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My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

Chapter 296
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Chapter 296 Gathering My Friends

Lila’s POV

What did Scott remember that he wanted to tell all of us? Did he remember who manipulated his mind

and tried to frame him for murder?

This could be huge; he could potentially save Rod from a horrific fate if what Enzo suspected was true.

It didn’t want to believe that Rod was guilty of murder and truly tried to kill Rachel out of his own free

will. The thought didn’t sit right with me. I had a nasty feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I

thought about it.

I wished I could talk to Rachel and find out what happened between them earlier. Why was she even

there in the first place? She never expressed any interest in vampires before.

None of this made any sense.

I couldn’t help but feel like we were missing huge parts of the puzzle.

The drive back to campus was quiet; I knew we were all thinking the same things. We were wondering

what Scott had to tell us and if it would put together the missing pieces.

When we pulled into the parking lot, my father was waiting for us with Alexander. I was glad that it was

only the two of them, but I wondered where Alpha Jonathan was.

“Alex is going to take you to your dorm and speak to help you collect your friends,” my father said.

“Make sure they all pack a bag to last them until Sunday. You will be brought back here Sunday


I nodded, but I didn’t move from in front of him.

“Do you know what Scott wants to talk to us about?” I asked, my voice coming out unfamiliar.

He shook his head, glancing at me then at Becca, and then back at me.

“I don’t,” he said gently. “But whatever it is, I’m sure it’s important. Thankfully, he’s being released from

jail today so he will be at Enzo’s packhouse this evening.”

The sun was about to go down, so this evening was arriving quickly. The more the sunset, the tighter

the knot in my stomach got.

“What’s going to happen to Rod?” I found myself asking, looking between my father and Alex.

They were both quiet for a moment, each looking at one another.

“We aren’t sure yet. But once we know, we will let you know,” my father said, giving me a reassuring

smile. “In the meantime, the lockdown remains on campus. I already spoke to the board about you and

your friends, so you are free to get your things and meet back here in the parking lot.”

I looked up at Enzo, worry clear/in his eyes. Or maybe it was my worry reflecting on me.

“I need to speak with Enzo for a few. Alex will take you to your dorm.”

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I didn’t want to leave my mate and Val certainly didn’t want to walk away, I could tell from his face that


Chapter 296 Gathering My Friends

didn’t want that either.

“Go on,” he said softly, meeting my eyes. “I’ll see you soon.”

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I nodded slowly and turned toward Alex; he said nothing as he turned and led toward the dormitory.

We walked in silence as if we were walking in shame. My heart continued to pound heavily in my chest,

even when we were inside our section of the dormitory.

Miss Tinsel, the girl’s dormitory B advisor, sat on the couch reading a book with her legs crossed. She

looked tired, yet alert at the same time if that makes sense.

Beckie Tinsel.

I don’t encounter her often, but she’s very stuck up and I don’t really like her that much.

“Miss Tinsel?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at the back of her blonde head.

She turned in perfect posture and peered up at me from the couch. Her ocean-blue eyes batted in my

direction and her perfect cherry-red lips tilted upward in a coy smile.

“Oh, hello, Lila,” she said, placing the book on the table. “How are you this evening?”

“What are you doing in here?” I asked, furrowing my brows together. “Where’s Miss Carter?”

“Oh, Eileen?” she asked, seemingly innocent, but I could see through her easily. “She’s in a meeting

with the Alpha and the headmaster. I hope she’s not in too much trouble. It’s a shame she allowed one

of her students to leave last night… resulting in a serious injury.”

“She didn’t let Rachel leave,” Becca said, folding her arms across her chest. “Rachel snuck out the


“Or so you say,” Miss Tinsel said, raising her brows. “But under further examination, Rachel’s window

was locked from the inside. It would have been impossible to escape through the window.”

My heart fell into my stomach.

That couldn’t have been true.

How could Rachel have walked out the front door without anyone noticing?

That nasty feeling was returning to the pit of my stomach.

“I would have never allowed that to happen with my students,” Miss Tinsel said, flipping her long and

silky hair behind her shoulder. “If I were them, I’d fire you immediately. But with this school, who knows

what’s going to happen.”

