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My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 650
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Chapter 650 Unbearable

Ning Ran was bewildered. I’m not a singer, so why are you asking me to sing? Even if I could sing, who are you to

order me around?

“Why are you looking at me like that? Come on, sing! Since you came forward, then I’ll have you sing instead!” the

man shouted as he pointed at Ning Ran’s face.

Ning Ran glared at the man. “Sh*t! Stop glaring at me! Believe it or not, I’m going to slap you if you keep looking at

me like that,” the man threatened.

“I’d like to see you try.” Ning Ran’s obstinacy was also triggered. “You think I won’t dare? Do you know who calls the

shots here? Know your place and bend over like a good—”

Thud! Before the man could finish cussing at Ning Ran, he received a blow to the head.

The singer had lifted her guitar and smashed it over the man’s head. Ning Ran and the man were both stunned.

The girl had been tolerant and appeared to have no temper at all. Yet, unexpectedly, she had suddenly lost her

temper and smashed her guitar over the man’s head.

Evidently, it was not that she had no temper; rather, she had been trying to stay out of trouble. However, the man

was truly despicable. The girl was no longer able to tolerate him.

The man recovered from his surprise and turned around to slap the girl. He wrested the guitar from her, threw it

onto the ground, and stomped on it.

Furious, the girl returned the man’s slap. The man grew angrier and kicked at the girl, causing her to fall.

All the scuffle was unbearable for Ning Ran. She lifted a chair and smashed it onto the man’s head, effectively

joining the three-ring circus.

“How dare you? Go to h*ll!” The man gripped Ning Ran’s throat and clenched his other fist. “Stop it!”

Huang Zichao finally made his way over. “I’ve called the police. Let her go!” “Yet another good-for-nothing? Out of

my way!” The man shoved Huang Zichao to the side.

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Still, Huang Zichao persisted. He did not do anything to the man but stood in front of Ning Ran instead.

“Let’s have a civil conversation. Don’t hit women,” Huang Zichao said. “Should I beat you up instead?” The man

glared at Huang Zichao arrogantly.

“If she angered you in any way, I’ll apologize on her behalf!”

Ning Ran was displeased when she heard Huang Zichao’s words. The jerk is the bully. I did nothing wrong! Since I’m

not in the wrong, why do we have to apologize to him?

“There’s no need to apologize. He’s the one at fault,” Ning Ran raged.

“See, this b*tch refuses to apologize. Hey, you good-for-nothing! Step aside if you don’t want your facial features

rearranged,” the man hollered at Huang Zichao.

“You can hit me, but you absolutely mustn’t hit the women!” Huang Zichao refused to back down, but he also did

not make a move. It was obvious that Huang Zichao was stalling for time for the police to arrive.

“Get out of the way!”

“I refuse!”

“Fine. You asked for this!” The man raised his fist and prepared to launch his attack.

“Hey, aren’t I the one you’re after?” Once again, the girl spoke up. She had scrambled to her feet.

The man’s kick had been vicious. Despite that, she still managed to get up. The girl clutched her stomach, and her

complexion did not look too great.

“Oh, I didn’t expect you to be able to get up. Don’t worry. I didn’t forget about you. I’ll take care of you in a bit.” The

man pointed at the girl.

“This happened because of me. Forget her and take it out on me instead.”

The pretty girl was steadfast. Although she knew she would be beaten up, she remained unfazed.

Compared to the cautious Huang Zichao, she appeared to be more courageous.

Of course, Huang Zichao was not a coward. However, he was a famous actor. He did not want to cause a scene

and negatively affect his career.

The place they were at was a small border town with its own laws. Over here, connections were important, and

they had their own local protectionism.

Since the man dared to act so arrogantly, he was likely a local bigshot or had someone backing him.

Although Huang Zichao was a famous actor, he was only an outsider in a place like this.

This was a common occurrence. Small towns were often less inclusive, and the outsiders were left vulnerable.

Hence, Huang Zichao wanted to smooth things over instead of worsening the incident.

Naturally, Ning Ran was not going to stand by and let the girl shoulder all the blame.

“You aren’t the one at fault. There’s no need for you to shoulder it alone. We’ll stand together!”

“Be quiet, you,” Huang Zichao cautioned Ning Ran.

“It’s none of your business. Step aside! I’d like to see him try to hit me.” Ning Ran pushed Huang Zichao aside. She

knew he was trying to avoid causing a scene, and she was not about to drag him into this.

Huang Zichao felt embarrassed, and his expression soured at that.

“Ms. Ning, what’s the matter?” At that moment, the bodyguards sent by Qiao Zhan came over.

Initially, they had been following Ning Ran. But when they saw that Huang Zichao and Ning Ran had entered the

bar, they deemed it safe and left to get some food.

They did not expect to encounter the commotion when they returned. Thus, they hurried over.

“Well, well. What do we have here? I knew it! For him to address you so distantly, you must be out here selling

yourself. You’re quite a looker, so I’m sure you fetch a pretty good price,” the man blabbered.

The two bodyguards rushed over the moment the words left the man’s lips.

The people chosen by Qiao Zhan were not ordinary people. They were professional bodyguards.

To professional bodyguards, it did not matter if there was a right or wrong. They would put their lives on the line if

someone tried to hurt the person they were protecting. They did not care about the risks or the consequences. It

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was the gravest of crimes to let the person they were protecting get hurt.

One of the bodyguards landed a punch on the man’s face.

The man was pretty pudgy, so his weight could not have been light.

Yet, the bodyguard’s unremarkable-looking punch sent the man careening backward.

Someone who did not know better would think that the man was putting on an act.

However, the man knew the strength of the fist and the magnitude of the impact on him. He knew he was up

against a professional he could not beat.

Just as the man was about to call it quits, the bodyguard’s feet kicked at him, landing squarely on his chest.

The force felt even more excessive. The man felt as if his chest was hit by a heavy hammer. As a result, he fell

backward with a thud.

A foot immediately pressed down on his face. “How dare you bully Ms. Ning?”

“Let go of me! Don’t you know who I am?” shouted the man.

“Pray tell,” the bodyguard said contemptuously.

“My name is Li Xiaolong! No one in Livingsfill would dare do this to me!” the man screamed.

Li Xiaolong? Wasn’t that the name of the deceased martial arts superstar?

“How dare a thug like you tarnish the name of the legendary superstar?” the bodyguard scoffed in disgust as he put

more weight on his foot.

“That’s my name! My brother-in-law is the sheriff!” the man yelled.

Sure enough, the man had someone backing him. That was the source of his arrogance.

“Forget it. Let him go and we’ll leave.”

Ning Ran no longer wanted to prolong the fight. She no longer felt like staying here.

I have my professional bodyguards, so I’m okay. But if the commotion continues, what’s going to happen to the

girl? We were able to protect her today. But what will happen tomorrow, or the day after?

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