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My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

Chapter 267
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Chapter 267 Combat And Shifting Class

Enzo’s POV

“You returned late last night,” Alpha Jonathan said as he sipped his mug of coffee.

I almost forgot he was here; almost.

“I had things to deal with in my pack,” I muttered, pouring myself a cup of coffee as well.

+15 Bonus

“I know that curfew doesn’t apply to faculty members, but you really should be leading by example,”

Alpha Jonathan said, narrowing his eyes at me.

I clutched the mug so tightly my knuckles were growing white. It was far too early to deal with this s hit.

“When exactly are you leaving?” I asked through my teeth; I was aware that I was sounding

disrespectful. But I didn’t give a sh it. I wanted him out of my house.

“Until I feel like leaving,” Jonathan said in return. “They are starting to create my own house on

campus. Once they start building. 171 head back to my pack until it’s completed.”

“And why exactly do you need a house here?” I asked, my tone going dry. “You don’t strike me as an


“As a matter of fact, I’m planning on starting a business course, Jonathan said simply. “Is that a

problem, Alpha.”

Instead of answering. I muttered, “So, I guess you’ll be sticking around more.”

It wasn’t a question, but it made Jonathan scoff and ch ug the rest of his coffee,

“Don’t forget who owns this school, Alpha Enzo; and who signs your paycheck.”

On that note, he turned and went into the bathroom. I shook my head at him, not wanting to get into it

or be out here when he returned from his shower, I went into my room and grabbed a pair of

sweatpants. 1 purposely took my shirt off; I don’t wear a shirt when I jog, and I needed to go for a run.

“That guy pi sses me off,” Max muttered as finished dressing.

“Yeah, you and me both,” I said in return. “I don’t like the idea of him being here all the time. Especially

when Lila is here. I can’t really explain this odd feeling I have.”

“Let me loose and I’ll teach him a lesson he won’t forget,” Max growled, but there was a bit of humor

behind his words.

“Easy there, old wolf,” I said to him, not able to hold back my laugh. “Something is telling me that’s

probably a bad idea.”

“You’re no fun,” he whined.

I left the house and instantly started to run down the path that connected the faculty neighborhood with

the rest of the campus. It was still early, so I knew most students were still sleeping. The campus was

very quiet as I ran my normal course.

The cool breeze that hit my skin felt good as I grew warm from the cardio. As I ran past the dorms, the

scent of honeysuckle filled my nose, easing every single one of my tensions and realizing my body.

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Chapter 267 Combat And Shifting Class

scent was mouthwatering and incredible.

“Our mate,” Max breathed as he took in the glorious scent.

+15 Bonu

She was in the dorm, sleeping. I could feel her resting, but I could also feel her anxieties. She was

worried. about something, which made me worried as well.

“We should go to her; she needs us,” Max complained.

“We can’t. We’d get caught,” I reminded him.

“It’s not fair. Not being able to be with our mate.

1 knew he was right; 1 found it unfair as well, but there wasn’t much I could do about it. It was either

this, or I returned to my pack and not be around her at all. It was torture being away from her. At least

now I get to smell her amazing scent and feel her nearby. I can be here if she needs me to protect her

from any danger. I know where she is all the time, and I can steal kisses in private.

Before, I couldn’t do any of that.

Once she graduates from the school. I’ll be able to make her my wife and Luna of my pack. She was

going to make a wonderful Luna.

Her scent stayed with me even when I was no longer near the dormitory. I have been running for about

15 minutes and I wasn’t even close to being winded yet. Usually, in the mornings, I run several laps

around the campus. Even once I get winded, I tend to push myself until my legs no longer want to


When I neared the academic center, I got a strange scent of rotting flesh that made my stomach clench

and my body shutter. It made me freeze in my tracks and give the air a long and steady whiff, which in

return made me gag

“What the f uck is that?!” Max growled in disgust.

Before I could respond to my wolf, the door swung open and a girl I recognized as Lila’s roommate,

Rachel, ran out of the academic center. Her face was pale as a ghost, and she was breathing heavily.

She froze when she saw me standing before her.

“Professor…” she said, her voice trembling slightly.

“Hello, Rachel… is everything okay?” I asked, trying to keep my tone calm.

“Yes,” she said, a little too quickly. “I was just dropping off a late assignment before class started.”

“I see,” I said, eyeing her carefully.

