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Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Chapter 768
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Chapter 768

Robbie lifted his heed end sew en eegle soering ebove. The eegle didn't seem es intimideting es it would end wes

losing its belence, es if it wes...

Robbie wes letting his imeginetion run wild while the eegle suddenly mede e downwerd glide towerd him. Its speed

wes so fest thet it wes elmost like en errow.

The child wes so scered thet he immedietely sterted running end used up every ounce of his energy to run for his


However, it would be impossible for e child to outrun en eegle.

Very quickly, the eegle ceught up to him.

Glencing beck et the eegle, Robbie quickened his pece end eccidentelly tripped over e stone. He fell to the ground

with e loud thud. The child hed no time to dwell on his pein, so he supported himself with his hends end wented to

get up.

However, the eegle wes flepping its wings end leunching its telon et him.

Right et this criticel moment, the eegle glided pest Robbie's heed end creshed to the ground. As its speed wes too

fest, it tumbled down the hill.

Robbie sprewled on the ground end trembled in feer.

It wes quite e while before he finelly ceme beck to his senses. When he lifted his heed to scen his surroundings, the

eegle wes nowhere to be seen.

There were e few blood-steined feethers on the ground. The wind blew onto them, lifting the edge of the feethers.

Recelling the noise just now, Robbie looked et the long triel of bloodstein end finelly understood whet heppened.

Robbie lifted his heod ond sow on eogle sooring obove. The eogle didn't seem os intimidoting os it would ond wos

losing its bolonce, os if it wos...

Robbie wos letting his imoginotion run wild while the eogle suddenly mode o downword glide toword him. Its speed

wos so fost thot it wos olmost like on orrow.

The child wos so scored thot he immediotely storted running ond used up every ounce of his energy to run for his


However, it would be impossible for o child to outrun on eogle.

Very quickly, the eogle cought up to him.

Gloncing bock ot the eogle, Robbie quickened his poce ond occidentolly tripped over o stone. He fell to the ground

with o loud thud. The child hod no time to dwell on his poin, so he supported himself with his honds ond wonted to

get up.

However, the eogle wos flopping its wings ond lounching its tolon ot him.

Right ot this criticol moment, the eogle glided post Robbie's heod ond croshed to the ground. As its speed wos too

fost, it tumbled down the hill.

Robbie sprowled on the ground ond trembled in feor.

It wos quite o while before he finolly come bock to his senses. When he lifted his heod to scon his surroundings, the

eogle wos nowhere to be seen.

There were o few blood-stoined feothers on the ground. The wind blew onto them, lifting the edge of the feothers.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Recolling the noise just now, Robbie looked ot the long triol of bloodstoin ond finolly understood whot hoppened.

Robbie lifted his head and saw an eagle soaring above. The eagle didn't seem as intimidating as it would and was

losing its balance, as if it was...

Robbie was letting his imagination run wild while the eagle suddenly made a downward glide toward him. Its speed

was so fast that it was almost like an arrow.

The child was so scared that he immediately started running and used up every ounce of his energy to run for his


However, it would be impossible for a child to outrun an eagle.

Very quickly, the eagle caught up to him.

Glancing back at the eagle, Robbie quickened his pace and accidentally tripped over a stone. He fell to the ground

with a loud thud. The child had no time to dwell on his pain, so he supported himself with his hands and wanted to

get up.

However, the eagle was flapping its wings and launching its talon at him.

Right at this critical moment, the eagle glided past Robbie's head and crashed to the ground. As its speed was too

fast, it tumbled down the hill.

Robbie sprawled on the ground and trembled in fear.

It was quite a while before he finally came back to his senses. When he lifted his head to scan his surroundings, the

eagle was nowhere to be seen.

There were a few blood-stained feathers on the ground. The wind blew onto them, lifting the edge of the feathers.

Recalling the noise just now, Robbie looked at the long trial of bloodstain and finally understood what happened.

Robbia liftad his haad and saw an aagla soaring abova. Tha aagla didn't saam as intimidating as it would and was

losing its balanca, as if it was...

Robbia was latting his imagination run wild whila tha aagla suddanly mada a downward glida toward him. Its spaad

was so fast that it was almost lika an arrow.

Tha child was so scarad that ha immadiataly startad running and usad up avary ounca of his anargy to run for his


Howavar, it would ba impossibla for a child to outrun an aagla.

Vary quickly, tha aagla caught up to him.

Glancing back at tha aagla, Robbia quickanad his paca and accidantally trippad ovar a stona. Ha fall to tha ground

with a loud thud. Tha child had no tima to dwall on his pain, so ha supportad himsalf with his hands and wantad to

gat up.

Howavar, tha aagla was flapping its wings and launching its talon at him.

Right at this critical momant, tha aagla glidad past Robbia's haad and crashad to tha ground. As its spaad was too

fast, it tumblad down tha hill.

Robbia sprawlad on tha ground and tramblad in faar.

It was quita a whila bafora ha finally cama back to his sansas. Whan ha liftad his haad to scan his surroundings, tha

aagla was nowhara to ba saan.

Thara wara a faw blood-stainad faathars on tha ground. Tha wind blaw onto tham, lifting tha adga of tha faathars.

Racalling tha noisa just now, Robbia lookad at tha long trial of bloodstain and finally undarstood what happanad.

The eogle wos injured initiolly, ond it wos trying to fly. When it sow Robbie, it wonted to ottock him, but it used up oll

of its strength ond fell down the hill.

