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My Sleeping Beauty Husband by Lyanna Nichols

Chapter 72
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Chapter 72 I Don’t Trust You

In the next few days, Stella watched Cynthia take the medicine every morning.

Cynthia would vomit it out while Stella went away. Then, she took the medicine that Mr. Lange

prescribed to her.

After half a month, Cynthia took the medicine for the last time. She smiled at Stella, “I took it all.”

Stella seemed quite relieved. Her smile disappeared and her expression was gloomy.

She stood up abruptly and looked at Cynthia from above. She said, “Then go back to your room.”

Cynthia was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head and sneered, “She hates me so much.”

“Stupid and evil.”

She raised her head and widened her eyes. She made an expression of disbelief, “Didn’t you say that

you want

to let go of your previous prejudices and make up for me? Were you lying to me? Why?”

Stella’s expression faltered, but she thought that Cynthia would not be able to be pregnant and Alston


abandon her for that. She became confident.

She snorted and said, “I’ve changed my mind. No matter how hard I try, I can’t bear you. I think we

don’t get

along well. You shouldn’t have married my son.”

Cynthia pursed her lips and a dark light flashed in her eyes. But she still showed an aggrieved look.

“I didn’t know that. You are Alston’s mother, and I am his wife. He will be sad if the two of us can’t get


Can we let go of the past, please?”

“How persuasive!” Stella snorted coldly, “Stop being hypocritical. It doesn’t work for me. I know Alston

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you, but how long can the love last?”

She kept saying, “You two have been married for so long, and you still are not pregnant. If you can’t


children in the future, who knows when Alston will abandon you.”

Cynthia clenched her fists tightly under the table. Stella was too vicious. She didn’t only want Alston to


her, but also wanted to ruin her life.

In her eyes, Cynthia was just a mean creature she could trample on at will.

Looking at Cynthia’s forbearance expression, Stella felt extremely happy. She suffered so much

because of

Cynthia and finally got her revenge. She was more proud and Clare.

“So, I advise you to divorce Alston before he gets tired of you. You will get nothing if he asks for a

divorce first. I am different. No matter what I do, I am his mother. He might be mad with me for a few

days, but it

doesn’t harm anything between us.”

She was talking proudly when suddenly a siren sounded outside the door. She immediately shut her


Cynthia looked out the window and saw Alston’s car, “Why don’t you continue talking?”

Stella seemed a little shocked, and muttered to herself, “Didn’t he go to work? Why did he come back


She suddenly got up, grabbed the bowl on the table, and rushed to the kitchen. She washed it!

The maid was startled. She hurried over and said, “I… I’ll do it.”

Cynthia smiled sarcastically. When Stella came out of the kitchen, Alston just walked into the house.”

He wore a black coat, and a gust of cold wind was brought in by him. When he saw Cynthia sitting by


dining table, his expression softened. He kissed her lightly on the forehead and asked, “Have you


your breakfast?”

“Yes!” Cynthia looked up at him and smiled, “Why did you come back suddenly?”

“I forgot something…” He smelled the medicine in the air, and his expression changed, “Did you take

Chinese medicine?”

As soon as he said that, everyone present was startled. Stella’s and the maid’s faces turned pale,


the maid’s. She was terrified of Alston. Her body was trembling and cold sweat was rolling down from

her forehead.

Stella noticed it and was afraid she would reveal her secrets, so she said, “What are you doing here?

Did you

finish the cleaning in the kitchen?”

The maid rushed into the kitchen as if she had received amnesty. Within a few seconds, there was the

sound of cleaning.

Stella took a deep breath, with a loving smile on her face, and said, “The maid said that you left without

taking breakfast in the morning. Why don’t you sit down and have some? I’ll get you some oat milk.”

She walked towards the kitchen and tried to show her maternal love. Cynthia’s voice suddenly came

from her back, “Alston never drinks oat milk. Have you forgotten?”

Stella’s back froze, and the embarrassment on her face turned into anger in an instant. “D*mn Cynthia!

Why does she always embarrass me in front of people? I hope she would never be pregnant!”

She turned around and saw the coldness in Alston’s eyes. She stammered, “I, I forgot. I’ll get you some

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“No need!” Alston said indifferently. He turned to Cynthia and asked, “Did you take medicine just now?”

Cynthia nodded. Alston and Stella both became nervous.

Alston was worried, and Stella was afraid!

“Are you ill? How do you feel? I’ll get you a doctor. Call the hospital to take sick leave today.” In a few

seconds, he had arranged everything. He took out the phone and wanted to make a phone call.

Cynthia stopped him.

“You’re too nervous.” She turned to look at Stella. Then she said with a sweet and meaningful smile, “It


tonic medicine that Stella made for me. She said it’s good for my health, was it?”

Stella’s expression froze, and she smiled, “Yes, yes.”

Alston frowned, feeling something was wrong. Stella was bad to Cynthia all the time. How could she be

so kind all of a sudden? It was weird.

“What kind of tonic medicine? Did she take you to the doctor?” Alston restrained his worries and asked


“No.” Cynthia replied.

Stella’s back tensed instantly, “It is general tonic medicine everyone can take. My friends and I all had

it. Look at me. I look great since I took it.”

Cynthia looked at her carefully. She was right. Her complexion had become rosier these days. She

looked energetic. Stella cared about her health a lot, but never took others‘ health seriously.

She sneered silently.

“Show me the prescription, and I’ll have some doctor check it.” Alston asked directly.

Stella was shocked and angry, “That doctor is very famous and reliable. Many of my friends took the

medicine, and the effect was good, so I gave some to Cynthia.”

Alston stood up. His expression and movement revealed a high and noble elegance, but his words

were cold.

“It’s not that I don’t trust the doctor. I don’t trust you.”