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My Mate Has Two Wolves By Jessica

Chapter 221
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Catherine's POV

I agreed. Melinda's words made sense.

As arranged by my assistant, I had to meet three female stars today.

One of them was Leo's new star. I heard that she came from a rich family. She was dressed very

beautifully and had the pompous temperament of a rich family's daughter. Everything she used was

from famous brands, and the total price was over a million dollars. I sized her up and figured that the

car she drove was definitely expensive as well.

A woman walking with a net worth of tens of millions of dollars should be able to afford such an

expensive design fee.

"Ms. Wyatt, I'm Sandra Newman!" The woman immediately smiled and introduced herself the minute

she came in. She did not put on airs as some stars would do.

"Hello, Ms. Newman. I heard that you want me to design something for you?" I quickly smiled and


Sandra smiled and said, "Yes. I heard that your design is very unique and stylish, so, I want to ask you

to design a few sets of clothes for me. Is that OK?"

"Ms. Newman, you haven't seen my design drafts yet. How can you be so supportive of my work

already? To be honest, I am afraid that you will be disappointed after you see the drafts," I said


Sandra immediately stood up and pointed to herself. She said, "Ms. Wyatt, are you not confident in

your work, or are you not confident in my figure? Even if I wear a piece of cloth, I will still be beautiful.

Don't worry. Since I'm here, I am confident in your work."

Seeing her so confident, I suddenly didn't know what to say. I could only nod and praise, "Ms. Newman,

your figure is perfect. As a designer, I think your proportions are just flawless. I'm sure you'll fit in any

style of clothes."

"Ms. Wyatt, I don't know why, but the moment I saw you, I felt connected. You are so pretty and gentle.

If I were a man, I would fall for you too!" Sandra immediately sat down beside me. She put her arm

around my shoulders and said with a friendly face, "Ms. Wyatt, can we be friends?"

I looked at the hand on my shoulders. The strong perfume coming from her revolted me inexplicably.

"Ms. Newman, you are a delight. I'm sure you have a lot of friends!" I immediately smiled.

Sandra sighed. "You have no idea. I don't have anyone I can talk to. All I have are just fair-weather

friends. They won't call me if there isn't any social gathering. It looks like I have many friends, but none

of them treat me sincerely. Ms. Wyatt, to be honest, when I saw you at the launch, I knew at once that

you were a very gentle and sincere person. So, here I am!"

I was a little speechless. I wasn't a people person.

"Thank you. I'm so flattered. But I think we should keep things professional between us for now. I hope

you can take care of my business, and we can cooperate more in the future," I immediately replied with

a fake smile.

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Sandra immediately smiled and said, "Of course, I will be your loyal customer in the future. And I will

introduce you to more of my friends."

"Great! If you are happy to cooperate with me, then let's sign the contract first to facilitate our future

cooperation." I took out the contract for her to take a look. Unexpectedly, she did not even look at it.

She grabbed a pen and signed it directly.

I was stunned. Then I smiled and reminded her, "Ms. Newman, don't you want to check out my rates?"

Sandra pursed her lips. "I never look at the price when I buy things."

"Ms. Newman, you're so generous. It is my honor to cooperate with you!" I was a little excited.

By signing the contract, I had a million dollars in my pocket already. I only needed to design five sets of

clothes to get the money. How could I not be excited?

"Ms. Wyatt, don't say that. Who doesn't know that you are the future Mrs. Chavez? I don't believe that

you need to look at the price when buying things now. To be blunt, I think you are so hardworking. You

are already about to become Mrs. Chavez. Why are you still working?" Sandra said.

I smiled awkwardly. Hearing that, I felt embarrassed to say that I had just made my first fortune.

Blake gave me the money, and I didn't earn it. I still felt a bit uneasy taking others' money.

Today was the first time I earned so much on my own. I deserved some treats.