“Come on,” Alex said harshly before I could speak another word.

I wanted to tell Miss Tinsel off, though I knew it wasn’t in my best interest to do that. Whatever was

going on around this school was already destroying it, I wasn’t going to partake in destroying the rest of

my education here.

“We should get Brody,” Beccá said, tugging at her fingers nervously,

I nodded in agreement.

“And Kayla,” I added.

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“If we get Brody and Kayla, then we are going to need to get Sarah as well,” Becca stated. “Because

Brody is her mate and won’t go without her and Kayla is her roommate, and they seem to be getting

along well.”

I nodded.

“If you want to get Luis, that would be okay too,” I said, peering over at her.

She gave me a surprised look.

“Are you sure?” She asked.

I smiled at her.

“Of course, Becca,” I said in return.

She looked relieved by that, and she couldn’t hide her big smile. It made me laugh.

“I’ll call him,” she said, pulling out her phone.

“While you’re at it, give Brody a call too,” I said to her.

“Will do.”

Alex waited in the hallway while Becca went into our dorm, and I knocked on Sarah and Kayla’s door.

It was Kayla who answered, her eyes were large and filled with tears. She looked surprised to see me

but once she recovered, she threw her arms around me and began to sob. I was shocked and

confused at first, but then I remembered that nobody was updated on the Rachel situation.

“Word has gotten around about Rachel,” she sobbed into my shirt. “I can’t believe it… did she come out

of surgery?”

“Yes,” I answered, hugging her back. “She’s going to make a fine recovery. Her father is with her now.”

Kayla let out another s ob before releasing me.

“She’s really going to be okay?” She asked, trembling and wiping her tears.

“Yes,” I assured her. “She’s not awake yet, but the doctors think she will make a full recovery.”

Kayla let out a sigh of relief.

“Did you hear that, Sarah? Rachel is going to be okay!” Kayla said, peering over at Sarah who was

sitting on

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the couch.

Her eyes were red, and it was obvious she’d been crying top, which was insanely surprising to me, I

didn’t think Sarah would care that much about Rachel’s well-being.

But she tried to hide the fact that she’d been crying. She quickly stood to her feet when she saw me.

“Have you been upset?” I asked her, raising my eyebrows in surprise.

She rolled her eyes, folding her arms across her chest.

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“I’m upset about the entire situation,” she muttered. “It’s all just f ucked up and my father won’t tell me

anything. I have to resort to getting my information from Brody. I don’t like being on the outside.”

“Well, now you don’t have to be,” I told her, giving her a small smile. “I want you both to come with me

and Becca to Enzo’s packhouse until Sunday.”

They looked at one another surprised.

“Why?” Kayla was the one to ask.

“I’ll explain the entire story of what happened with Rachel on the way there, but we don’t think it’s safe

of us here. Anyone close to Rachel could be in danger,” I told them. “I don’t want to scare anyone, but I

need you both to pack a bag and come with me.”

“Okay,” Kayla answered quickly. “We will pack.”

I smiled my thanks to her.

“We are calling Brody too,” I said, glancing at Sarah.

“Obviously,” she muttered, folding her arms across her chest and giving me a pointed look. “Or else I

probably wouldn’t be going.”

“Probably not,” I said, only a little teasingly as I turned away and went to my own dorm.

I went into my room and packed my things; not that I really needed much. I had a bunch of clothes at

Enzo’s place still. But I could do a little laundry while I was there.

Once I was done, I went to the living room and I was pleased to see that all my friends, including Sarah

and Luis, were already there. Alex leaned against the doorframe, staring at me.

“Ready?” He asked.

I nodded, trying to hide the nervousness on my face.

“Are you going to explain to us the entire story of what happened?” Kayla asked as we walked out of

the dorm and toward the parking lot.

“Yes,” I answered. “But you all should know that someone is meeting us at the packhouse tonight.”

“Who?” Brody asked, curiously.

He was walking with both his and Sarah’s bags slung over his large shoulders, and she walked closely

beside him.

I glanced behind my shoulder at the rest of them before answering.
