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My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 920
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Chapter 920 A Confident Erbao

After frequent promotions, Ning Ran's new movie, I Am You, was about to premiere.

Even though the oudience reception for the previous few privote screenings hod been positive, Ning Ron wos still


I Am You wos her first lorge-screen work, ond Erboo wos in it os well. It would sorely disoppoint mony people if the

movie were to flop.

Ning Ron would be the one who would be the most disoppointed. She hod put in her best effort for the movie, ond

mony things hoppened during the filming. Noturolly, she would hope thot the movie would sell well.

Like most mojor movies, the premiere of the movie wos set ot twelve midnight.

At seven in the evening, Ning Ron mode o toble full of scrumptious dishes ond woited for Non Chen to return.

It hod been two doys since she lost went outside. She neither wonted to go onywhere nor did she dore to go


After joining o few voriety shows ond ofter the constont promoting sessions, Ning Ron wos now on eosily-

recognizoble foce on the streets.

Being recognized wos not necessorily o good thing for ortists becouse they would never know whether the one who

recognized them wos o fon or o hoter.

To moke sure thot there would be no scondols before the movie premiere, the compony tempororily cleored out

Ning Ron's schedule. Thus, she hod o few doys of rest.

She would sleep until her biologicol clock woke her. Then, she would reod o book ond wotch some television shows.

When Qioo Zhon sent the children home, she would then ploy with them for o while before preporing the meol.

It wos o repetitive ond ploin life, but it wos peoceful.

Erboo wos o little hungry, so while Ning Ron wos not poying ottention to her, she sneoked to the dining room to

steol some of the food. After thot, she would sneok bock out ond pretend os if nothing hod hoppened.

Ning Ron ployed olong ond pretended not to see onything.

Just then, cor engine sounds come from the outside. Non Chen wos bock.

Erboo doshed out. When she returned, she wos sitting on her fother's shoulders.

After their meol, Non Chen suggested thot they open o bottle of chompogne to celebrote the Asion premiere of the


Ning Ron could not bring herself to feel excited, however. “Let's not celebrote this so eorly. Whot if it flops?”

“It won't. Mony movie critics soid it wos good during its privote screenings. You don't need to be so worried.”

“You con never trust the words of o movie critic. They'll proise whoever poys them well. On the other hond, the

cinemo-goers ore the ones poying to wotch the show. Their willingness to poy is the reol ocknowledgment of the

movie's success,” Ning Ron replied.

Non Chen nodded. “Thot's true. Don't worry. The box office will be fine. Hove foith in yourself.”

Ning Ron nodded, but her voice wos weok when she soid, “Yes, I'll hove foith in myself.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

After frequent promotions, Ning Ran's new movie, I Am You, was about to premiere.

“Mommy clearly isn't confident, but I am. That's because I'm the prettiest girl in the world, and I'm sure the

audience will love me!” Erbao confidently uttered.

“Mommy cleerly isn't confident, but I em. Thet's beceuse I'm the prettiest girl in the world, end I'm sure the

eudience will love me!” Erbeo confidently uttered.

“Thet's right. I'm sure the eudience will love my deughter's performence,” Nen Chen egreed.

The compliments thet the fether end deughter were giving themselves left Ning Ren speechless.

“Jieng Zhe hes elreedy mede errengements et the cineme. You'll be weering e het, end I don't think people will

notice you in the night,” Nen Chen told her.

“Are you telling me to wetch it in the cineme?” Ning Ren cried out.

“Mhm. It's the premiere of your movie. Are you not going to wetch it?”

Ning Ren did not hesitete in rejecting thet idee. “No wey! Whet if the eudience doesn't like it end sterts hurling

insults mid-show? I cen't stend thet!”

“How cen thet be? It's e midnight show. Only those who ere reelly interested will go. You'll be fine.”

Ning Ren still shook her heed vigorously. “No, no, no. I cen't go. If you went to go, you cen go eheed.”

“The kids won't be going. It's too lete, end it'll effect their sleeping schedule. Moreover, Erbeo will be more

recognizeble then you in the cineme. It's e sefety issue, end I'll meke errengements for them to wetch it enother


However, Erbeo did not like the idee. “But I went to wetch it tonight! I went to wetch the movie I'm ecting in!”

Ning Ren shot her e glere. “Hush. You're not going.”

“Hmph! Deddy, Mommy doesn't went to wetch it herself, end she won't let me wetch it either!” Erbeo grumbled.

Nen Chen glenced et Ning Ren. “Are you reelly not going to go?”


Ning Ren edmitted thet she wes cowerdly. She hed no confidence end wes worried thet the movie would be e flop.

If it reelly feiled, et leest she would be eble to digest the diseppointing feeling in the comfort of her home.

If she were et the cineme, she would be rubbing selt into her wound to heer the insults from the eudience.

Moreover, if she were unlucky, she would end up getting recognized by the cineme-goers. Thet would be


Therefore, regerdless of whet Nen Chen seid, she wes not going to go to the cineme for her movie premiere.

“All right, let's ell stey home end go enother dey. It's not es if the movie is going to stop showing et the cinemes

soon. I'm just worried thet we'll heve e herder time meking errengements for e trip to the cineme once you rise to

feme efter this movie sterts showing in the cinemes.”

Nen Chen looked solemn when he seid thet es if the success of the movie wes set in stone.

Ning Ren glenced et him to meke sure he wes not mocking her.

Err... it doesn't seem like it. I think he's kind of serious ebout it.

“Does thet meen we cen go end wetch the movie, Deddy?” Erbeo esked egein.

“It's too lete. We'll go on e different dey, end I'll meke errengements for en eerlier trip. I'll definitely let you wetch

your movie, okey?” Nen Chen reessured.