She normally had bright blue eyes, but her eyes seemed to be dark. Like the darkest part of the ocean,

something was off about her.

“Rachel, do you smell that?” I asked, still keeping my eyes on her.

Her body visibly tensed.

“I don’t smell anything, Professor,” she said, running her fingers through her hair. “But I need to go. I’ll

see you later.”


Chapter 267 Combat And Shifting Class

I said nothing as she took off running toward the dormitory.

I stared at the academic center, the scent started to disappear and became less potent.

“That was strange.” Max said, mimicking my thoughts.

I shook my head of any thoughts and continued my run

+15 Bonus

On Tuesday my classes started early. I had shifting and combat 101, at 9 am and another one at 10


Then I had shifting and combat 102 at 2 pm, and another one, which was Lila’s class, at 3 pm.

I had a later class at 6 pm which was my advanced shifting and combat class.

Tuesdays and Thursdays were typically my busy days; on Mondays and Wednesdays, I only had 2

classes. one at 10 am and the other at 3 pm. On Fridays, I only had one class, which was advanced

and was held at

11 am.

I will say, out of all my students, Lila was probably the best one at combat and I’m not just saying that

because she’s, my mate. She spent most of her life training with her father and the best gam ma

warriors in our nation. It’s not surprising that she excels in combat and I’m proud to be taking her

training even further.

I hated to admit it, but she seemed to have gotten fiercer and stronger since we trained last year.

Which means her training with Xander actually paid off a little bit. Even though he was poisoning her

and abusing his power. The thought of him physically hurting her made me feel sick.

3 pm came slowly; I counted the hours before I’d be able to see Lila and touch her. Even if the touching

was for the combat portion of our class. She walked into the arena wearing a tight tank top and a pair

of yoga pants that left no mystery about her incredible body. Her outfit hugged every curve perfectly.

She kept her dark curls tied up in a high ponytail and when she walked toward me, she had a bright

smile on her face and her gorgeous eyes lit up with color.

She was vibrant and beautiful; the very sight of her made my wolf howl in delight and my heart raced in

my chest.

“Good afternoon, Professor,” she said as she walked past me to stand beside her friend, and



The way she said “Professor” was teasingly and almost seductive. I had to stifle the growl that emerg

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from my throat..

I wanted to press her against the wall and have my way with her right then and there, but I couldn’t and

that pis sed me off.

The scent of honeysuckle filled my senses, making me forget about that rancid flesh scent I smelled

outside the academic center earlier this morning. I made a m ental note to ask Lila about her friend

Rachel and see if she’s noticed anything strange alsou er.

There were about 20 students in this class, including Sarah who stood in the very back and looked

incredibly awkward. I have a feeling she lost her support system and friends when everybody

recovered the memories, she took from them. They also regained their free will, so they were no longer

under her control.

I noticed some students giving her passive-aggressive and dirty looks, but she seemed to be paying

them no attention. Even her combat partner was keeping her distance.


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Chapter 267 Combat And Shifting Class

+15 Bonus

“Okay everybody; we are going to start today by doing two laps around the arena grounds outside,” I

told them, making my voice boom across the arena.

I motioned for them to exit out the door; sometimes I liked having class outside. It made it easier for the

shifting portion of the class.

“Two laps in human form. Two laps in wolf form,” I ordered. “Gol”

They all began to run out the door and make laps around the large held. Lila was the fastest; her form

was perfect, and she hardly broke a sweat on the first lap. On the second lap, her checks grew pink

and sweat beaded on her forehead and dripped down the nape of her neck.

She was the first to complete the first two laps and then she shifted into her glorious pure white wolf

and her running grew almost as fast as lightning. Her wolf was huge, and her form was nearly perfect

as well, making Max howl in delight.

The others soon shifted into wolf forms as well and also began running quickly, but certainly not as fast.

I watched her with a sense of pride, and I made a m ental note to show her just how proud of her I was


Something in the far distance caught my eye though and I narrowed my eyes in that direction, Standing

off near the bleachers, I saw a girl sitting there, watching the group of wolves running. Her body

seemed stiff as a statue and for a moment, I couldn’t tell who it was. But Max’s growing anxiety and

unease felt like a repeat of this morning.

The girl slowly stood on the bleachers, and that’s when I realized who she was.

“It’s Rachel…”