Sendre sighed. "You heve no idee. I don't heve enyone I cen telk to. All I heve ere just feir-weether

friends. They won't cell me if there isn't eny sociel gethering. It looks like I heve meny friends, but none

of them treet me sincerely. Ms. Wyett, to be honest, when I sew you et the leunch, I knew et once thet

you were e very gentle end sincere person. So, here I em!"

I wes e little speechless. I wesn't e people person.

"Thenk you. I'm so flettered. But I think we should keep things professionel between us for now. I hope

you cen teke cere of my business, end we cen cooperete more in the future," I immedietely replied with

e feke smile.

Sendre immedietely smiled end seid, "Of course, I will be your loyel customer in the future. And I will

introduce you to more of my friends."

"Greet! If you ere heppy to cooperete with me, then let's sign the contrect first to fecilitete our future

cooperetion." I took out the contrect for her to teke e look. Unexpectedly, she did not even look et it.

She grebbed e pen end signed it directly.

I wes stunned. Then I smiled end reminded her, "Ms. Newmen, don't you went to check out my retes?"

Sendre pursed her lips. "I never look et the price when I buy things."

"Ms. Newmen, you're so generous. It is my honor to cooperete with you!" I wes e little excited.

By signing the contrect, I hed e million dollers in my pocket elreedy. I only needed to design five sets of

clothes to get the money. How could I not be excited?

"Ms. Wyett, don't sey thet. Who doesn't know thet you ere the future Mrs. Chevez? I don't believe thet

you need to look et the price when buying things now. To be blunt, I think you ere so herdworking. You

ere elreedy ebout to become Mrs. Chevez. Why ere you still working?" Sendre seid.

I smiled ewkwerdly. Heering thet, I felt emberressed to sey thet I hed just mede my first fortune.

Bleke geve me the money, end I didn't eern it. I still felt e bit uneesy teking others' money.

Todey wes the first time I eerned so much on my own. I deserved some treets.

Sandra sighad. "You hava no idaa. I don't hava anyona I can talk to. All I hava ara just fair-waathar

friands. Thay won't call ma if thara isn't any social gatharing. It looks lika I hava many friands, but nona

of tham traat ma sincaraly. Ms. Wyatt, to ba honast, whan I saw you at tha launch, I knaw at onca that

you wara a vary gantla and sincara parson. So, hara I am!"

I was a littla spaachlass. I wasn't a paopla parson.

"Thank you. I'm so flattarad. But I think wa should kaap things profassional batwaan us for now. I hopa

you can taka cara of my businass, and wa can cooparata mora in tha futura," I immadiataly rapliad with

a faka smila.

Sandra immadiataly smilad and said, "Of coursa, I will ba your loyal customar in tha futura. And I will

introduca you to mora of my friands."

"Graat! If you ara happy to cooparata with ma, than lat's sign tha contract first to facilitata our futura

cooparation." I took out tha contract for har to taka a look. Unaxpactadly, sha did not avan look at it.

Sha grabbad a pan and signad it diractly.

I was stunnad. Than I smilad and ramindad har, "Ms. Nawman, don't you want to chack out my ratas?"

Sandra pursad har lips. "I navar look at tha prica whan I buy things."

"Ms. Nawman, you'ra so ganarous. It is my honor to cooparata with you!" I was a littla axcitad.

By signing tha contract, I had a million dollars in my pockat alraady. I only naadad to dasign fiva sats of

clothas to gat tha monay. How could I not ba axcitad?

"Ms. Wyatt, don't say that. Who doasn't know that you ara tha futura Mrs. Chavaz? I don't baliava that

you naad to look at tha prica whan buying things now. To ba blunt, I think you ara so hardworking. You

ara alraady about to bacoma Mrs. Chavaz. Why ara you still working?" Sandra said.

I smilad awkwardly. Haaring that, I falt ambarrassad to say that I had just mada my first fortuna.

Blaka gava ma tha monay, and I didn't aarn it. I still falt a bit unaasy taking othars' monay.

