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My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

Chapter 246
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Chapter 246 Darkness

Third Person POV

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Word had quickly gotten back to Jazzy that her spell had worked. All witches and those who were

gifted by the moon goddess were powerless at the Higala school for shifters. That pleased her greatly.

It meant that she was a step closer to riding the world of Volana wolves forever. Of course, this wasn’t

something she’d be able to do alone. Not even Alpha Jonathan and his henchmen could help her with

this next step. It takes something incredibly powerful and dark to take out all the Volanas. In order to do

this, she needed summon an old friend. Though, his visits don’t often come without a price. Hence why

she hadn’t summoned him in years, but now that the full red moon was soon arriving, she knew she

couldn’t wait much longer. Douglas, a young warrior in Alpha Jonathan’s pack, appointed to her

protection, stood at her side as she ordered of him. He was no older than 18; a freshly new gamma

warrior, and perfect for what she needed. She could smell his innocence from miles away and that

pleased her very much. The Alpha did say that she could help herself to do whatever she needed, and

this was exactly what she needed. She stood at the window of the room she was given, staring up at

the moonlight and allowing the rays to dance off her bright and radiant features. She closed her eyes

and thought about the day her parents died. She had watched with her own eyes as a Volana wolf bit

into their raw flesh and tore them both to pieces. Their magic wasn’t strong enough to defend

themselves and Jazzy had screamed at the top of her lungs at the sight of her parents meeting their

fatal end. It was her older sister, Hazel, who had covered Jazzy’s eyes from the gruesome scene and

then got her out of there before the Volana wolf turned its attention, and sharp canines, to them. Jazzy

had a mixture of emotions running through her, but the one that stuck with her was anger. Of course, at

the time, she didn’t want to admit such a thing. While others around their village, including her sister,

mourned the death of her beloved parents, Jazzy was stewing in her own anger. Furious that such a

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thing could happen and not a thing was getting done about it. It was during that time, that Jazzy had

wept. The tears that escaped her eyes and soaked over her young features were filled with hatred; they

were filled with anger. They were filled with darkness. It was those memories and that hatred that filled

the tears she cried while staring up at the moonlight. They were tears that were filled with so much

darkness that it was enough to summon the darkest of demons. As she cried and stared the moon

through her window, she hummed the soft tune her mother used to sing to her as a child. A tune that

stuck with her for all of her life; it was the same time that she hummed the night she summoned him for

the first time by accident. “It got cold in here…” the words of that young warrior broke through her

thoughts. He was wrapping his arms around his body and shivering, he stared wide–eyed at Jazzy as

she turned to him. They were in silence for a long while and she admired that he was bold enough to

speak first. “You’re crying.” he said, frowning. There was genuine concern on his face. Men were so

easily manipulated; all it took was a pretty face. “Are you okay?” She walked over to the small black

cauldron she had set up in the center of her room and allowed a few droplets of her tears to fall inside.

She heard it sizzle, though there was no heat applied. She turned to Douglas and gave him a sweet

and yet seductive smile. “Tell me Douglas…” she said, stepping closer to him, swaying her hips and

drawing his eyes to her lovely curves. “Have you ever felt the touch of a woman?” His brows rose at

her question as he scanned her face. “I’m not sure I understand your question, madam,” he said,

annoyingly formal. She gave him another smile while biting onto her plump bottom lip, chewing on it as

she looked him over. He was a tall boy with large muscles and a nice face. But the scent of purity was

evident to her. She placed a hand on his bicep and closed the gap between them. “I mean.” she began,

leaning toward his car so she could whisper into him, allowing her breath to tickle the side of his face.

