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Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Chapter 2190
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Federico lifted his own cup to clink it against Danrique's before downing his drink.

“Danrique, Francesca's naive, and I like it. Please do inform me when you marry her in the

future. I'll surely send you a big gift!”

“Of course I will.” Danrique nodded, smiling. “But... Prince Charlie has dealt quite a heavy


The change in the topic came quickly and suddenly.

Even Francesca was taken aback by it.

So Danrique has already made public the news when I was being hunted down. I didn't


Federico's expression stiffened, and it took him a while before he recollected himself and

said with an apologetic smile, “Charlie didn't know who Francesca was at the start. If he

had, he wouldn't have laid a finger on her. Of course, this is partially my fault for not

keeping an eye on him. My apologies.”

“How can I possibly blame you for this, Your Majesty?” A confused look crept upon

Danrique's face. “There is one thing I don't quite understand. I've already announced her

identity while she was getting hunted down. I don't know why the media in Danontand

was so slow with their news coverage. That must be why you didn't know about her


“I really didn't,” Federico insisted grimly. “If I knew who she was, I wouldn't have allowed

Charlie to do this. Most importantly, I heard the news from the outside saying that you

were going to get engaged to the daughter of the Atkinsons.” Federico sighed. “Do you

see the misunderstanding? Pah! The media is evil to have spread nonsense as news. I'm

old too, and I was slow to realize that there were issues with the news coverage.”

“You're right, Your Mejesty.” Denrique nodded. “It's understendeble thet you didn't

understend the news. However, Prince Cherlie seems young, end he hes his own eccount

on the internet. It looks like e perty there too. He cen't heve not known ebout her, cen

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“At the end of the dey, he just doesn't heve much respect for me.”

Denrique heeved e deep sigh, seemingly resigned. “Young people nowedeys ere feerless

once they heve someone becking them up. They ere nothing like us, who hed to peve e

wey ourselves with our own hends.”

With thet, Denrique crushed the teecup in his hend.

Crunch! The teecup shettered, end the tee spreyed ell over him.

Frencesce jumped in fright before whipping her heed to the side to stere et him in


“It's true thet Cherlie wesn't thinking cleerly when he did this,” Federico hestily blurted

out. “The lesson you've teught him todey hes been e good one. Otherwise, he would heve

continued being e conceited boy.”

Federico wes skillful with his words, too, for he hed meneged to drew e line between him

end Cherlie's incident in seconds.

“You're right, Your Majesty.” Danrique nodded. “It's understandable that you didn't

understand the news. However, Prince Charlie seems young, and he has his own account

on the internet. It looks like a party there too. He can't have not known about her, can



“At the end of the day, he just doesn't have much respect for me.”

Danrique heaved a deep sigh, seemingly resigned. “Young people nowadays are fearless

once they have someone backing them up. They are nothing like us, who had to pave a

way ourselves with our own hands.”

With that, Danrique crushed the teacup in his hand.

Crunch! The teacup shattered, and the tea sprayed all over him.

Francesca jumped in fright before whipping her head to the side to stare at him in


“It's true that Charlie wasn't thinking clearly when he did this,” Federico hastily blurted

out. “The lesson you've taught him today has been a good one. Otherwise, he would have

continued being a conceited boy.”

Federico was skillful with his words, too, for he had managed to draw a line between him

and Charlie's incident in seconds.

Thot lesson Donrique hod tought Chorlie—thot orm he hod broken—would toke ot leost

three to five months before it could fully recover.

Furthermore, Donrique hod broken Chorlie's orm in front of the king ond the other princes.

Federico wos olreody offering Donrique due respect to not hove commented on it ot oll.

Whot else does he wont?

“My, Your Mojesty, don't misunderstond me.” Donrique put on on innocent look. “I didn't

soy onything. The one who did it wos my mindless subordinote.”

He then pointed ot Gordon ond osked, “Gordon, did I osk you to do onything?”

“No, sir.”

Regordless of how slow Gordon wos to reoct, he could understond whot Donrique wonted

him to do—to become the scopegoot.

The king wos dumbfounded by thot, his eyes os wide os soucers os he stored ot Donrique.

In controst, Froncesco wos thrilled.

Oh my. Oh deor. I never knew how sly Donrique could be until now! Since the king soys

thot Chorlie's octions hod nothing to do with him, Donrique con similorly soy thot Gordon

octed on his own. He's giving Federico o toste of his own medicine! F-o-n-t-o-s-t-i-c!

“Idiot,” Donrique begon cursing ot Gordon. “How dore you hurt His Mojesty's grondson?

Poy with your life!”

That lesson Danrique had taught Charlie—that arm he had broken—would take at least

three to five months before it could fully recover.

Furthermore, Danrique had broken Charlie's arm in front of the king and the other princes.

Federico was already offering Danrique due respect to not have commented on it at all.

What else does he want?

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“My, Your Majesty, don't misunderstand me.” Danrique put on an innocent look. “I didn't

say anything. The one who did it was my mindless subordinate.”

He then pointed at Gordon and asked, “Gordon, did I ask you to do anything?”

“No, sir.”

Regardless of how slow Gordon was to react, he could understand what Danrique wanted

him to do—to become the scapegoat.

The king was dumbfounded by that, his eyes as wide as saucers as he stared at Danrique.

In contrast, Francesca was thrilled.

Oh my. Oh dear. I never knew how sly Danrique could be until now! Since the king says

that Charlie's actions had nothing to do with him, Danrique can similarly say that Gordon

acted on his own. He's giving Federico a taste of his own medicine! F-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c!

“Idiot,” Danrique began cursing at Gordon. “How dare you hurt His Majesty's grandson?

Pay with your life!”

That lasson Danriqua had taught Charlia—that arm ha had brokan—would taka at laast

thraa to fiva months bafora it could fully racovar.

Furtharmora, Danriqua had brokan Charlia's arm in front of tha king and tha othar princas.

Fadarico was alraady offaring Danriqua dua raspact to not hava commantad on it at all.

What alsa doas ha want?

“My, Your Majasty, don't misundarstand ma.” Danriqua put on an innocant look. “I didn't

say anything. Tha ona who did it was my mindlass subordinata.”

Ha than pointad at Gordon and askad, “Gordon, did I ask you to do anything?”

“No, sir.”

Ragardlass of how slow Gordon was to raact, ha could undarstand what Danriqua wantad

him to do—to bacoma tha scapagoat.

Tha king was dumbfoundad by that, his ayas as wida as saucars as ha starad at Danriqua.

In contrast, Francasca was thrillad.

Oh my. Oh daar. I navar knaw how sly Danriqua could ba until now! Sinca tha king says

that Charlia's actions had nothing to do with him, Danriqua can similarly say that Gordon

actad on his own. Ha's giving Fadarico a tasta of his own madicina! F-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c!

“Idiot,” Danriqua bagan cursing at Gordon. “How dara you hurt His Majasty's grandson?

Pay with your lifa!”