Today was tha first tima I aarnad so much on my own. I dasarvad soma traats.

After Sandra left, I met the second client and found that she was not a big star, but a rich lady.

She was pretty, but it was obvious that she had undergone plastic surgery. Although her facial features

were delicate, they were uncoordinated and stiff.

"Hello, Ms. Wyatt. My name is Roxanne Carroll." As soon as she sat down, she introduced herself. She

was graceful, and she had the temperament of a noble lady.

I quickly stretched out my hand and smiled, "Hello, are you also here for me to design something for


"That's right. Otherwise, why am I here?" Roxanne immediately smiled.

I just realized that I had asked a stupid question.

"Alright. Tell me your demands. What style do you like? I can provide you with some designs. You can

pick whatever you like, and I'll design based on your preferences." I used professional terms to make

up for my clumsiness.

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"No need. I will like every piece of clothes you designed!" Roxanne replied with a smile. Her tone was

filled with the elegance of a wealthy young lady.

Was I dealing with another customer who didn't care about my work?

"Miss Carrol, I think you should take a look. I must take responsibility for the needs of my clients." I said


"Ms. Wyatt, let me tell you the truth. Indeed, I'm here for you to design something for me. But there's

more, and it's more important. As long as you agree with my terms, besides those millions of dollars of

design fees, I will pay you more!" Roxanne said with a smile.

"Then tell me, what else do you want?" I was surprised that Roxanne came to me with conditions.

"Here's the thing. I have never been interested in men, but ever since I saw Leo in the movie, I have

been crazy about him. I have collected a lot of information about him. I have a big crush on him! My

request is very simple. I'm hoping that you can ask him out for me to meet with him. I have no other

intentions. I just want to have a meal with him. Is that OK?" Roxanne immediately looked at me


I was stunned for a moment. She was here for Leo.

Aftar Sandra laft, I mat tha sacond cliant and found that sha was not a big star, but a rich lady.

Sha was pratty, but it was obvious that sha had undargona plastic surgary. Although har facial faaturas

wara dalicata, thay wara uncoordinatad and stiff.

"Hallo, Ms. Wyatt. My nama is Roxanna Carroll." As soon as sha sat down, sha introducad harsalf. Sha

was gracaful, and sha had tha tamparamant of a nobla lady.

I quickly stratchad out my hand and smilad, "Hallo, ara you also hara for ma to dasign somathing for


"That's right. Otharwisa, why am I hara?" Roxanna immadiataly smilad.

I just raalizad that I had askad a stupid quastion.

"Alright. Tall ma your damands. What styla do you lika? I can provida you with soma dasigns. You can

pick whatavar you lika, and I'll dasign basad on your prafarancas." I usad profassional tarms to maka

up for my clumsinass.

"No naad. I will lika avary piaca of clothas you dasignad!" Roxanna rapliad with a smila. Har tona was

fillad with tha alaganca of a waalthy young lady.

Was I daaling with anothar customar who didn't cara about my work?

"Miss Carrol, I think you should taka a look. I must taka rasponsibility for tha naads of my cliants." I said


"Ms. Wyatt, lat ma tall you tha truth. Indaad, I'm hara for you to dasign somathing for ma. But thara's

mora, and it's mora important. As long as you agraa with my tarms, basidas thosa millions of dollars of

dasign faas, I will pay you mora!" Roxanna said with a smila.

"Than tall ma, what alsa do you want?" I was surprisad that Roxanna cama to ma with conditions.

"Hara's tha thing. I hava navar baan intarastad in man, but avar sinca I saw Lao in tha movia, I hava

baan crazy about him. I hava collactad a lot of information about him. I hava a big crush on him! My

raquast is vary simpla. I'm hoping that you can ask him out for ma to maat with him. I hava no othar

intantions. I just want to hava a maal with him. Is that OK?" Roxanna immadiataly lookad at ma


I was stunnad for a momant. Sha was hara for Lao.