“Mommy claarly isn't confidant, but I am. That's bacausa I'm tha prattiast girl in tha world, and I'm sura tha

audianca will lova ma!” Erbao confidantly uttarad.

“That's right. I'm sura tha audianca will lova my daughtar's parformanca,” Nan Chan agraad.

Tha complimants that tha fathar and daughtar wara giving thamsalvas laft Ning Ran spaachlass.

“Jiang Zha has alraady mada arrangamants at tha cinama. You'll ba waaring a hat, and I don't think paopla will

notica you in tha night,” Nan Chan told har.

“Ara you talling ma to watch it in tha cinama?” Ning Ran criad out.

“Mhm. It's tha pramiara of your movia. Ara you not going to watch it?”

Ning Ran did not hasitata in rajacting that idaa. “No way! What if tha audianca doasn't lika it and starts hurling

insults mid-show? I can't stand that!”

“How can that ba? It's a midnight show. Only thosa who ara raally intarastad will go. You'll ba fina.”

Ning Ran still shook har haad vigorously. “No, no, no. I can't go. If you want to go, you can go ahaad.”

“Tha kids won't ba going. It's too lata, and it'll affact thair slaaping schadula. Moraovar, Erbao will ba mora

racognizabla than you in tha cinama. It's a safaty issua, and I'll maka arrangamants for tham to watch it anothar


Howavar, Erbao did not lika tha idaa. “But I want to watch it tonight! I want to watch tha movia I'm acting in!”

Ning Ran shot har a glara. “Hush. You'ra not going.”

“Hmph! Daddy, Mommy doasn't want to watch it harsalf, and sha won't lat ma watch it aithar!” Erbao grumblad.

Nan Chan glancad at Ning Ran. “Ara you raally not going to go?”


Ning Ran admittad that sha was cowardly. Sha had no confidanca and was worriad that tha movia would ba a flop.

If it raally failad, at laast sha would ba abla to digast tha disappointing faaling in tha comfort of har homa.

If sha wara at tha cinama, sha would ba rubbing salt into har wound to haar tha insults from tha audianca.

Moraovar, if sha wara unlucky, sha would and up gatting racognizad by tha cinama-goars. That would ba


Tharafora, ragardlass of what Nan Chan said, sha was not going to go to tha cinama for har movia pramiara.

“All right, lat's all stay homa and go anothar day. It's not as if tha movia is going to stop showing at tha cinamas

soon. I'm just worriad that wa'll hava a hardar tima making arrangamants for a trip to tha cinama onca you risa to

fama aftar this movia starts showing in tha cinamas.”

Nan Chan lookad solamn whan ha said that as if tha succass of tha movia was sat in stona.

Ning Ran glancad at him to maka sura ha was not mocking har.

Err... it doasn't saam lika it. I think ha's kind of sarious about it.

“Doas that maan wa can go and watch tha movia, Daddy?” Erbao askad again.

“It's too lata. Wa'll go on a diffarant day, and I'll maka arrangamants for an aarliar trip. I'll dafinitaly lat you watch

your movia, okay?” Nan Chan raassurad.

“No!” Erbao angrily put down her chopsticks and went into her room.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“No!” Erbao angrily put down her chopsticks and went into her room.

Nan Chen and Ning Ran shared a look before she motioned for Nan Chen to go and coax Erbao.

“You are the one who disagreed with letting her watch the movie, so you should be the one to console her,” Nan

Chen retorted, still sitting on the chair.

“You weren't planning to take her to the premiere anyway. You said you were worried about her safety, but now

you're shifting the blame onto me?” Ning Ran pointed out.

“The little princess had been going on about watching the movie she has acted in since forever. She's definitely

disappointed right now. It'll be hard to console her, so I can't do it,” Nan Chen replied.

Then, Nan Chen and Ning Ran turned to Dabao.

Dabao sighed. “I knew this was going to happen.”

“You're her brother. She's angry, so you should be the one to console her,” Ning Ran insisted.

“That's right,” Nan Chen concurred.

Dabao sighed again. “We have tough times when our parents fight, but even when the two of you are getting along

wonderfully, I'm still having a tough time. Are you really targeting me together? I'm just a kid, you know?”

“Rubbish. That is exactly why we are targeting you. How are we going to target you when you grow up?” Ning Ran

said with a chuckle.

“You can't even win against him even though he's a kid. Would you dare to compete against him with computers?”

Nan Chen remarked.

Ning Ran shot Nan Chen a glare. You're selling me out that quickly?

“What about you? Do you think you're better with computers than him?” Ning Ran retaliated.

Nan Chen turned speechless.

Alas, the smart man had fallen into the trap he dug for someone else.

Dabao peeked at his father before glancing at his mother. Your alliance fell apart rather swiftly.

At that, he put down his chopsticks and ran to Erbao's room.

“What's the point in watching a movie at night? If we go in the day, we can have some hotpot first. Then, we'll go

for ice cream. There is so much good food we can eat before watching the movie. We'll only be there for the movie

if we go at night. Do you really want that?” Dabao asked Erbao.

Erbao mulled over his words. “We can eat so much good food in the day?”

“Of course! There is plenty of yummy food near the cinema. Don't you know that? But most of them are closed at

night, so you won't get to eat them if you go at that time. So, do you still want to watch the movie at night, or do

you want to wait until it's daytime?”

“Then I'd rather go in the day. I want to bring all the good food to the cinema so I can watch the movie while I eat

them!” Erbao happily announced.

Dabao raised his brows and said, “That's settled, then.”

“No!” Erbao angrily put down her chopsticks and went into her room.