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My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

Chapter 264
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Chapter 264

Third Person POV

Rachel walked the narrow hallway of the academic center as the sun began to set on Sunday night.

Blood had stained her lip, and she used her thumb to wipe the remainder of it off before leaving the

building and returning to her dorm.

She felt the darkness within her wiggle with delight as the blood it just consumed filled and

strengthened it. Rachel didn’t understand her sudden craving for blood; as a bear, they didn’t drink or

desire blood. But the sudden urge was too much for her to ignore and she would stop at nothing to

satisfy the craving.

The warm pool of blood from her victim made the darkness inside her excited. Once she started, she

couldn’t find the willpower to stop. Not until the heart of the victim had stopped beating and she

stopped struggling against Rachel’s hold.

She had died and Rachel buried her deep in the basement of the academic center; somewhere nobody


As she rounded the corner and pushed open the doors, a girl ran into her coming from the opposite

direction, making Rachel’s head spin and the darkness swirl around her in fury.

“OH! Sorry, Rachel. I didn’t see you there,” the girl, Rachel recognized as Mckenzi in her bear–shifting

class, said.

Rachel glared at the girl and as soon as the girl looked into Rachel’s eyes, her smile immediately

dropped. Rachel’s eyes were dark and becoming inhuman; Rachel couldn’t help the anger she felt

despite her desperate efforts to keep her cool.

The girl gasped but tried her best to hold her composure. Though her body trembled, and she took a

step back the girl said in a low tone, “I’ll see you later.”

She turned on her heel and began to run in the opposite direction. Rachel hissed an animalist and

snake–like sound. She was about to run after the girl and have her for a late–night lunch, but she soon

got a terrible migraine that made her stop in her tracks. She leaned against the building, panting for

breath, trying to regain her rattled brain.

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What the hell was going on?

that swirled around her was in agony.

curfew and Rachel needed to get back to her dorm before she innable. She couldn’t be caught out here

right now, but she was in ech pain to move. Her limps were listening to her anymore.

lt like her insides were being electrocuted and the more pain she felt, angrier the darkness that

consumed her felt.

Rachel, she heard a low tone in her head; the voice sounded like her own, but she knew they weren’t

her thoughts.

It hurts…” Rachel said out loud through her teeth.

“I know it does and it’s going to continue hurting unless you do exactly what I say,” the voice said in

return. “Do you understand what I am saying?”

“I’ll do anything…” Rachel cried. “Just make it stop.”

“Where are you right now?” The voice asked, urgently.

“Outside the academic center,” Rachel answered, she was sliding to the ground and pressing her legs

to her chest as tears ran down her narrow features and her body jolted and trembled in agony.

She could visibly see the darkness leaving her body through her features and the feeling was terrible. It

once had a hold around her brain, and she felt the grip loosening; she screamed in pain as it attempted

to dig its claws into the soft section of her brain and hold on for dear life.

“Listen to me, Rachel, the voice ordered. “You need to get back to your dorm and look for a moonstone

bracelet. Do you understand me?”

“A moonstone bracelet?” Rachel asked through gritted teeth and tear–filled eyes. “I don’t have one.”

“Your roommate, Ella, does,” the voice told her. “Find it. The pain will stop once you have it.”

“I don’t know if I can…” Rachel cried.

“You must!” The voice growled furiously.

Rachel pulled herself to her feet; a wave of dizziness hit her, and she feared she’d fall over. She

swallowed the large lump in her throat before making her way across campus, trying to act as normal

as possible. She finally made it back to her dorm where a bunch of others were hanging out in the

dorm lounge. Some girls were watching television and others were playing video games and chuckling

with one another. None

ing much attention to Rachel, extr

wwed the inside of her cheek, wincing as pain coursed through But she made no movement to lunch

over and scream like she She was thankful the girls couldn’t see the darkness leaving ods like Rachel

could see it.

she got back to her dorm, she was pleased to see that Becca was in room and Alex was sleeping on

the couch. His phone rested over his and heavy snores left his nose, making Rachel roll her eyes,

She disliked this guard; she found him arrogant and annoying. She didn’t just feel that way because of

the darkness that consumed her, she felt this way long before that. She snuck into Ella’s bedroom she

kept the light off, just in case. Which was fine because she could see fine in the dark; especially since

she was consumed by this darkness. It heightened her senses and made her more capable; and


She knew this bracelet that the voice spoke of; she saw Ella wearing it all the time. The idea of Ella not

wearing it currently seemed ridiculous, but she had to check anyway.

Ella’s wooden and beautifully engraved jewelry box sat on her dresser across the room. Another wave

of pain coursed through her, making her grip the bed and gasp out in short and quick breaths.

“Did you find it?” The voice asked urgently.

“Not yet…” Rachel said in a horse whisper.

“You are running out of time; hurry!”

Rachel wasn’t sure what would happen once time ran out, but she certainly did not want to find out.

She went toward the jewelry box and opened it. Ella had a bunch of fancy jewelry, many pearls and

gemstones along with many chains of different lengths and colors.

As she rummaged her fingers traced along something that instantly soothed some of the pain she felt

and calmed the darkness down. She sighed in relief as she pulled out the moonstone bracelet, smiling

as the darkness slithered its way through her mind and wrapped around her brain once again.

The agonizing pain eased.

Then, the door of the bedroom swung open, and the light turned on, making Rachel freeze.


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

nor Azul He Liked it

asked as I went into my room.

stood over my jewelry box, the one my mother had given me Fleft for college, and my mother’s jewelry

lay scattered across my

furrowed my brows together, very confused, and extremely tired. What are you doing in here?” I asked,

narrowing my eyes at her.

“I was looking for something,” she said, giving me an innocent smile. “I thought maybe you had it, but I

guess not.”

“Why would I have something of yours?” I asked, looking at her pointedly.

“I’m not saying you stole it. I thought maybe you found it and thought it was yours,” she said, forcing an

awkward laugh. “I didn’t mean to intrude. I did knock first, but you weren’t here.”

She quickly placed my jewelry back into the box before turning to face

1. me.

“I’m really sorry,” she said again.

“Did you check with Becca?” I asked, yawning as I made my way to my bed. I didn’t mind her being in

my room, I was just a little thrown off and I feel a bit invaded. But I was too tired to think about it right


“I will check with her right now,” Rachel said as she made her way out of my room. “I’ll see you


She shut the door behind her without saying another word. I furrowed my brows together as I stared at

the closed door. I had a weird feeling that she wasn’t telling me something, but I just wanted to sleep.

I sat up in bed and stripped off my clothing before grabbing my pajamas. that lay on my dresser. I went

to take off my bracelets and frowned when I realized I had forgotten to put them. I usually wore my

mother’s moonstone bracelet which she told me is good for protection. I shrugged it off; I must have left

it in my jewelry box.

I went toward my bed and lay down. I sighed, feeling my entire body. relaxing and sleep creeping

around the corner.

It didn’t take long for sleep to completely consume me and my mind Irifted off into a peaceful darkened