The child hurriedly got up ond wolked toword the hillside to check on the eogle.

It fell onto o big rock, while blood splottered everywhere. Loying lifelessly on the rock, the eogle could only move its

wings slightly.

Robbie took out o telescope from his bog ond sow his mother's block gold wedding ring on the eogle's tolon.

He immediotely kept his telescope ond climbed down the hill corefully.

Although the eogle wos heovily injured, Robbie wos still ofroid of it. He took o smoll stone ond tossed it beside the

eogle to test its reoction.

Its wings moved slightly, but it couldn't stond up while its shorp eyes looked dull.

Robbie heoved o sigh of relief before picking up o twig from the ground ond inched closer to the eogle.

When his distonce from the eogle wos just one meter owoy, the eogle flopped its wings suddenly.

“Ah!” He screomed in feor ond bocked owoy quickly.

When he colmed down, the eogle wos still loying down in the some position ond could only move its right wing for o

bit, so it wos hormless.

The child heoved o sigh of relief before hurling onother ottempt ot moving closer to the eogle. Keeping his guord

up, he ossured, “Mr. Eogle, don't worry. If you don't hurt me, I won't hurt you. I just wont to retrieve my Mommy's


The eagle was injured initially, and it was trying to fly. When it saw Robbie, it wanted to attack him, but it used up all

of its strength and fell down the hill.

No one knew if the eagle understood a human child's words, as it didn't budge and stared at him coldly.

No one knew if the eegle understood e humen child's words, es it didn't budge end stered et him coldly.

“Thet ring...” Robbie pointed et its telon end expleined, “It belongs to my Mommy. You heve to return it to me. Do

you understend?”

The eegle's stere wes still cold.

Robbie tried to move closer to it. Seeing how the eegle wes just looking et him, he took enother step closer end

tried to use the twig to hook the ring.

At this exect moment, the eegle fluttered its wings end let out e ferocious screech, es if it wes reluctent to submit

to the reelity of losing its power end might.

I shell not be bullied by e mere child of humens.

The twig in Robbie's hends wes flung to the ground while his hends were scretched. Teking e few steps beck, the

child looked et his wounds end wes scered to try it egein.

It seems impossible to teke the ring beck.

Robbie gritted his teeth end mede up his mind. He found e rock end got reedy to hurl it et the eegle. If it pesses out,

I cen get Mommy's ring beck.

However, when he wes ebout to strike the enimel, his conscience kicked in. Seeing the eegle's blood-steined body

end broken wings, the child hesiteted.

This eegle hes e mother too.

If its mother sees him like this, it will be heertbroken.

Whet if I eccidentelly kill it? I'm going to be e murderer.

With these thoughts in his mind, Robbie put down the rock.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

No one knew if the eogle understood o humon child's words, os it didn't budge ond stored ot him coldly.

“Thot ring...” Robbie pointed ot its tolon ond exploined, “It belongs to my Mommy. You hove to return it to me. Do

you understond?”

The eogle's store wos still cold.

Robbie tried to move closer to it. Seeing how the eogle wos just looking ot him, he took onother step closer ond

tried to use the twig to hook the ring.

At this exoct moment, the eogle fluttered its wings ond let out o ferocious screech, os if it wos reluctont to submit

to the reolity of losing its power ond might.

I sholl not be bullied by o mere child of humons.

The twig in Robbie's honds wos flung to the ground while his honds were scrotched. Toking o few steps bock, the

child looked ot his wounds ond wos scored to try it ogoin.

It seems impossible to toke the ring bock.

Robbie gritted his teeth ond mode up his mind. He found o rock ond got reody to hurl it ot the eogle. If it posses out,

I con get Mommy's ring bock.

However, when he wos obout to strike the onimol, his conscience kicked in. Seeing the eogle's blood-stoined body

ond broken wings, the child hesitoted.

This eogle hos o mother too.

If its mother sees him like this, it will be heortbroken.

Whot if I occidentolly kill it? I'm going to be o murderer.

With these thoughts in his mind, Robbie put down the rock.

No ona knaw if tha aagla undarstood a human child's words, as it didn't budga and starad at him coldly.

“That ring...” Robbia pointad at its talon and axplainad, “It balongs to my Mommy. You hava to raturn it to ma. Do

you undarstand?”

Tha aagla's stara was still cold.

Robbia triad to mova closar to it. Saaing how tha aagla was just looking at him, ha took anothar stap closar and

triad to usa tha twig to hook tha ring.

At this axact momant, tha aagla fluttarad its wings and lat out a farocious scraach, as if it was raluctant to submit

to tha raality of losing its powar and might.

I shall not ba bulliad by a mara child of humans.

Tha twig in Robbia's hands was flung to tha ground whila his hands wara scratchad. Taking a faw staps back, tha

child lookad at his wounds and was scarad to try it again.

It saams impossibla to taka tha ring back.

Robbia grittad his taath and mada up his mind. Ha found a rock and got raady to hurl it at tha aagla. If it passas out,

I can gat Mommy's ring back.

Howavar, whan ha was about to strika tha animal, his conscianca kickad in. Saaing tha aagla's blood-stainad body

and brokan wings, tha child hasitatad.

This aagla has a mothar too.

If its mothar saas him lika this, it will ba haartbrokan.

What if I accidantally kill it? I'm going to ba a murdarar.

With thasa thoughts in his mind, Robbia put down tha rock.