imagine why he would want to keep something like that

a secret from me.

I finally got out of bed and made my way out into the living room, expecting Edrick to be locked away in

his study after what happened the night before.

But, much to my surprise, he wasn’t. In fact, he was standing in the living room and looking out the

window when I walked in. As I approached, he turned to face me directly without even a hint of remorse

or embarrassment on his face.

“Sorry for the late notice,” he said, glancing at his watch, “but I just found out that I’ll need to go to a

networking event tonight. You’ll need to be there as my fiancee, of course. Selina will keep an eye on

Ella tonight.”

My eyes widened. “A… A public event?” I asked. The thought of going out into public with Edrickas his

“fiancee” made me nervous, especially after all of the media attention we were already receiving. As

our debut as a couple, it would no doubt be even more chaotic.

“Yes,” Edrick replied. “Well… Sort of. There will be paparazzi outside, but once we get in, it won’t be so

bad. It’ll only be other socialites and businesspeople.”

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I wasn’t sure if Edrick thought that telling me that the event would only be other rich people was

supposed to make me feel better, but it didn’t. My heart was already racing just thinking about how out

of place I would feel as the only human there; of course, I was a werewolf like the rest of them, but they

didn’t know that. To them, I was still just a lowly human… And I was sure that many of them agreed

with the sentiment that I was a human plaything, too.

However, I knew that I didn’t have much of a choice. Edrick had already made it clear the other night

that I would have to play the role of his fiancee, and that meant that I couldn’t always be hidden away. I

would need to attend things like this with him for appearances, even though it freaked me out. At least

now I had some hope that Edrick really was my mate, though, which would mean that maybe in the

future these sorts of things wouldn’t need to be fake anymore.

“Um… Okay,” I choked out, my face going red as Edrick’s steely gaze stayed fixed on me, reminding

me of the night before. “What time will I need to be ready?”

“The event starts at seven o’clock tonight,” Edrick replied. “I booked an appointment for you with Tyrus

to do your hair and makeup at four.”

I nodded in understanding. Having my hair and makeup professionally done for public events like this

would still take some getting used to, but I did like Tyrus and enjoyed talking to him. Besides, I couldn’t

help but think that it was a bit sweet that Edrick hired his old college friend for this. I had never

envisioned Edrick as someone who seemed to have many friends, and I never was sure if Edrick would

be open to talking about his past, so talking to Tyrus was like looking through a window into Edrick’s old


Like clockwork, Tyrus came at exactly four o’clock to do my hair and makeup.

“You look stunning in green and gold,” he said as he did my eyeshadow in front of my vanity mirror. “Or

maybe I’m just biased because those are my favorite colors. Ha!”

I couldn’t help but laugh. Tyrus was right, though; green and gold went perfectly with my hair and skin

tone, and when he was finished, I was awed yet again by his work. He gave me a subtle sage green

eyeshadow with flecks of gold in it, as well as subtle pinkish lipstick that looked natural. My hair was

pulled back into a half bun with curls that came down on either side to frame my face, and he even took

the extra effort to add tiny, delicate braids woven with green thread in my hair. With the simple black

satin dress that I wore to the end of summer banquet — which had of course been carefully dry

cleaned after my stint in the fountain — I felt like a wealthy socialite myself.

Once I was ready, Tyrus held out his hand for me and led me out to the living room, where Edrick

waited for me.

“Ta-da!” Tyrus exclaimed, gesturing to me with a flourish. “The belle of the ball.”

Edrick stood from the couch to look at me. It was only a brief second, but I swore that his eyes widened

slightly, and I felt myself blush. Tyrus gestured with his finger for me to spin, and I did; and when I

stopped, Edrick’s face was a little red as well.

He kind of looked like a nervous, lovestruck schoolboy as he stared at me, which almost made me


Shortly before seven o’clock, Edrick and I took the car to the event. Both of us were silent for the ride

— I was too nervous to speak and Edrick didn’t seem to want to look at me for too long, although I

thought I caught him glancing on occasion.

But when the driver pulled up to the event, I heard myself let out an accidental gasp.

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The event was held at a huge theater with marble pillars out front, and a long red carpet that led up the

pathway, up the steps, and to the front door.

There were other people walking up the red carpet, and I noticed instantly that many of them stopped

to pose for the mobs of paparazzi. The women were dressed in extremely luxurious gowns with not a

single hair out of place, and all of the men were dressed in perfectly pressed tuxedos of various colors.

Even though I knew I was dressed well, I already felt out of place; and, not to mention the dozens —

hundreds, even — of paparazzi crowding around on either side of the red carpet.

Edrick must have seen my expression, because he suddenly reached out and took my hand. “Don’t

worry,” he said while the driver got out and came around to open our door. “Just stay with me.”

I couldn’t help but blush as I felt Edrick’s warm hand around mine, but I nodded and took a deep

breath, steeling myself for what was to come.

Edrick got out of the car first, then held out his arm for me and helped me out. The instant we set foot

on the carpet, the paparazzi turned their attention to us, their bright lights flashing and their voices


“Moana! Look over here!” I heard them shout. “Mr. Morgan! Over here!”

“Just smile and walk with me,” Edrick said through a fake smile as he waved politely at the paparazzi. I

gulped and did as he said, but I was already stunned, and I imagined that I would look more terrified

than anything when I eventually saw some of those photos of us.

I felt myself become dizzy as we slowly made our way up the red carpet, and I instinctively put my hand

on my belly — which, of course, attracted even more attention.

“Moana! Show us the baby bump!” the paparazzi shouted as their flashing lights blinded me.

I felt myself begin to choke up, and my smile faded. The only thing that kept me from freezing on the

spot was the feeling of Edrick’s arm wrapping protectively around my shoulders.