“Have you ever made love before?” She could see the hairs on his arms standing and his entire body

tensed. Her tongue swept over his earlobe gently and he closed his eyes, leaning into her touch. She

ran her slender fingers up his broad chest through his shirt and gripped his shirt gently. “L.I have not…”

he stammered, his voice dropping to a whisper as if he was afraid, they’d be overheard. A smile tugged

at the corner of her lips, but she stifled it. She ran her fingers up to his neck and rested her palm on his

cheek, making him look at her. His breathing had deepened, as did hers. It was he who had closed the

rest of the space between their lips. He crashed his mouth into hers and kissed her ravenously. He

conquered her mouth and made it his own. His tongue was quick to enter her mouth; he kissed her like

he was thirsty, and she was his water. He wrapped his

strong arms around her curvy waist and pulled her into him; she allowed him to do it. She wanted him

to have a little taste of what he was missing, and she wanted it as well. He was rather good–looking,

and she liked his innocence. Douglas had broken his kiss from her mouth and ran his lips and tongue

down the

nape of her neck, she even let out a small moan to show him that she enjoyed that very much. His

strong hands had searched her body, desperate to get her clothing off. It was her that had unbuttoned

her blouse. to give him a better view of her breasts; the lust that appeared in his eyes, when he looked

at her, was enough for her to crave him. She placed her hands on the back of his head and pushed him

into her chest so he could be buried in her breasts. He kissed and nibbled on her exposed nipples

making her throw her head back in pure satisfaction. She ran his fingers through his hair as he kissed

up her chest and went back to kissing her lips. She deepened the kiss, allowing her tongue to explore

his mouth curiously while running her fingers up his bare chest under his shirt. She pressed her palm to

his heart and felt it beating under her touch. It was a rhythmic heartbeat; like it was pumping to the beat

of a song. She enjoyed the feeling of it, she enjoyed it a lot. Her fingers had curved as she continued to

kiss him; he was completely hooked to her like she was some sort of drug. A smile tugged at her lips at

the very thought of it. Just as her fingers had punctured through the flesh of his chest, she heard him

gasping with her kiss. But she didn’t stop kissing him, nor did he stop kissing her. She felt the warm

pool of blood, dripping down her forearm and soaking to the ground around their feet. He gasped again

as pain seared him and her fingers dug deeper into him. His shirt was completely red and soaked with

his blood. His entire body stilled as she pulled her lips away from his and stared up at his terrified and

hollow eyes. He was completely frozen, unable to move a single muscle. Her fingers dug even deeper,

eager to get to their destination. He only let out a squeak of pain, but nothing more. Soon, her hand

was wrapping around that beating musical heart that she’d come to love so much. It continued to beat

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in her grip. His entire body began to tremble violently as horror and realization of what was happening

surfaced in his mind. He didn’t have much longer to think though, because soon she was ripping her

hand out of his chest. He stared down at her hand, only a couple of seconds of life left in him. The last

thing he saw before meeting his fatal end, was the rest his beating heart, still beating, and out separate

from his body. He first fell to his knees, covering of his body in blood, and then he fell face–first to the

ground. Dying. A smile gleamed on her lips as she turned to the cauldron; she could already see the

darkness luring around it, eager to be set free. She smiled at it; welcoming it back to the land of the

living. She had missed it and longed to see it again. Jazzy watched as this darkness slithered out of the

cauldron, taking the form of the familiar snake that had come to her days after her parent’s death. It

had golden eyes and venomous fangs, poisonous to the touch. It looked at her with recognition in its

eyes. She wasn’t afraid of it; she would never be afraid of it. She rose the still beating heart in the air

and the snake rose its head to it. “I feed you the heart of purity, just how

you like it,” she spoke to the snake who hissed in pleasure at her words. “I will feed you even more to

keep you with me for as long as it takes to rid this world of Volana wolves. A dream we’ve had for a

long time that can now come to reality. We finally have the girl, the strongest Volana to ever exist, in

our grasp. With her, we can finally complete our plan. Feed, my love.” She squeezed the heart until

blood poured from it, the snake snapped its teeth at the heart and then hissed as it opened its mouth

wide, taking in every drop of blood offered. Then, Jazzy dropped to the still heart to the ground and

watched as the snake devoured it whole. Soon, the snake was bowing its head at her. Darkness

returned to it, covering it and hiding the snake from her viewing. She took a steady step away from it

and watched as the darkness only grew to cover what was being born within. She waited with

anticipation and a pounding heart until the darkness began to fade away and, in its place, stood a tall,

broad, and naked gentleman. He was devilishly handsome with long, sleek, black hair and golden eyes

that poured into her. The familiarity of his appearance spoke to her in a way that no other could and

she could no longer contain herself. “Zagreus,” she spoke his name in a choked whisper as she ran

and threw herself into his tight embrace: “Oh, how I’ve missed you, my love