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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calcraft)

Chapter 1288
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CChapter 1288 Irin Nash's view, Barton offered to help because he wanted Nash to ccure Baden'’s illness.

BBack when Bradley ran into trouble at Motadine, Nash had sought hhelp from the Bullhogs, and they had responded by sending several Mystique Loyalty Realm martial artists to his rescue.

WWWide they did not arrive at the scene in time, they nevertheless.

ninanaged to rescue Bradley.

As such, Nash was indebted to them.

Instead of repaying the favor, Nash sought their help again. Once agaththey agreed to help and sent Regulus to his rescue without hesaatioon.

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This timesBBadon brought along three Mystique Loyalty Realm martial artists, markiing the third tNash had received help from the Bullhogs.s.

Tremendously grateful for their help, Nash vowed to cure Ba illness no matter whhat.

“I left in a hurry, sod ditian bbring Baden along. Besides...” Barton scanned the crowd and continued with a smile, “Let's get through the day first! We connak bbout that later!” Hearing this, Nash felt a surgo@bformation welling up inside him once again.

Chapter 1288 Barton did not want to bring Baden with him because he knew he might very well die today.

Nash reached for his wine and gave it a little swirl while saying, “Let's toast to our friendship!” Sometimes, things did not need to be said out loud.

Nash decided the Bullhogs would be his friends until death.

Liking the idea, Barton popped open a new bottle of white wine and started filling up their glasses. Sof the wine spilled out, but he did not care.

Nash's glass still had sred wine, but Barton did not care either.

Seeing Barton's way of doing things, Nash could not help but stifle a laugh. He found himself taken aback by Barton's disregard for wine etiquette but then recalled that Barton was from Motadine, where such formalities likely held little significance.

Nash decided not to let these differences get in the way of the friendship.

Barton clinked his glass with Nash’s and gulped down his wine.

Nash did the same.

Suddenly, a commotion erupted in the crowd, and everybody turned toward the entrance.

Glancing sideways, Nash and Barton saw Harold walking into the banquet hall with a group of people dressed in strange clothes.

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The leader of the group seemed to be in his mid-20s. His features Chapter 1238 were sharp, but his face was ghostly pale, and his eyes appeared bloodshot.

Natalia felt a chill run down her spine. She fixed her gaze on the man’s feet and whispered, “Nash, why do | feel like he cfrom the underworld?” It was not surprising for her to make such remarks, given the man’s ghastly pale skin. It was as if his blood had run dry.

Floret squinted his eyes and said, “I bet he’s been practicing sorcery!” “That's right. He's the Voodoo Parasite King of Shealor!” Nash was about to take another sip of his wine, but he put the glass down when he noticed the smell of both red and white wine wafting from his glass. Frowning slightly, he gulped down a few mouthfuls of tea instead.

“The Voodoo Parasite King of Shealor?” Barton's eyes widened at the nas he balled his fists.

The other Bullhog members seated at the table also grimace name, their eyes gleaming with murderous intent.

“You know him?” Nash looked at Barton in surprise.

The man had been on the run since a decade ago, hunted down by martial artists all over. Word had it that he went into hiding deep in the mountains and continued practicing sorcery. Only a few had seen his face.

Chapter 1288 Johnathan had once told Nash that he was a threat to humanity and that Nash must kill him if he ever crossed paths with him.

“20 years ago, our family was faced with a crisis. My grandfather and father had fallen ill with a strange disease out of the blue. In just three days, their bodies started rotting, including their organs. | had no choice but to end their suffering!” Barton's gaze was hardened with anger as he said through gritted teeth.

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